Tired Cries Cg! Wilbur Little! Beeduo 1/1

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Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tubbo

Little! Ranboo



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Tubbo: Bo-Bo, Tubs, baby, little one

Ranboo: Boo, Ran-man, baby man


Relationship: Just brother like friendship here



Prompt/Message: This came from my brain 

Note for everyone: Happy one year to this book lmao. Also sorry for not updating I was in the psych ward


Ranboo sat on the floor near the couch, crinkle toys laid out in front of him. Tubbo stood near by, watching as Ranboo looked at the toys in front of him. Tubbo tried not to seem upset when Ranboo picked up a toy, squished it, and then put it back down on the ground. 

"Boo, you need to pick a toy." Tubbo said lightly, to which Ranboo grabbed all the toys off the ground and held them close to him. "No Boo, we can't have all the toys out, just one." Tubbo tried to tell him, even though deep down Tubbo wanted all the toys out too. 

"Wilby say okay have toys." Ranboo tried to argue and Tubbo wanted to laugh but stopped himself. 

"Wil said it was okay to have out one or two toys when he first comes over then he can help us get out more toys. But we can't have all the toys out because Wil doesn't always see them remember?" Tubbo reminded him, and that just made Ranboo burst out into giggles. The mental image of your caregiver tripping over a hot wheels is not one that you soon forget. 

"Three toys?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo reached over to ruffle Ranboo's hair. 

"Two toys." Tubbo compromises and Ranboo nodded, looking back down at the toys. He finally picked up a stuffed bear who's belly was a crinkle toy and a cube with all different textures on the sides. Tubbo then helped him put all the other toys in the basket before sliding the basket back to it's place in the corner of the room. He then went to go sit at his desk and work on a few things on his computer. 

"Bo-Bo?" Ranboo asked after a moment of silence filling the room, other than the sound of the crinkle bear and keyboard clicking. 

"Yes Boo?" Tubbo asked as he turned back around in his desk chair. Ranboo looked at his toys then looked at his sippy cup by his feet. "You want more juice?" Tubbo guessed but Ranboo shook his head. "You want water?" Tubbo tried to guess again but Ranboo shook his head again, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "I'm not a mind reader Boo." Tubbo said, feeling like he was starting to feel small himself. 

Right as Ranboo went into full tantrum mode there was a knock on the door, and after a moment Wilbur walked in. This seemed to cheer Ranboo up at once. 

"Wilby!" Ranboo cheered at once, to which Wilbur walked over to Ranboo and bent down to his level. 

"There's my little Ran-Man, how are you?" Wilbur smiled, to which Ranboo giggled and held up his toy bear. "Oh you got your bear with you, I'm glad you don't have all your toys out like last time." Wilbur complimented. Ranboo smiled and babbled quickly, which Wilbur was able to make out 

"Bo-Bo," and "Helps." And pointed over to Tubbo. Wilbur followed the hand and noticed that Tubbo was teary eyed. Wilbur immediately stood up and walked over to Tubbo. 

"What's wrong Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, unsure of what age Tubbo was feeling. Tubbo took a shaky breath inhale and began to fully sob. Wilbur knew at once that Tubbo was feeling small. "Aw, what's wrong Tubs?" Wilbur asked and Tubbo hiccupped. 

"Tired, and Boo cry and I no know why." Tubbo managed to get out and Wilbur nodded. 

"Alright baby, I can get Boo all settled and you can be small too now okay?" Wilbur said softly and Tubbo nodded as he tried to wipe away his tears with closed fists. 

"Tired." Tubbo sniffed and Wilbur nodded again. 

"Alright little one, you can take a nap okay? I'll help you get to jammies after I make sure Boo is all settled." Wilbur compromised and after Tubbo nodded in agreement he walked back over to Ranboo. "Alright Ran-Man, what do you need?" Ranboo looked down at his sippy cup in response. "I need words baby man." This made Ranboo giggle again. 

"Milk!" Ranboo giggled and Wilbur nodded. 

"Of course we can get you some milk. Do you want Angel Milk?" Wilbur asked and Ranboo babbled excitedly. "Alright, I can do that." Wilbur said as he swooped down for the cup and stood back up. Ranboo grabbed Wilbur's sleeve before he could get too far though. "What's up?" 

"Uppies?" Ranboo asked and Wilbur gave a soft smile. 

"Sure Boo." Wilbur smiled and bent down to pick up Ranboo, which made Tubbo cry. "What's wrong Tubs? You wanna be picked up too?" Wilbur guessed but Tubbo shook his head. 

"I no pick up Boo!" Tubbo cried and Wilbur was confused. Of course he wasn't picking up Tubbo. 

"I know you're not. I am picking up Boo. Why does that make you cry?" Wilbur asked confused, shuffling Ranboo in his arms so he had a better grip. Ranboo just leaned his head against Wilbur's shoulder. 

"I too short." Tubbo whined and Wilbur understood. 

"Oh, you've been trying to take care of Boo this whole morning haven't you? And you're just a tired little baby aren't you?" Wilbur said and Tubbo nodded. "Alright Bo, give me two minutes okay?" Wilbur looked at Ranboo. "Boo, can I put you down real quick so I can make your angel milk fast?"

"No uppies?" Ranboo asked sadly and Wilbur bit his lip. 

"I need to milk real fast so I can help Tubs take a nap, he's been trying so hard to take care of you until I got here and he's tired. After he is asleep I can hold you as long as you want okay?" Wilbur offered and Ranboo babbled again. Wilbur took this as a good sign and placed Ranboo down. 

He quickly ran to the kitchen and made Angel Milk quickly for Ranboo, also making a bottle for Tubbo. He then went back to the living room and found Ranboo playing with his toys again. He handed the sippy cup to him and then turned to Tubbo. 

"Alright, let's get you some jammies huh little one?" Wilbur said and Tubbo nodded. Wilbur picked him up and brought Tubbo to his room. Tubbo pointed to the box in his closet that held his little clothes. Wilbur grabbed it out and held Tubbo pick out a set of pjs. 

"Paci?" Tubbo asked and Wilbur helped grab a pacifier from Tubbo's nightstand. 

"Can I also know how old you're feeling?" Wilbur asked and Tubbo stuck up 1 finger. "Aww such a little baby. How about after you get changed we can get you a bottle and you can nap." Wilbur offered. Tubbo didn't say anything but his slow blinking told Wilbur that it was a good idea. 

Soon Tubbo was changed, comfy in bed and was drinking his bottle. He got about halfway through the bottle before his eyes closed and he stopped drinking it. Wilbur put the bottle down and made sure that Tubbo was tucked into bed tightly. 

Going back out into the living room Ranboo was very happy to see Wilbur. 

"Wilby! Uppies?" Ranboo asked, and Wilbur nodded. 

"Yes Boo, I can give you uppies now." Wilbur said and he bent down to pick up Ranboo again. Ranboo was happy to be able to rest his head against Wilbur's shoulder again, but soon like Tubbo was passed out. Wilbur was just able to tuck him into bed as well. 

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