Little Piglet Cg! Phil Little! Techno 1/1

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Summery: Phil goes to visit a certain Techno, maybe to convince him to go to the nether. Techno declines but invites Phil in, despite being between headspaces. Now he's trying to pretend like nothing is wrong.



Cg! Phil

Little! Techno



Phil: Dad, Dada

Techno: Tech, Little Piglet


Relationship: Father and son


Tw: None?

Note: Requested by @kokichialldaway hope you enjoy! Also thank you for 6k!!! Sorry this took a hot minute!


Techno was in his house, awake and full of energy. He had spent a lot of time big, farming, cooking, cleaning, just all the things he would normally do while big. But now he was allowing himself to be little, he made sure he had no plans, had nothing to do, and that he had plenty of stuff.

He premade snacks, such as apple slices with peanut butter, got sippy cups with juice and two bottles with Angel milk that all it needed was to be heated up. He didn't want little him to make a mess so he got prepared before he went little.

So now he was on the couch, blanket around his shoulders, stuffed animal in his lap (a little sheep he named friend), and a pacifier in his lips. He had turned on cartoons and was trying to slip into little space. He for some reason couldn't find himself slipping however, making it a bit frustrating.

Phil was walking to Techno's house. He hadn't seen his son in a little bit, and wanting to go to the nether made it easy to kill two birds with one stone. He knew that the pig-hybrid son loved the nether, it being his second home so to say.

So Phil was walking towards Techno's house. He was careful to make sure he closed the gate after he walked through it, as to not let out Steve, and he continued to walk up to the front door. He knocked softly and waited for Techno to come answer.

Techno, who was on the couch panicked when he heard the door being knocked on. No one was supposed to be coming around, he purposely didn't make plans with anyone just so he could have this time to go little. Who was stopping by?

He quickly stuffed the pacifier between the pillows on the couch, hiding the stuffie under the blanket. He hoped whoever it was wasn't going to be spending too much time in his house but he didn't want to risk it. He straightened his look and walked over to the front door.

Seeing his dad standing there instead of someone like Quackity or Dream made him relax a bit, but since he has never told his father about his regression he was still on edge. Phil knew what regression was, Tubbo was known to regress on the server and everyone was accepting of that.

Ranboo made sure that those who weren't changed their minds very quickly.

Techno sighed softly, happy that he hadn't fully slipped but unhappy about it at the same time. It helped him not reveal this 'little' secret to his father but also it left him with an uncomfortable fuzziness. Something he had dealt with many times before but this time was probably the worst time he ever dealt with it.

"Hey Tech! How are you doing mate?" Phil greets, not thinking that anything was wrong with his son in any sort of way. Techno nodded, taking a bit longer to process the question. Damn this fuzziness.

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