Never expected it Cg! Phil Littles! Techno, Wilbur and Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Phil has sent out packages to all of the littles, telling them each they have to wait till a group call to open them up together



Cg! Phil

Little! Techno

Little! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Phil: Dada, Dadza

Techno: Tech, Piglet

Wilbur: Wil, Bub

Tommy: Toms, Nook


Relationship: All friends. Anything with all of them will always be platonic because boundaries are going to be respected here


Tw: Mention of a pocket knife (used to open a box)

Note for everyone: I want requests but it'll take me a hot minute to write them- child anyways I didn't give this to any of my editors so sorry for typos

Shout out to Kit <3


Tommy sat at his computer, bouncing in his seat while his computer booted up. In front of him was the very mysterious and he had waited for what felt like ever to be able to open it (It was 4 days)

But since Techno had gotten his box today it was a time for a group call where they were all going to open them. Tommy was confused on why they had to wait, but Phil told him it would all be known soon enough.

Once the computer was up and going Tommy booted up Discord. Phil and Wilbur were already in a call in the group chat so Tommy hopped in as well.

"Hello?" Tommy asked in his normal tone, he heard Phil and Wilbur's laughter.

"I told you he was going to do that!" Wilbur exclaimed as he continued laughing. Tommy blushed as he turned on his camera, since Wilbur and Phil had theirs on. Tommy could see a box, similar to his on Wilbur's desk. Luckily they were all at home so they could call.

There was a small ding from the call letting them know Techno had joined the call. It took a moment from him to turn on his camera but when he did it made since why it took a bit. Techno was on his chair at his desk, wrapped in a pink blanket with a teether in his mouth.

"Aw do we got a little piglet on our hands?" Phil cooed softly and Techno blushed, nodding slowly. "How old are you feeling?" Phil asked kindly and Techno stuck out a hand from his blanket, 4 fingers.

While Techno was on the slightly bigger side he still was nonverbal. He could talk if he really wanted to, and he could make noises, but he preferred to stay quiet for the most part. No one ever minded this, Tommy went nonverbal when he was really little so he understood.

"Okay, buddy, do you think you can still open your box? Or do you want to wait till you feel big?" Phil asked and Tommy frowned, he'd been waiting so long (read: 4 days) and he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Now." Techno said shortly, and it wasn't a demand, it was just what he could manage right now. Phil nodded.

"I feel like if he said later Tommy would have exploded." Wilbur jokes and Phil looks at Tommy's camera, he was obviously slipping and obviously trying not to pout. Phil laughed for a second.

"It's okay Tommy, you can all open your boxes now okay?" Phil said and Tommy smiled, grabbing his box off his desk.

Techno and Tommy had thought ahead, cutting the top most layer of tape but keeping the smaller layer untouched, which was good since Tommy was now slipping into little space with Techno. Wilbur however had to take a moment, taking the box off screen as he cut it with a pocket knife so he wouldn't scare the littles.

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