You are as small as I am tall Cg! Wilbur Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Wilbur heard Ranboo talk about how when he is little, it's hard for him to feel small because he is so tall. So Wilbur has him over one day so he can baby him since he can take care of a baby of Boo's size



Cg! Wilbur

Little! Ranboo



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Ranboo: Boo, Bud


Relationship: I mean they're friends but I would like to think of this as a Dadbur and child moment 


Tw: None? 

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain

Note for everyone: I am officially off break but that does not mean the beta team has read this


Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo and Tommy were all in call together one evening, just playing games together. At some point they got to the topic of regression, more specifically Tommy and Ranboo's regression. 

Phil was Tommy's cg, and Wilbur took care of Tommy too, he just didn't have an official title like Phil did. Ranboo on the other hand didn't have a cg at all, claiming that he didn't really need one. 

But at the moment Ranboo was talking about how he hated how tall he felt even when little. 

"It just kinda sucks, y'know? Like I know I'm tall, but when I'm little I don't regress to younger ages because I don't feel small. My body is too big for my brain sometimes and it gets frustrating and I sometimes I have meltdowns over it." Ranboo explained. 

"Well big man, I say you should get a caregiver so they can baby you so you can feel small. Nothings better than being babied." Tommy said and Ranboo sighed. 

"I don't know. I feel like even if I get a cg, if they're shorter than me then I'll just feel too big since they're smaller than me." Ranboo claimed. 

"Wil is pretty tall, almost as tall as you. Would you let Wil try and take care of you if Wil was okay with it?" Phil asked. 

"I mean, would Wil be okay with it?" Ranboo asked and Wilbur nodded. 

"Of course man, I don't mind taking care of you at all, I take of Tommy sometimes." Wilbur said and Ranboo nodded on his end. 

"Careful Ranboob, Wilbur is really good at making me feel really tiny." Tommy said lightheartedly. 

"I think I won't go full baby, but we'll see." Ranboo said. 

It was about a week later when Ranboo was able to make it over to Wilbur's house. He had just finished a whole bunch of things for Gen Loss as well so it was the perfect time to regress and relax. 

Wilbur was really excited to take care of Ranboo, knowing the boy hadn't been taken care of before in the past. He made sure things were extra special. He had gotten the boy his own pacifier, since Ranboo later shared with Wilbur that he owned no baby gear, a bottle, a pack of building blocks, a sensory cube, a mess free coloring kit, a couple of teethers and a onesie. He truly had to guess on the size of the onesie and he hoped it would fit the 6'7 boy. 

Ranboo knocked on Wilbur's door and at once Wilbur answered and ushered the boy inside. Unlike all the other times Ranboo has come to hang out at Wilbur's house, they had a mission. 

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