UP! UP! Cg! Ranboo Little! Tubbo 1/1

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Summery: Tubbo is finally back from Florida where he was working on TubNet, expect now he's stressed and tired. Ranboo tries to cheer him up and this is when he finds out that little Tubbo loves to be carried. 



Cg! Ranboo

Little! Tubbo



Ranboo: Boo

Tubbo: Bo, Little Guy


Relationship: Friends ofc


Tw: Just general stress

Prompt/Message: (Mint39026 on AO3) Hey I absolutely love your story's and I guess I'm leaving a request feel free to change anything you want about this request thank you for your time <3

Cg: ranboo

Little: tubbo (1-3 yr)

Prompt: tubbo gets super stressed from Tubnet streaming and just a lot going on and regresses ranboo takes care of him and tubbo finds out he loves to be carried and being up high since ranboo is so tall lots of fluff thank you again

Note for everyone: I am tired so I'm projecting onto Tubbo here /lh Give me more prompts


Tubbo rubbed his eyes as the uber began to pull up to his house. He gave his thanks, climbed out of the car and grabbed his suitcase. He walked up to the extension and opened up the door, only to smell stir fry in the air. 

He walked into his kitchen to see Ranboo there, cooking at the stove top. 

"Boo?" Tubbo asked confused, to which Ranboo turned around, smiling at him. 

"Hey Tubbo! Your mom said you'd be back soon so she said I could come in here and start making some food for you!" Ranboo said as he turned back around to cook the food some more. Tubbo walked over to Ranboo's side and stared down at the food, it looked and smelled really good. 

"Thanks Boo, but how come?" Tubbo asked and Ranboo glanced at him. 

"I know Florida with TubNet was stressful, and I know you spent a lot of the time on and off streams as well. I felt like you could use a break after a long trip like that." Ranboo said truthfully and Tubbo gave the best smile that he could. 

"Thanks man, it was more stressful then I hoped." Tubbo said softly and Ranboo nodded. 

"Go sit down for a bit, it's not quite done yet." Ranboo instructed, to which Tubbo listened. He was too tired to keep standing around anyway. He sat down at one of the bar stools and watched Ranboo continue to cook. As much shit as Tubbo gave him, Ranboo was a half decent cook. "How was the trip other than stressful?" Ranboo asked. 

"Tiring." Tubbo yawned. "But it was good, we got a lot of the stuff we needed to get done, done. We also found a couple of testers for the soft start up we have so far, so that's good. It was productive." He said as he put his head down on the counter. 

"Well that's good. Not much happened when you were gone other than Billzo nearly setting fire to my house." Ranboo joked, and Tubbo hummed softly. "You sure you're good Bo?" 

"Yeah, just tired. I'm ready for food and then bed." Tubbo explained. Ranboo nodded and turned off the stove. 

"Well food is almost done. If you want, you could go little if it would help you." Ranboo offered but Tubbo shook his head. "When was the last time you went little?" And the silence was all that Ranboo needed to know. "Okay, you're gonna have some little time tonight then." 

"Noooooo." Tubbo whined, already slipping into little space. He didn't know why he was being stubborn, maybe because he didn't want to be an issue to Ranboo. 

"Too late Bo. Now let's have some dinner." Ranboo smiled as he put a plate down in front of Tubbo. It was one of the kiddy plates that Tubbo owned that divided the food into sections. One section was the stir fry, another was some cut up strawberries, and in another a handful of goldfish. Tubbo glared at Ranboo out of the corner of his eye but used the little plastic that came with it before he began to feed himself. 

About half way through Tubbo's motor skills dropped and Ranboo had to feed him the rest of his stir fry but it was alright. He used his hands for the strawberries and goldfish before he was full. 

"Okay little guy, let's wash your sticky hands." Ranboo smiled as he picked up Tubbo and brought him over to the corner, sitting him down next to the sink. He helped Tubbo wash and dry his hands before looking him in the eyes. "How old are you feeling?" 

"Two." Tubbo said softly and Ranboo nodded. The younger Tubbo felt, the less he spoke, so he didn't force Tubbo to speak more. 

"Alright, let's go get you into some pjs then we can get you something to drink and we can watch a movie before bed okay?" Ranboo offered and Tubbo nodded instantly, smiling brightly. Ranboo smiled and helped him hop off the counter and held his hand as Tubbo led the way to his loft room. 

After Tubbo picked out some footy pjs and had Ranboo turn around so he could change Tubbo grabbed one of his favorite stuffed animals, a sheep he named "Sheeply" Ranboo helped him grab a pacifier with matching clip, and clipped it onto his pjs. They walked back down to the kitchen where Ranboo opened the cabinet to pick out a cup. 

"Do you see a cup you want Bo?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo made grabby hands, which did not help Ranboo at all understand what he wanted. He didn't want to force Tubbo to use his words though, so instead he picked up Tubbo off the ground and let him grab it from the cabinet. Tubbo grabbed a space themed half sippy cup, half bottle. "Oh okay Bo." Ranboo smiled as he went to put Tubbo down, but Tubbo whined. "What?" 

"No down!" Tubbo whined more and Ranboo looked at him confused for a moment, so Tubbo held onto Ranboo's shirt tightly with one fist. "No down." He repeated. 

"Oh, you don't want me to put you down?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo nodded. "Awww, does little Tubbo like to be carried." Ranboo teased lightly. Tubbo just made a noise of embarrassment and hid his face in Ranboo's shirt. "It's okay Bo, just teasing you. I'll carry you if you want." 

"Want." Tubbo repeated back and Ranboo nodded. He held onto Tubbo, adjusting him slightly so he could make the bottle one handed. This made Tubbo whine as he thought he was being put down. 

"Not letting go Bo, just making sure I can still make you a drink." Ranboo soothed lightly. Tubbo nodded and rested his head on Ranboo's shoulder. Tubbo liked being up high, and he liked being close with his caregiver. 

After the bottle was made and Ranboo passed it over to Tubbo he went into the living room and turned on the tv. He was about to sit down when Tubbo started whining again. 

"What Bo?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo took the bottle out of his mouth. 

"No sit, 'tand." Tubbo said before putting the bottle back in his mouth. Ranboo sighed but wordlessly agreed. He paced around the living room as they watched the tv and Tubbo drank his bottle. Ranboo held him as he finished it and replaced it with his pacifier. He continued to hold Tubbo until Tubbo was entirely asleep, but even then he didn't dare put Tubbo down just yet. He spent a great deal of the rest of the evening with a sleeping Tubbo at his side as he helped Tubbo around the house. 

He started Tubbo's laundry from his trip, loaded his dishwasher and took the trash out, all one handed with a sleeping Tubbo at his side. He eventually laid Tubbo down and climbed in bed with him, only for Tubbo to lean over and attach himself to Ranboo's arm again.  

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