Back off. Cg! Techno Big Bro! Tubbo Little! Wilbur 1/1

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Summery: Techno is at his home one day when Tubbo runs over and says that he needs help. While peace was established all around and there was no fighting to take place, others still liked to be rude to others. Well Wilbur was being messed around with and while little, so he is frightened.



Cg! Techno

Big Bro! Tubbo

Little! Wilbur



Techno: Tech, Techie

Tubbo: Tubs

Wilbur: Wil, Wilby



Brothers, platonic


Tw: Yelling, cursing

Note: I am super proud of this book and I am thankful for all of you. Please let me know if there's any stories you wanna see.


Techno was at home, he was brewing a potion. It had been a mostly quiet Saturday and Techno had gotten a lot done. He had cleaned his house, went for a walk, gathered berries and potatoes, and it was only 10am.

He was staring out his window when he saw Tubbo running towards the house, and he knew something was wrong by the way he was running and shouting Techno's name. Techno quickly shut off the brewing stand and after making sure everything is okay there he grabs his sword and turns to his front door.

"Techno! Techno!" Tubbo shouted as he approached. He stood out of breath in front of his brother. "Come quick, Wilbur needs help." Tubbo says and he turns back around, running in the way he came. Techno followed right behind.

"What's wrong with Wilbur?" Techno questions as they run.

"Dream, Sapnap and George are taunting him and he's little." Tubbo explains as they run through the woods, going towards the prime path where Tubbo last saw them all.

While they had established peace among everyone there was still issues with people taunting, bullying or just being rude. Techno hated it but he knew Tubbo would only come to him because Tubbo liked to just nuke people to solve issues. But with this new peace treaty he wasn't allowed to.

The treaty clearly states that there is to be no violence, no griefing, and no kidnapping or harm towards animals. Whoever broke it would either get a month in prison or had to pay 2 stacks of diamond blocks to whoever was hurt/grieved.

While this didn't seem like much it did help keep most people in line. The only incident they had in the past three months was Tommy setting off two pieces of TNT, a bit too close to Niki's house and he had to pay her. Most felt like it was fair.

But currently Wilbur was sitting on the prime path, crying. Dream, Sapnap and George stood over him, taunting him. Wilbur didn't understand why, and he felt too young to run away or call for help, so he just sat there. He was deep in little space and knew that he couldn't get out of this one.

"I am so tired of acting like everything is forgiven Wilbur, I mean fuck what the treaty says, why can't I just kill you?" Dream says slyly, holding his sword in his hands and then pointing it towards Wilbur's head. Wilbur whimpered in response and the three laughed.

"He's like a little baby, won't even stick up for himself." Sapnap laughs and George can't help but feel a pang of regret right then and there.

"Guys, what if he's a little?" George whispers softly, and the other two turned to him. They hadn't thought of that, they knew Karl was a little but would Wilbur be one? They turn back to him and see that he has curled into his knees and was still crying. Dream lowered the sword but kept it in his hand.

"Shit, I didn't think of that." Sapnap whispers back, and they suddenly felt really bad. They would make fun of everyone, taunt them, scare them, but they wouldn't do it to a little. That was an unofficial rule for everyone, littles are off limits. They heard a sudden noise, footsteps running towards them and they saw Tubbo and Techno running, oh no. Dream quickly put the sword away.

"Get away from him." Techno yelled at them as he got closer, all three listened and backed off. Tubbo ran to Wilbur and grabbed him, Wilbur at first flinching but then seeing who it was, clinging onto him.

"Tubs." Wilbur sobbed into Tubbo's shoulder.

"What the fuck happened to the treaty?" Techno snarled and all three of the others recoiled.

"We didn't actually hurt him." Dream spoke, pretending like he wasn't afraid of the other. In reality he was scared beyond belief.

"I saw the sword Dream, don't lie." Techno snapped and he turned to Tubbo and Wilbur. "Come on, let's go back to mine." He tells them, picking up Wilbur and making sure he wasn't hurt.

"Techie." Wilbur said, he was already slowing down his crying now that he was in safe arms.

"I'm here bud." Techno coos softly. He turns and looks back at the other three, who didn't know what to do. "I'll be back to talk to you three later." And all three nodded before running off in the other direction. Techno walked Tubbo and Wilbur back to his place, Wilbur falling asleep in Techno's arms.

They got back and Techno took off Wilbur's coat and boots before putting him on the couch, and putting a blanket on him. Him and Tubbo finished the potion until Wilbur woke up. When he did he was still little and wanted to play with cars, so Tubbo went to get some.

"Tub trucks!" He cheered as Tubbo walked back into the living room with a bucket of trucks. "Tub trucks!" He giggled, finding the sentence funny.

"What do you want for lunch bud?" Techno asked as Tubbo sat down to play trucks with Wilbur. Wilbur looked up at him and thought for a minute.

"Juice!" Wilbur cheered and Techno couldn't help but laugh at the little one's antics.

"Actually food bud, not just juice." Tubbo tells him and Wilbur thinks again.

"Grill cheese!" Wilbur smiles before grabbing trucks and lining them up. While Techno makes lunch Tubbo and Wilbur play trucks. They form a city with objects laying around, a book, a pen, Wilbur's sippy cup full of juice, and whatever else they could find. Then they raced trucks around this 'city'. Wilbur of course had to make the truck noises with his mouth.

"I'm gonna win!" Tubbo cheered, laughing a bit.

"No I win, brrrrrrrrrrrrr" Wilbur said, making his truck go a bit fast as he made the truck noise. Wilbur in the end 'won' but then Techno was done cooking.

"Alright little racer, time to clean up." Tubbo encouraged and together they put the trucks and other items away. Lunch was grilled cheese, apple slices and some goldfish. Wilbur was big enough to eat by himself but still made Techno cut up his grilled cheese into little pieces.

After lunch it was story time with Techno reading. Tubbo got a bottle ready for Wilbur and helped feed him while Techno read the story. Wilbur fell asleep and this time around Techno put him in a bed inside of just on the couch.

"You have an eye on him?" Techno asks Tubbo as he walked across the living room. Tubbo watched as Techno picked up his sword again.

"Yeah where are you going?" Tubbo questions. Techno didn't respond until he had opened up the front door.

"I'm going to have words with Dream, Sapnap and George." Techno says shortly and walks out closing the door behind him.

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