Lazy (busy) Sunday 1/1 Little! Techno Cg! Phil

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Summery: It's a lazy Sunday, so Techno regresses and Phil is happy to take care of him



Little! Techno

Cg! Phil



Techno: Tech, Buddy, Piglet

Phil: Dada


Relationship: Father and son ofc


Tw: None?

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain

Note for everyone: I started this in December- this is really short because I lost the idea that I had for it.


Techno woke up slowly, blinking his eyes open. He yawned as he sat up in his bed. The sun was peaking through the curtains and he rubbed his eyes slowly.

His brain felt fuzzy and he felt heavy, the tell tale signs of his regression. He tried to think for a moment, tried to think about things such as what day it was, or what he had to get done, but his brain was so slow in this moment.

It was always slower when he was small, and usually he didn't mind but he wanted to truly think in this moment.

He finally figured out it was Sunday, he had to feed the dogs and Steve. But then he would be able to relax for the rest of the day. That shouldn't be too hard to do today right? That usually wasn't bad.

As he sat and thought about everything he began to smell food, specifically eggs and toast. He took a deep breath and knew Phil was probably making breakfast. Phil liked to make breakfast most mornings.

So he pealed back the blankets and swung his legs over the side. He stood up, wobbled for a moment, and then stabled himself. He looked back at his bed and grabbed his small bear plush, just something for comfort.

He carefully made his way out of his room and down the hall. He shuffled to the kitchen and stood in the doorway where Phil stood with his back turned to Techno. Techno stood there for a moment before knocking on the door frame, still holding the bear in his other hand.

"Ah good morning mate!" Phil smiled as he turned around. Phil took one look up and down and laughed slightly. "I'm assuming you're little?" Phil questioned.

Techno blushed and nodded softly. No matter what he couldn't hide his regression from his dada and he always seemed to know. Clutching the plush also probably helped him figure it out.

"Well that's alright, how old are you feeling piglet?" Phil questioned and Techno shrugged looking down at his feet. He just knew he was small, why did it matter how small? "Don't know? Okay. It's okay. Why don't you go sit at the table and I'll bring you breakfast."

"Okay dada." Techno mumbled softly and he walked himself over to the table and sat down like Phil asked. He was such a good listener for his dada!

"Okay buddy, I got eggs, toast, some orange juice in a sippy for you and I put the eggs on the toast like you like it. Do you think you can feed yourself or do you need help?" Phil asked as he carried two plates, a mug and a sippy cup to the table.

"Myself." Techno mumbled and Phil nodded, passing over the plate and sippy cup.

"Okay, so you're on the bigger side today. That's good. How about I can do the chores after breakfast and then we can cuddle on the couch and watch some movies today? Does that sound nice?" Phil asks and Techno nods.

"I help?" Techno offers and Phil smiles.

"You want to help with the chores?" Phil asks and Techno nods. "Okay, we'll get you bundled up after breakfast."

So after breakfast Techno was bundled up head to toe and then sent out with the dog food, which he was able to correctly spread around the dog's pen. Phil ended up feeding Steve, not wanting the little to carry the raw meat.

Techno then also helped Phil put all of the cows into their small barn, just to help keep them out of the cold. After that they watered all of the plants inside of the green house, since the ones outside were all frozen.

"Alright Piglet, ready to go back in?" Phil called and Techno nodded, running after Phil back to the house.

Once inside he was peeled back of all of his layers and Phil set him on the couch before going to grab his pacifier, bear plush, his favorite blanket and a bottle of warm milk.

But by the time Phil made it back to the couch Techno was out like a light. He chuckled softly and slipped the pacifier in his mouth, the bear in his arms and draped the blanket over him. It's not like they had anything else they needed to do today.

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