Work can wait Cg! Phil Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy has a bad day and ends up slipping. Phil is happy to take care of him, but he tries to multitask, eventually giving in to just taking care of Tommy



Cg! Phil

Little! Tommy



Phil: Dada

Tommy: Toms, Little one, Bubs


Relationship: Father and son, nothing else *lip bite*


Tw: Bad day? Crying?

Prompt/Message: from Tommy/Helix/Soul/Chaos/Envy on my discord server

Umm- Maybe some bitty baby cc!Tommy and CG Phil where Tommy's slipped after a particularly bad day and is just really whiny and needy and cuddly and Phil is trying to keep him happy while also trying to make sure he also still gets his work done until he eventually just drops it in favor of cuddling with Tommy and taking care of him-?

Self-indulgent request, I know-

Um, gear list would be pacis, bottle, rattle, stuffies, footed onesies, diapers, all if you're comfortable ofc-

Maybe have some little activities like coloring, or watching some cartoons, etc, just whatever, just want something cute that's a little self-indulgent-

Note for everyone:


Tommy was tired, like really tired. He just wanted to relax and maybe slip into little space.

He was making his way back to Phil's house at the moment, since his apartment was still having issues with the carbon monoxide. He was staying with Wil, but decided he wanted to stay with his other caregiver. Luckily Phil had a whole bunch of his little stuff at his house, so Tommy didn't have to worry about going back to his apartment.

He had spent the day out and about in the town, doing some shopping for his new place and just some shopping for himself in general. He even indulged and got himself a new stuffed animal rattle too, a tiny pig that he delightedly named Techno. (Don't tell the actual Techno)

But now he was tired and he wanted to do something peaceful, and more than anything he wanted cuddles from Phil. That sounded like the best thing in the world right now.

So climbing up the steps with his bags of things in hand he made inside the house, taking off his shoes at the door and making his way upstairs. He dropped his bags in his room he was staying in and went to look for Phil.

Phil was in his office, he wasn't streaming but he was editing his newest video. At the sound of the door opening he turned and smiled when he saw Tommy.

"Hey Tommy, how are you?" Phil asked. Tommy shrugged and walked over to Phil, leaning his head down on Phil's shoulder and whined a bit. "Oh are you tired mate?"

"Feelin' small." Tommy mumbled and Phil made an 'awww' noise, making Tommy blush and grumble a bit.

"That's okay Toms, if you wanna go little that's okay." Phil encouraged, reaching up to lightly scratch at Tommy's head. Tommy smiled at the feeling and basically melted into the touch, slipping smaller.

"Ok dada." Tommy mumbled slightly and Phil smiled before standing up slowly, giving Tommy time to lift his head off of his shoulder.

"Let's get you into some pjs, how does that sound little one?" Phil asked and Tommy nodded, grabbing Phil's hand as Phil lead him to his room to get him changed. When he was in his room Tommy went to one of the bags and pulled out the new rattle toy.

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