Be good okay? Cg! Sbi Little! Tommy 1/2

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Summery: Tommy is left home alone, so he goes little. That's great until he gets a call and decides to answer



Cg! Phil

Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Techno

Little! Tommy



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wilby

Techno: Techie

Tommy: Toms, Bubs, Bud


Relationship: Family, obviously


Tw: falling and crying

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain

Note for ao3: Hello

Note for wattpad: Hey there

Note for everyone: This book isn't dead- but also look at my other books


Tommy sat on his desk chair, listening to what his mother was saying. Well, half listening. He truly was thinking of the sippy cups, pacifier and onesies that were hiding under his bed right now. He really wanted to go little and they were calling his name.

"So we'll be back Tuesday night, alright Tom?" She finished and he nodded like he was paying attention this whole time. "We love you, please don't burn the house down." She smiles.

"I'm not that bad of cook mom, but I love you too." Tommy smiles and she gives him a kiss on the forehead before she ruffled his hair and left. Tommy waited until he heard the front door close, car doors slam and the car pull out of the driveway before he jumped up in excitement.

His parents were going to be gone for nearly a whole week, leaving Tommy alone. He was going to regress and have so much fun. He even had told everyone that he was going to take a week off, just some time for himself.

Of course everyone was happy he was taking time for himself, some people thinking that maybe something deeper was going on, but regardless all around supportive.

Tommy jumped out of his chair and down to his floor, reaching under the bed for the tote. He slid it out, grabbing little gear. Soon he was in a onesie, had a sippy cup full of his favorite juice (Mango, sue him) and was grabbing his stuffed cow to watch a movie.

He sat on the floor, the movie playing on the tv in his room. He had spread out a blanket, got some toys out as well, and was now on his belly. He was some what watching the show, some what playing with toys. He was just oblivious and happy.

Soon that led to boredom and he almost grabbed his phone to call someone, but realized his face id wasn't working and buttons seemed too hard right now.

Instead he grabbed some crayons and paper, beginning to draw pictures. He drew one for Wilbur, one for Tubbo, one for Techno, one for Kristen and Phil, even one for Ranboo! He was so good at coloring.

His phone began to ring and Tommy looked at it, he felt like he couldn't read the screen but knew it was probably important. So he clicked the green button.

"Hey Tommy!" It was Phil! Tommy was so happy that Phil was calling him! He loved Phil!

"Hiiiiiii!" Tommy cheered and he heard Phil laugh.

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