No talk Cg! Beeduo Little! Tommy 2/2

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Summery: After a while of being little and using sign Tubbo and Ranboo decide to take Tommy to the park one day, and on the way back stopping by some places. A few places to just see people, a few to pick up an item or two. And through out it all the duo is learning who does and doesn't know sign language.



Cg! Tubbo

Cg! Ranboo

Little! Tommy



Tubbo: Tubs

Ranboo: Boo

Tommy: Toms, little one.



Platonic husbands with Ranboo and Tubbo. With Tommy, friends


Tw: None that I can think of? This is fluff

Note: This is again not making fun of nonverbal littles or those who nonverbal at any point. Tommy is Neurodivergant as am I. This is not making fun of anyone neurodivergant, little, or nonverbal. I am speaking from my own experience when writing this.

Eret in this chapter will be referred to with all pronouns since CC!Eret uses all pronouns.

Also thank you for the crazy amounts of reads, we jumped from 3.5k to 3.9k over two nights! Please give me prompts I want to keep updating!


Tommy was sitting at the table, Tubbo and Ranboo both in the kitchen making lunch and keeping an eye on him. They were having a good day, Tommy being little, Micheal was spending time with Puffy and the other two had no true plans for the day.

Tommy wanted something but he didn't know what he wanted. It was hard for him to identify sometimes, but it wasn't a big enough issue to cause problems so he just let his brain feel fuzzy and light.

"Tommy do you want to do something today? We could go to the park?" Tubbo offers from the kitchen and Tommy nods, he now really wanted to go to the park. So they finished up making breakfast and they all ate.

Tommy eating his pancakes managed to get syrup all of his face. Tubbo helped wiped down his face before Ranboo brought Tommy upstairs.

"Alright Toms, do you want overalls or shorts and shirt?" Ranboo offers him.

Shorts and Shirt please Tommy signed and Ranboo smiled.

"Good manners bud. Do you want chewlery or a pacifier?" Ranboo asks, remembering to praise Tommy.

Pacifier please Boo Tommy signed again and this time Ranboo nodded. He helped Tommy get dressed and clipped his red pacifier to his shirt.

"Alright, your shoes are by the front door so let's go find Tubs and head out." Ranboo tells him, scooping Tommy back up again. Tommy nodded and leaned into Ranboo's shoulder, being picked up and carried made him feel safe.

So they got downstairs where Tubbo was finishing up cleaning from breakfast. He made sure that he looked good enough before walking to the front door where his husband the little were standing.

"Toms do you need help with your shoes or can you do it?" Tubbo asks, making sure Tommy knew that help was there if he needed it.

I do it Tommy signed before sitting on the floor and pulling on his shoes. They were red sneakers that went with his red shirt and brown shorts.

"Alrighty then, let's go." Tubbo says once Tommy has his shoes on. So they walk through Snowchester before taking the tunnel more towards where L'manberg used to be. There was a small park, it had a play ground for those who are little there, along with the few children of the smp.

Swing swing swing swing swing Tommy signed a bunch of times before running towards the swings. The caregivers couldn't help but smile and laugh a little bit, it was nice to see him being able to communicate how he felt and have people understand him.

Before this when he was little, and before the cards, Tommy felt misunderstood and was always angry. He felt angry because no one knew what he needed and it was hard. Tubbo was the one who came up with the cards and for the longest time that was the perfect answer, but now it seems like this one was even better.

"Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo!" Eret was walking towards the trio, they were wearing a crown that went with her dress that was to their knees. Tommy found this dress very pretty and hopped of the swing immediately to get a look at it.

Pretty Dress Tommy signed as he approached Eret.

Thank you little one, I like your paci. Did you paint it yourself? Eret signed back and that took both Tubbo and Ranboo by surprise. The red pacifier was painted on the front to have a little cow design.

No Tubs painted it for me Tommy signed back, over the moon that someone else understood him! He began to do his happy stim of hitting the heels of his hands together and Eret smiled. He turned to the other two.

"How are you two doing?" She asks them.

"I'm doing alright, when did you learn sign?" Tubbo asks, just blurting out what was on his mind. They laughed.

"I've known it for a while. Sometimes I get bored and learn new things for fun." He tells them, smiling and turning back to the little who was now just staring at the crown on their head. "Here little one." She says taking it off and putting it on his head.

Pretty crown Tommy signed, smiling and trying to see it even though it was atop of his head. He kept leaning his head back to try and see it but ended up falling onto his back, getting a chuckle of the three older ones.

"Alright, I need to keep going, just wanted to stop and say hi." Eret smiles.

"Alright, later Eret." Ranboo waves slightly.

Bye Little one, you can keep the crown Eret signed to Tommy before she headed off again. Tommy again did his happy stim, overjoyed that he now had a really pretty crown.

"That was nice of Eret." Tubbo smiled and Tommy nodded. "Are you hungry?" Tubbo asks and Tommy nods.

"We could go see if Phil wants to have lunch with us." Ranboo says, knowing that the older always enjoyed company. Tubbo nodded and off they went to Phil's house.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" Phil asks as they approach the fencing surrounding his house. Phil himself was outside, harvesting some wheat.

"We're good! We got little Tommy here." Tubbo tells him as they open the gate and all walk through.

Phil hi Tommy signed running over to his father. Phil looked confused at Tommy then turned to the others.

"He said hi." Ranboo fills in and Phil nods, looking back at Tommy.

"I'm sorry little one, I don't know sign. Is it okay that they tell me what you say?" Phil asks, hoping that it would not upset the little. Tommy nods.

Boo and Tubs know it ok Tommy signed, more towards Tubbo and Ranboo than to Phil.

"What did he say?" Phil asks.

"He said Boo and Tubs know it ok." Tubbo says and Phil smiles.

"Alright, good. Do you all want some lunch?" Phil asks and they all nod. "Alright come on inside. And Tommy I like the crown"

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