Seeing small and wanting to be Cg! Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Wilbur is babysitting his niece when Tommy comes over unannounced. He decides to stay and begins to help Wilbur take care of her, eventually slipping.



Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Wilbur: Uncle Wil, Wilby, Wil

Tommy: Toms, sweetheart


Relationship: friends like brothers


Tw: None I don't think

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain

Note for everyone: Prompts plz


Tommy liked to show up to Wilbur's unannounced quite often. Wilbur never minded, he would always let Tommy come in even if he had things to do. Several times Tommy would just sit on the floor near Wilbur's desk while he worked, or he would make Tommy take a nap on the couch if he knew that Tommy hadn't slept well.

This was all fine and dandy, other than the fact that it made Tommy feel small. He never told Wilbur about his little space he was terrified to, but more than once he slipped while at Wilbur's. Wilbur never noticed so it wasn't that big of a deal. And it made Tommy feel good, so everything was fine.

On this Friday evening Tommy made his way down Wilbur's place and knocked on the door. He waited for a few minutes in which he heard shuffling and then Wilbur opened up. A small child, probably around 4, was balanced on Wilbur's hip. Tommy gave a look of confusion before blurting out.

"Did you adopt a child?" To which Wilbur laughed. He turned to the little girl and smiled at her.

"Who am I?" He asked and the girl smiled and put her hand against Wilbur.

"Uncle Wil!" She cheered and Wilbur nodded.

"Yes I am! Good job sweetie!" Wilbur encouraged, placing her down on the ground so she could run in the other direction. He turned to Tommy and opened the door so Tommy could come in fully. "That is my niece, Juniper." Wilbur explained.

"I didn't know you had a niece." Tommy said as he stepped in and took of his shoes. Wilbur shrugged as he led Tommy to the living room, toys thrown all around it.

"It's my step-sister's kid and she is normally in the US. She came for a visit and she wanted to go sight seeing with her husband so I offered to watch Juniper." Wilbur continued to explain and Tommy just nodded.

"Okay, fair enough. Do you want me to go or something?" Tommy offered but Wilbur shook his head.

"No, my sister will be back in about half an hour, so you can hang out till then and after we can order some pizza and watch a movie." Wilbur said and Tommy agreed. Tommy then spotted Juniper playing with some cars on the carpet. "You can go sit with her if you want, she likes to play with others." Wilbur said. Tommy walked over and sat down next to her.

"Hi Juniper." Tommy waved shortly. Juniper looked up at him and waved really big.

"Hi! You know my Uncle Wil?" She asked and Tommy nodded.

"Yep! But I know him as Wilby." Tommy teased and Wilbur from the couch rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Wilby!" Juniper cheered and Tommy grinned. "Uncle Wilby! Uncle Wilby! Uncle Wilby!" She cheered loudly.

"Look what you've done." Wilbur said light heartedly, sliding down onto the floor next to them. Juniper crawled into Wilbur's lap and took one of the cars, putting it into Tommy's hands.

"Play cars!" She said and Tommy took the car. She took her own car in her hands and began to run it along Wilbur's legs, Tommy doing the same thing a moment later. The action made Wilbur smile.

"I have become a race track." Wilbur joked but Juniper shushed him.

"Race tracks no talk." She told him, which made Tommy burst out into laughter. He soon felt a familiar fog take over his brain, and he did nothing to stop it. It felt nice and if anything it just seemed like he really liked playing with the cars.

Wilbur kept an eye on Tommy as the two played together. His movements became sloppy and he was humming under his breath. He didn't think of it too much until there was a knock at the door, his step sister was back.

After collecting all of things around the house except the cars Wilbur walked over to Tommy. He took the car out of his hands and Tommy looked up at him, frowning.

"Was playin" he mumbled, to which Wilbur just gave him a soft smile and turned around to hand the toys to his sister. She left, taking juniper with her, and Wilbur closed the door behind them. He turned back to Tommy, who was still on the floor sniffling slightly.

Wilbur just went over to where he was on the floor and pulled Tommy into his lap. Tommy didn't fully question it but just leaned into Wilbur softly. Wilbur began to run his hand up and down Tommy's arm in a soothing way.

"Jus wanna play with da cars." Tommy sniffled and Wilbur nodded.

"I know Toms, but they were Junipers and she had to go home." Wilbur said and Tommy just hummed. "Tommy how old are you feeling?"

This sentence made Tommy squirm and try to push away from Wilbur as much as he could. Wilbur however kept holding onto him as Tommy began to cry.

"It's okay, it's okay Toms I promise. There's no need to freak out sweetheart, I know you're just feeling a bit small yeah?" Wilbur tried to sooth but Tommy just fully burst out into tears.

"Wilby be mad!" Tommy exclaimed but Wilbur shushed him softly.

"No of course not Toms. It's okay you're feeling small, I can take care of you like I normally do." Wilbur said and Tommy looked up to stare at him.

"Wilby know?" Tommy questioned and it took Wilbur a moment to understand what was being said.

"Well of course I knew sweetheart. You come over and you slip all the time. You get so cuddly and you are just happy to be here. You go tiny mode and you think I don't know, but I'm a bit smart yeah?" Wilbur explained and a soft giggle came from Tommy.

"Wilby lil smart." Tommy agreed and Wilbur smiled.

"Yes I am. So it's okay sweetheart, you can go as small as you want." Wilbur encouraged and Tommy nodded, leaning back into Wilbur. They sat there till Tommy was all done crying and almost melting into Wilbur's side. "Hey Toms, you wanna see a surprise?" Wilbur asked and Tommy nodded.

After a moment Wilbur stood up with Tommy on his hip like juniper was earlier and he brought Tommy to his office room. He put Tommy on a chair In the room and went to the closet, coming back with a box of things.

Showing it to Tommy, Tommy nearly squealed. It had adult pacifiers, sippy cups, crinkle toys, teethers and coloring books with crayons.

"I was waiting for a time for you to tell me that you were a little, but I couldn't help myself. So these are all for you." Wilbur smiled. Tommy grabbed a pacifier from the box and shoved it in his mouth, grabbing a crinkle toy to play with. Wilbur was happy that Tommy seemed content with that.

After filling up a sippy cup for him, Wilbur sat at his desk to work on a couple of things. Tommy was content with sitting on the floor, having moved when Wilbur was gone, and he leaned up against Wilbur. Wilbur absentmindedly ran his hands through Tommy's hair, which lead him to fall asleep.

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