Hiding Little Cg! Wilbur Flip! Tubbo, Tommy Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Tommy and Tubbo are little and playing while Wilbur isn't home. Ranboo pushes back his regression (which the others don't even know about) Until they start to making fun of Ranboo and he begins to regress



Cg! Wilbur

Flip! Tubbo

Flip! Tommy

Little! Ranboo



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Tubbo: Tub

Tommy: Toms

Ranboo: Boo, Baby


Relationship: Brothers your honor o7


Tw: Forcing back Regression

Prompt/Message: I have a request if they are open! L!Ranboo, Flip!Tubbo & Tommy, and CG!Wilbur, where Ranboo forces himself to be big, and the others don't know, so one day when Will is out and Ranboo's with the littles, they start calling him a baby (affectionate). Ranboo gets upset, as Will comes home. Tommy and Tubbo become big as Ranboo leaves, and turns out he was hiding being a little. The other three take care of him and get him little gear as he doesn't have any. Sorry for it being longwinded, but thank you if you do it! 

Note for everyone: I am sorry I haven't been posting a lot of this book, but I appreciate your patience

Also this is for Vampy who has begged for baby boo 


Ranboo sat on the couch, scrolling through Twitter on his phone. Tubbo and Tommy were on the ground, playing with toys.

They were both regressed at the moment, and Ranboo was technically keeping an eye on them until Wilbur arrived. While he wasn't their caregiver he could make sure that they had juice and turn on cartoons for them. 

Ranboo for a moment looked up past his phone at the boys on the floor. Part of him felt sad, because he wanted to be able to join them but no one else knew of his regression. 

Plenty of their friends knew about Tommy and Tubbo's regression. Techno, Wilbur, and Phil were all their caregivers, while Ranboo didn't have one. He knew there would be no issue in telling his friends, it would be hypocritical if there was. But he was just scared to, no matter how much he knew his friends would love and support him. 

So he swallowed back the part of him that felt sad, and went back to staring at his phone. He wasn't really taking in what was on his phone anymore, just staring blankly at the screen as he told himself he couldn't regress. He made a deal with himself that once Wilbur was back, he would excuse himself to his room and he would regress by himself. 

"Boo?" Tubbo said, interrupting Ranboo's thoughts. Ranboo looked up at him. "What doin?" Tubbo asked, his words not fully coming out right since he had a pacifier in his mouth. Tubbo had said he was feeling around two this morning after Wilbur had gone out for groceries (they were all staying at Wilbur's place for a bit of time) 

Tommy, who said he was feeling around the age of five, also looked up at Ranboo. Ranboo didn't fully process what Tubbo had said for a moment, he was still trying to push back the fuzziness in his brain. 

"Boo being silly." Tommy answered for him and Ranboo blinked a few times, trying yet again to process what was being said. 

"Wha?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo giggled. 

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