What happened? Cg! Techno Little! Wilbur 1/1

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Summery: Techno was on a trip for a few days. When he finally returns back home it was a surprise to find Wilbur in his bed, asleep. With further investigation he sees that Wilbur had been hurt, bruised with a bit of blood. When he does wake up he is little but Techno still wants answers.



Cg! Techno

Little! Wilbur



Techno: Techie, Bubba

Wilbur: Wil, Little one, Bubs



Brothers, platonic (95% of these are platonic family dynamics with the once in a while relationship)


Tw: Bruises, Blood, a little's explanation of fighting

Note: Thank you so much for all the reads and those who vote on every chapter! I can't believe this book has hit 2.3k and I'm sorry for the nonconsistant updates! I just need more ideas!


Techno was walking back to his house, he had been gone for four days and was ready to be back. It had been a good trip, he made it to the neither for some blaze rods and returned with much more than that. So it ended up well.

He walked up his front steps and noticed that the front door wasn't locked when he touched the handle. He wasn't too worried, Phil always forgot to lock the front door when he stopped by Techno's house. He would lock it when leaving, just not while he was inside. So Techno pushed open the front door.

"Phil?" The pink haired man called out, there was no response. He began to then start to worry, what if it wasn't Phil? He drew out his sword and walked up the stairs, towards the kitchen. The lack of the older man in his kitchen made his heart beat more, faster and with no rhythm. He walked to the living room and found the same absence of the man.

He wanted to call out again but if there was an intruder he didn't want to alert them a second time. He crept towards the bathroom and chest room, finding both empty he knew he had two more rooms to face to make sure the house was cleared. The guest room was and all that left was Techno's own room.

It wasn't empty but the sight made Techno drop his sword. Wilbur was there, asleep in Techno's bed with his thumb in his mouth. He put the sword back in the holder and was about to shut the door again to let the boy sleep when he noticed something was off.

Wilbur was covered in bruises, on his face, his neck and his arms. He had shed his coat but not crawled under the covers so he was able to see all the bruises, along with the cuts that littered his arms as well.

It wasn't bad but the fact that Wilbur was in his house, passed out and hurt in his bed, made Techno worry slightly. He knew he would need answers from the other when he woke up, but he didn't want Wilbur to be in complete pain when he woke up so he went back to his chest room. He grabbed a healing potion and walked back to Wilbur. He bent down softly and touched his shoulder lightly.

"What?" Wilbur groaned and he opened his eyes enough to see Techno handing him a bottle.

"Drink this and you can go back to sleep." Techno said shortly. Wilbur felt like he had no room to argue in his half awake mind, so he drank the bottle and handed it back to Techno before laying back down again. The taste of rotten melon lingering in his mouth but his body began to feel light and good instead of achy and hurt.

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