Just 'ired Cg! Techno Little! Phil 1/1

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Summery: Phil spent all night stressing about his new farm machine, ends up regressing by morning and tries to convince Techno that he's not little but only tired. Techno knows better than to believe this. 



Cg! Techno

Little! Phil



Techno: Tech, Techie

Phil: Birdie, Little one


Relationship: I'd like to think platonically married immortals for this one 



Prompt/Message: (Pastale on ao3) i've looked everywhere and can barely find any little!phil fics ;( can you do little!phil and cg!technoblade? or if you want to do irl you could do cg!kristin!) can be any kind of prompt but can you include phil being stressed and that's why he slips? if you can then thank you!

Note for everyone: Give me more prompts


Phil stared at his machine for what felt like the millionth time. The red stone became frustrating over an hour ago, now it was just about to kill his brain. He couldn't figure out what was going wrong and he wanted to be done with this project. 

He sighed and tried moving one of the levers again, but the machine still didn't work. He didn't know what to do at this point. He thought about how Techno had said hours ago that he should just go to bed, take another look in the morning when he had a fresh mind, but Phil was determined to get this done. 

He stretched for a moment before adjusting two levers, and instead of getting the machine to work like he had hoped, it broke half of it. Pieces fell all over the place and Phil was ready to burst into tears. The stress of this whole thing had made his brain foggy and feel like it was filled with cotton, but he was now seconds away from fully crashing into his head space. 

He threw the pieces he had in his hand down onto the ground and turned around to face the ladder that would bring him outside. He climbed up and when he reached the ground he realized it was now morning. So not only was he stressed, on the edge of little space, and wanting to go to sleep, he now couldn't because it was morning. 

Phil huffed and stormed over to his front door, throwing it open and then slamming it shut once he was inside. He threw off his boots and coat before storming over to the kitchen. Techno was standing there, making tea. 

"Oh were you already out this morning? Were you working on the machine again?" Techno said as a good morning greeting, but Phil didn't answer him. Instead he grabbed an apple from the fridge and began to rinse it off. "How long have you been up? I thought you were still asleep." 

"Didn't go to sleep." Phil mumbled as he grabbed a cutting board and opened up the knife drawer to find one to cut his apple. Techno looked over at him with raised eyebrows. 

"I thought we agreed you would go to bed at a reasonable hour Phil." Techno commented but Phil just huffed, still digging through the knife drawer. "When you don't sleep you crash into little space." 

"That's not gonna happen Tech, where's the fruit knife?" Phil snapped a bit too harsh and again Techno raised his eyebrows. 

"You're holding it in your right hand Phil." Techno pointed out, and sure enough Phil was.

"Right." Phil mumbled as he closed the drawer and shook his head. 

"Are you sure someone on the verge of little space should be using a knife? I don't think it's in the rules that littles can use knives." Techno teased lightly, and Phil glared at him. 

"Not little, just 'ired." Phil mumbled again and Techno laughed, walking over and taking the knife from him. 

"Sure birdie, and I'm the color purple. Go sit down and I'll bring you this once it's cut up." Techno said as he reached over for the apple and cutting board. Phil stomped his foot and crossed his arms. 

"Not little Technoblade! Gimme it back!" Phil whined, and Techno gave him a look. It was the look of 'don't you start this right now'. To which Phil crumbled easily. He hated being bratty, he was just so stressed and so tired. He fully crashed into little space and started crying. Techno put down the knife and pulled Phil into a hug. 

"Come here Little One." He said comfortingly as he hugged Phil tightly. Phil cried into Techno's shoulder. 

"I just want machine work and it not and I not sleep and now I can't sleep and tired." Phil cried and Techno shushed him softly. 

"It's okay birdie. You're okay. You can have your apple, I'll get you some peanut butter to dip it in too. Then we can cuddle up real nice and you can get some sleep okay? You can sleep the whole day if you want to." Techno said soothingly and Phil nodded. "Okay, you gotta let go if you want me to cut up your apple." 

"Noooooo." Phil whined, but he pulled away anyway. 

"How old are you feeling little one?" Techno asked as he helped Phil over to a stool and made sure he was good to sit down. Phil held up two fingers. "Okay, I'll make sure the apple slices aren't too small. I'll be done in a second okay?" Techno asked and Phil nodded. 

Techno was quick to finish cutting up the apple slices and grabbing some peanut butter. He slid the plate over to Phil who gave a quiet thank you before he started to dig in. While he was eating Techno was quick to run up to Phil's room, where he made sure that Phil's bed had plenty of extra blankets and some of his stuffies, got out a set of nice pjs for him to wear, and lit a small candle that made the room smell extra nice. 

He went back downstairs where Phil was finishing up his food and Techno began to make him a bottle of angel milk. By the time he was finished so was Phil, so Techno scooped him up and carried him upstairs. This made Phil laugh. 

"Techie silly." He giggled, which made Techno smile. 

"Yeah? Why is Techie silly?" Techno asked as he pushed open the door to Phil's room. 

"Techie carry me, I gots legs!" Phil pointed out like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"I know you do, but I also know my little birdie likes to be carried. So I thought I'd just carry you." Techno said and Phil thought about it for a moment. 

"You right." Phil smiled as Techno put him down on the bed. 

"I know I am, are you able to change into some pjs by yourself?" Techno asked and Phil nodded, so Techno turned around and waited for Phil to change himself. Once he was done Phil tugged on Techno's arm. "Good job birdie." 

"Tanks Techie." Phil smiled as he got under some covers. Techno climbed in next to him. 

"Ready for some angel milk?" Techno asked and Phil nodded. Techno helped feed him his bottle, and by the time half of it was gone Phil was on the verge of sleep. Techno replaced the bottle with a pacifier and Phil fell fully asleep. Like Techno said, Phil slept through the whole day and about half the night. It was around 3am when Phil woke up, still small and hungry. 

They had some late night pancakes before going back to bed till morning. 

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