Oh no Cg! SBI+Beeduo Little! Tommy 2/3

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Summery: Wilbur had found Tommy in little space, bruised and upset. He took him back to Phil's place and now they're trying to get a grip on things. Tommy doesn't let anyone get a look at his injuries, doesn't let anyone touch him, and he goes to bed in little space grumpy. He sleeps almost all day and when it's night again he's up and big. People want answers.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Kristin

Cg! Techno

Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Ranboo

Flip! Tubbo

Little! Tommy

(So many characters here jeez)



Philza: Phil, Dada

Kristin: Momma

Techno: Techie

Wilbur: Wilby

Tubbo: Tubs

Ranboo: Boo

Tommy: Toms, Bubs, Buba


Tw: Talk of abuse, panic attack, bruises, yelling

Note: This is less angsty then the last one, but still angsty. Also yes, lot's of characters and I'm sorry if I'm not able to write all of them together well. Also thank you so much for 300 reads it hasn't even been a week!


Wilbur and Tommy made it to Phil's house at 4:12am. Somewhere around 2am Tubbo and Ranboo had passed out on the couch, leaning against each other. Kristin had put a blanket over them before going to the kitchen with Techno and Phil, sitting there drinking coffee and waiting for the others. For a bit they were all doing something, drawing, playing cards, talking but it all lost it's touch after a bit. They were just so worried for Tommy.

When Tommy and Wilbur walked in through the front door they looked a mess. Wilbur was so tired from driving for nearly 18 hours straight, and Tommy had just woken up from his car nap. Tommy was tittering between headspaces, not little but not big. His head still hurt and he was still in pain.

"Tommy, Wilbur." Phil had met them at the door when he heard it open, Techno and Kirstin stayed at the table in the kitchen as to not overwhelm them. Wilbur smiled for a brief moment, Tommy not even acknowledging Phil. "Tommy how are you feeling?" Phil asks.

"Fine." Tommy mutters, walking past him to the bathroom. They watched him go and then they walked to the kitchen. Techno and Kristin both gave brief hugs to Wilbur and Wilbur sat down.

Tommy stood in the bathroom, he was looking in the mirror for the first time all evening. His lip was busted, his eye was swollen and black, and his face had a hand shaped bruise. His lifted up his shirt gently to see a handful of bruises, looking horrible. He shuddered before walking out to the kitchen.

"Hey Tommy." Kristin mumbled and Tommy looked over at her. Mumza? Where was he? He couldn't even put together everything that happened in the past 12 hours. What time was it? And why won't his head stop hurting.

"How you feeling big man?" Techno asks and Tommy still can't register who's saying what, where was his teddy?

"Teddy." Tommy mumbled and everyone felt confused. "Teddy." He repeats looking around. He didn't see it? He knew he brought it with him so where was it. "Teddy." He said slightly louder, frustrated that no one knew what he was trying to say. "Teddy." He said even louder. Phil glanced to the thin wall that separated them and the sleeping children in the next room over.

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