Aren't you all? Cg! Phil and Techno Little! Wilbur, Tommy, Beeduo 4/4

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Summery: Now that they're all back at Techno's house, and they all know that they're littles, they get to have a playdate



Cg! Phil

Cg! Techno

Little! Wilbur

Little! Tommy

Little! Tubbo

Little! Ranboo



Phil: Dada, Da

Techno: Tech

Wilbur: Wil, bud

Tommy: Toms, bubs

Tubbo: Tubs, Bee

Ranboo: Boo, Kiddo


Relationship: Big family



Note for everyone: Lmao sorry I forgot about this one. Also beta readers/editors are all asleep so this was not looked at. 


Once they arrived back at Techno's house Phil helped everyone grab their bags out of the back of the car. Techno then lead the way inside and show people where they would be sleeping. 

"I was thinking Tommy and Wil in this one, and Tubbo and Phil in here. Ranboo already said he wants the air mattress on my floor." Techno said, shrugging slightly. 

"That sounds good to me." Phil said, the others nodding in agreement. They all placed their bags in their rooms and made their way back to the living room. 

"Also I wanted to say." Techno started once everyone was back together. "I don't mind if you guys regress or anything. If you need help or anything you can ask me." Techno said as he sat down in one of the armchairs. 

"Awww is Tech going all soft caregiver on us?" Wilbur teased lightheartedly. 

"For your information Wil, I was a caregiver long ago when I was in college." Techno said and Wilbur just smiled. 

"Then you already have experience." Wilbur joked and Tommy gasped. 

"Can we have a playdate! All of us together with our caregiver here!" Tommy suggested, bouncing in his seat. Wilbur's eyes went wide and he nodded, both of them turning to look at Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo was holding his bee plush close to him and Phil could tell Tubbo was already regressed. 

"I think Tubs is already small." Phil said, to which Tubbo nodded and hid his face in his bee plush. Phil looked over at Ranboo. "What about you Boo? You wanna have a playdate?" Phil asked. Ranboo looked over to Techno. 

"You play with us?" Ranboo asked softly, and it took all of Techno not to melt right then and there. 

"Of course I'll play with you kiddo." Techno said and Ranboo smiled. 

"Alright then, I think all of you guys should go get into pjs and grab your pacis." Phil smiled, to which Tommy and Wilbur bolted up and ran up the stairs. Ranboo however struggled to stand up, and Tubbo sat firmly on the ground. 

"You alright there Boo?" Techno asked and Ranboo shook his head, looking frustrated. 

"Help." Ranboo said, and before Phil could Techno stood up and scooped up Ranboo in his arms. This made Ranboo giggled, but it impressed Phil. You have to be strong to be able to pick up a 6'7 person. 

"I'll help him go change since his stuff is already in my room." Techno said to Phil, and Phil nodded before looking back down at Tubbo. 

"You alright Bee?" Phil asked, to which Tubbo didn't really say anything but rather babbled. "Oh you're really small aren't you? How old you feeling Bee?" Phil asked as he picked up Tubbo (only with slight difficultly as Phil wasn't all that tall) 

Tubbo stuck up 1 finger and Phil nodded, grabbing Tubbo's bee plush and handing it to him before going up to the room they were going to be sharing. Phil put Tubbo down on the bed and grabbed his bag to help Tubbo choose out pjs and then change into them. 

Phil also located Tubbo's pacifier, which he clipped to his shirt, and then also grabbed a bottle from Tubbo's bag. They made their way back downstairs, where Tommy and Wilbur were sword fighting with pillows. 

"Hey you two, put the pillows down please. And then I need to know how old you're feeling?" Phil asked, to which Tommy groaned but dropped the pillow. Wilbur didn't say anything as he put the pillow back nicely on the couch. Phil put Tubbo down on the couch as well, making sure he had his bee plush in his hands. 

"I'm 5!" Wilbur exclaimed happily, sticking up a whole hand of fingers. Tommy stuck up 3, then put up 4, then put one back down to make it 3. 

"Okay, so Wil is 5, and Tommy are you feeling around 3/4?" Phil asked to clarify and Tommy nodded. "Alright, Wil Bud, since you're feeling bigger, can you keep an eye on Tubbo while I go to make him a bottle?" Phil asked. 

This made Wilbur overly excited. He nodded and hopped up on the couch next to Tubbo. He began at once to fawn over Tubbo, which just made Tubbo giggle. Tommy began to pout slightly and Phil turned to him quickly to avoid a melt down. 

"Hey bubs, you wanna help me?" Phil asked, which caught Tommy's attention. 

"Help?" Tommy questioned and Phil nodded. 

"Yep, you wanna be my very special helper?" Phil asked, which of course made Tommy perk up even more. "I need a very special helper to go grab your sippy cup, Wil's sippy cup, and to ask Boo if he wants a sippy cup or a bottle. Can you do that for me?" Phil asked, to which Tommy nodded and ran to go up the stairs. 

Phil made his way to the kitchen to make Tubbo's bottle, and was putting it in the microwave when Tommy came back down with 3 sippy cups. 

"Boo says he 2 and wants sippy!" Tommy exclaimed happily. 

"Good job Toms." Phil praised, which made Tommy flap his hands excitedly. "You wanna be more of my special helper?" Phil asked as the microwave beeped. Tommy nodded as Phil saw Techno and Ranboo come down the stairs, Ranboo still in Techno's arms. "When this is more cool, will you bring this to Techno and tell him it's for Tubbo?" Phil asked. 

"Ya dada!" Tommy cheered, which made Phil smile. He loved it when his kids called him a nickname. 

Soon the bottle was cooled and Phil handed it to Tommy, who raced out of the room. Phil followed moments later when he had 3 sippy cups full of juice. He gave one to Tommy, who was on the couch curled next to Wilbur. He gave one to Wilbur of course. And then he gave one to Ranboo, who was sitting by Wilbur's feet. 

Techno was next to Wilbur, with Tubbo half curled in Techno's lap as Techno fed him the bottle. Phil smiled softly and managed to grab a picture of them all before Techno noticed him doing it. 

"Pft, old man needing to take pictures to remember moments." Techno joked with a smile. 

"I never want to forget this one." 

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