All of you here Cg! Phil Cg! Wilbur Cg! Techno Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Ranboo has told the other three about his regression and they've been his caregivers for a while. He's only ever been taken care by one of them at a time, but now all three of them are there with him



Cg! Phil

Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Techno

Little! Ranboo



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wilby

Techno: Techie

Ranboo: Boo, Little one 


Relationship: Family o7


Tw: None

Prompt/Message: Shout out to Vampy for this one, they helped me formulate this one 

Note for everyone: I wrote this out of spite for the lack of baby boo content 


Ranboo had told the others about his age regression long ago, long enough ago that he was still living in California at the time. It was even before his first trip to the UK, so it had been quite some time. 

He had added the other three to a group chat, not adding Tommy or Tubbo because he wasn't sure he wanted them to know quite yet, and sent a pre-typed out message before turning off his phone and trying to stay calm. Of course once the other three saw the message they began texting panic, which Ranboo had ignored for a moment out of fear, but once he checked the messages he saw their support. 

They also called Ranboo that night, discussing how they already knew what age regression was, and actually offering to be his caregivers if he was comfortable with that. Ranboo of course said yes, the three of them already made him feel safe and comforted on almost a daily basis. So from then on they took care of him. 

Once he moved to the UK it was a lot easier to take care of him, because up to that point it had only been over VC, but now he was closer to Wilbur and Phil. When he moved to Brighton it was even better, because one text and Wilbur could be over in 10 minutes if he wasn't busy. Phil was even able to plan a couple of trips down just to take care Ranboo as well. 

But now was the big day, the day that Techno was coming to Brighton and all three of them were going to stay at Ranboo's house for a sleepover with him. Ranboo could not stop stimming out of excitement, he was so happy to have all three of them in the same place at the same time. 

Wilbur was already at Ranboo's house helping getting some last minute things done, like making sure all the beds had clean sheets on them and making sure the dishes were done, both of those things Ranboo would sometimes forget out of excitement. Wilbur didn't mind though, it was nice to see Ranboo this happy and excited. 

Ranboo was currently sitting on the couch in his living room, the couch that had a view of the front door. He was chewing on his chewlery necklace, not taking his eyes off the door. He had a fidget cube in his hands to try and soothe some of the urge to stim like crazy. Wilbur, who just finished putting sheets on the beds, came in carrying and empty laundry basket and chuckled when he saw Ranboo. 

"Ranboo, you know that you can check their location in the life360 group you know that right? You don't have to stare at the door." Wilbur reminded him but Ranboo just hummed slightly. 

"Not supposed to be on it." He said vaguely and Wilbur smiled. 

"Aww, you feeling little already?" Wilbur said in a slightly teasing tone. It was a rule for Ranboo to try to stay off his phone when little, but if he had to be on it he had a setting that could mute a lot of notifications and lock apps he defiantly should not be on while little, like twitter or twitch. 

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