Where'd ya go? Cg! Ranboo Little! Tubbo 1/?

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Summery: Tubbo feels upset, he was supposed to see a friend from childhood but they bailed, making Tubbo stress out then feel really sad. After not answering to anyone for a few days, Ranboo spam calls him.



Cg! Ranboo

Little! Tubbo



Ranboo: Boo

Tubbo: Tubs

(I also use a lot of the same nicknames over and over again hope yall don't mind)



This purely platonic, no shipping minors here


Tw: Feeling sad, not taking care of themselves, depression, "prank" ending in hurt feelings

Note: Little sad chapter here but will end well I promise! Also this book is so close to 1k readers and I can't be more thankful!


Tubbo wouldn't say his mental health was all too bad. Most days it was decent, little stressed and anxious here and there but nothing he couldn't manage with breaks or self care. But at one point it really did feel like it was bad.

Tubbo had this friend from his childhood, a kid he went to grade school with. They used to be best friends but stopped once they hit grade 7. Tubbo hadn't thought of him too much until he got a message one day, and when he read it he felt happy.

Hey Tubbo, it's Connor from grade school. I saw a video the other day pop up on my YouTube, and I realized you were in it! I barely recognized you. Would you want to catch up soon

Tubbo felt happy! He really missed his childhood best friend! So Tubbo sent a message of agreement and they planned to meet up at the shopping center a little whiles away. The day of Tubbo was so excited, he was over the moon when his mom dropped him off with the promise to pick him up at a later time. Tubbo walked to the agreed meeting spot and waited. He texted Connor while he did.

I'm here! Super excited to see you

But he didn't receive an answer. He didn't worry too much at first but when he was few minutes late he worried a tiny bit.

Waiting at the spot

And again he didn't receive an answer. When a few minutes turned into 30 he began to grow really anxious, what if he got hurt somewhere? What if something happened and Tubbo didn't know? He got a message on his phone that replaced the fear of him being hurt with something else

Did you really think I wanted to see you? God famous people think it's all about them. It was a prank, I don't actually care about you

The feeling was replaced with sadness. He had been so excited, excited to see a friend in real life, and not through a computer screen. He did have Tommy, Wilbur, Jack and George and others who weren't too far away but he really wanted a friend near by. He missed his childhood friend as well.

Tubbo just pocketed his phone and walked around to try and distract himself. He saw a toy shop and got himself a new teddy bear to try and cheer himself up but it didn't work. When his mother picked him back up hours later Tubbo had to hold back tears as he got into the car.

"How was Connor?" She asked brightly. Tubbo looked at her and nodded, thinking he can either tell the truth or lie.

"He was good, it was nice seeing him." Lie. It was easier than explaining the truth, easier than letting his emotions out. By the time he got back home he couldn't escape to his room since it was time for dinner.

"So just a reminder to you both, we're out of town these next two weeks. Lani is going to her friends and Toby you'll be here alone. You can have one of your friends over, just text us before you do so we know. We are trusting you both a lot here." Tubbo's dad reminded him and Tubbo nodded, picking around his food.

When he was finally in his room Tubbo couldn't help but finally break down. He hated being lied to and hated that it was a 'prank'. Tubbo never acted like he deserved things because he was famous so why did Connor act like he did? He sat on his bed and began to cry, Tubbo couldn't tell if this was just built up from things and this was the last straw? Or was this his little side coming out and being upset?

His solution was to not find out that answer and he just fell asleep. Waking up the next morning only to say goodbye to his parents and Lani. Then he crawled right back in bed to go back to sleep.

While his mental health was usually good, this little stunt made him feel extremely depressed and upset. He didn't understand why he was so upset but he just was. He spent the first three days alone in the house not doing much. He wouldn't answer any texts or calls from others, he would eat ramen and watch Netflix in his bed. That or he would sleep. He pushed away regression and replaced it with sadness.

It began to worry his friends only after the second day. Tommy talked to many trying to figure out if they had heard from Tubbo at all and when no one else had it also began to worry Ranboo and others. They each tried to reach out to Tubbo since it was unlike him to just disappear without talking to anyone.

Eventually Ranboo took it into his own hands, texting and calling Tubbo almost nonstop. He would have to answer eventually right? Well not quite. Ranboo then reached out to Lani about his concerns and she took a break from being at her friends and returned to the house. She found her brother asleep in his bed at 3 in the afternoon.

"Toby, get up and talk to Ranboo, he's worried." Lani tells him, making sure he heard her before leaving again. Tubbo, who woke up feeling really small, reached out for his phone on his nightstand before calling Ranboo, still tucked under the covers. Ranboo saw the call and answered.

"Tubbo!" Ranboo smiled and looked at Tubbo. He was under the covers and holding a teddy bear, nothing too odd right? "Are you alright?"

"Sleeps." Tubbo mumbled and Ranboo felt a bit worried at the slight slur and the high pitched tone in his voice. That and the mispronunciation was worrying. When Tubbo got sleepy he would speak in a deeper tone not a higher one.

"Where have you been these past few days, we're all worried." Ranboo tells him but Tubbo doesn't seem to care. "Are you alright?"

"I say sleeps!" Tubbo whines and that takes Ranboo aback. What was happening. "I sad and now I sleeps!" Tubbo continues whining.

"You were sad and now you're sleeping?" Ranboo asks, trying to clarify what he said. Tubbo nods. "What was making you sad Tubs?"

"Long sorty." Tubbo mumbles and Ranboo tries to think, why was he acting young. Then it hit him, he understood some of the Ranboo community did a thing called age regression, did Tubbo do the same? Ranboo knew if he did then Tubbo should be treated like a child so he went out on a limb.

"Tubs, how old are you?" Ranboo asked, trying not to be completely wrong. Tubbo thought for a moment, his heart beating fast before sticking up two fingers. "Aww alright! Here you said you were tired so can you take a nap for me then we can talk?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo whined.

"Wanna talk now." And Ranboo smiled.

"We'll talk when you wake up I promise. How about we stay on call while you nap so I can make sure no monsters get you." Ranboo tells him and Tubbo nods, smiling. Ranboo watches as Tubbo pulls out a pacifier from under his pillow and pops it in his mouth. Tubbo then fixes his phone so Ranboo could see him fully, turned off his lights and laid down. Ranboo went on mute when he saw Tubbo was fully asleep.

Ranboo spent the time Tubbo was napping doing research into little space, figuring out what it meant and how he could help Tubbo with it. He also texted others including Tommy, explaining that Tubbo had gotten really sad about something and just didn't talk to anyone. Tommy wanted to call Tubbo right then and there but Ranboo told him he was sleeping and they could talk later.

When Tubbo woke up, he woke up big and had to have an interesting conversation with Ranboo. During which Ranboo was nothing but kind and supportive, even offering to be Tubbo's caregiver as long as Tubbo helped him out along the way, wanting to be nothing but good for his friend. Tubbo agreed and fell back into little space and introducing Ranboo to all his stuffed animals.

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