Am I good? Cg! Phil Little! Wilbur 1/1

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Summery: Wilbur comes home one day, he had been on an adventure and on his return home he went past what used to be L'manberg. He gets upset, remembering how he blew it up and questions if he's even a good person. When he passes by his father and doesn't respond Phil goes to Wilbur's house, finding him little.



Cg! Phil

Little! Wilbur



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wil, little one



Father and son platonic, duh


Tw: Panic attack and blood from tripping and falling

Note: Prompts please! Also thank you for 3.5k that's insane! In this story Phil did not do what he did after Wilbur blew up L'manberg, he just brought Wilbur to a safe space before people could freak out.

Side note: I started this last night after posting the last chapter, I had to edit the view count above, last night it was 3.3k and now it's 3.5k. This book is growing so fast and it makes me so happy.


Wilbur was walking home, he was tired. He had gone so far out for almost two weeks, he was mentally and physically drained. He was excited to go home, get into pjs and slip into little space. Maybe watch a movie and have some juice.

Even though he was not the only little on the server Wilbur hid it from everyone, not out of fear of judgement but just for his own protection. He knew littles were protected on the server, rules set in place to keep people from messing with them, but he was still scared. If someone found him when he was that vulnerable who knows what would happen.

So he didn't have a caregiver, he did wish he did have one. He wanted someone to look after him, someone to protect him and take care of him after these long trips. He wanted someone to treat him like a kid and give him love.

He shook his head of thoughts of caregivers and looked around. He had been walking without knowing where he was going. Now looking around he saw where he was. He was standing right where L'manberg was. The crater was covered in glass to prevent people from falling and getting hurt but it just made it feel way more weird.

Wilbur shook his head again and began walking towards his house, one thing he couldn't shake was the guilt that was rising in his stomach. He reminded himself that he was the reason why that was there. He was the reason why L'manberg was blown up, well the first time at least.

He did something bad, he did bad and people were angry at him for it. Even though it happened long ago he knew that they were still mad, still hurt by what he had done. He had done something so bad and begged his father to do the unthinkable. Phil of course didn't, he couldn't do that to his own son.

Instead on that day he took him back to Techno's house where they hid out, knowing that no matter who's side Techno was on that he would protect his own family. They hid there until Phil decided that people weren't mad anymore. And they weren't mad anymore, but that's not what Wilbur thinks.

Wilbur kept walking and was ready to run home at this point, despite his full inventory and how tired he was. He just wanted to be home, he wanted to be little and not worry, but his house was so far. Was he ever going to make it? Were people ready to come out of the shadows and punish him for his crimes?

He couldn't help but start crying. Hot tears ran down his face and he felt his hands began to shake. He knew he was having a panic attack, he knew he should have stopped and sat down, he should have tried to take deep breathes like Phil taught him when he was younger, but he couldn't. So he began to start running, tripping and falling only to get back up again, ignoring the now pain in his hands.

Phil was out in his garden, farming wheat for the cows. He glanced up as he saw someone go bye and recognized it was Wilbur.

"Wil!" Phil calls out to his son, but he was ignored. He watched as Wilbur tripped and got back up, continuing to run. Phil also noticed he was shaking and crying, knowing he was having a panic attack. He ran inside and grabbed his bag and giving a quick explanation to Techno where he was going, Techno had planned to come over for dinner but knew that he should just go to his own home.

Phil then went out the front door and strechted out his wings, flying off to where he knew Wilbur's house was. He was looking at the ground, hoping to see Wilbur still running but by the time he made it to Wilbur's house, there was no Wilbur on the ground.

He landed and knocked on the front door, with no response he pushed open the front door. He heard soft crying so he went to the bedroom where he heard the noise coming from.

"Wil?" He called out and again there was no response. Pushing open the bedroom door he saw Wilbur laying on his bed, curled into a ball and sobbing his heart out. Phil felt his heart break and walked over to the other softly. "Wil?"

Wilbur shoots his head up, seeing who it was. When he realized it was his father he began to cry more. Phil was so angry when Wilbur set off the tnt. Wilbur honestly thought he should have done what he had asked.

"Wil? What's wrong?" Phil questioned, trying to understand what was happening. From what he could tell Wilbur was crying, his hands were bleeding from falling, he was shaking and he had a glossed over look in his eyes.

"Dada I bad!" Wilbur sobbed and that took Phil by surprise. Sure Phil knew what littles were, he took care of Tubbo when Tubbo went little and Ranboo wasn't around or couldn't for whatever reason. He just never imagined that Wilbur was a little.

"Little one why do you say that?" Phil questions and at the nickname Wilbur latches onto his father. He began to sob into his shoulder and Phil just held him close and rubbed his back in an attempt to sooth him.

"I make Berg go boom!" Wilbur continues to sob. Phil felt his heart break, no one was still mad about that but Wilbur obviously felt like people were.

"Little one, no one is mad about that still. You're not bad, you're good." Phil coos softly and Wilbur pulls back slightly to look at his father.

"I good?" He questions and Phil nods.

"Of course you are. Here, little one can we clean up your hands, get you some food and then you can sleep? I know you had a long journey and you need rest." Phil offers and Wilbur nods, still crying a bit.

Phil stood up and picked up the little softly. He took the little to the bathroom where he clean up his hands, singing a song that Wilbur liked to distract him. He then carried Wilbur back to his room where Wilbur choose out pjs and got out a sippy cup and a pacifier from a box under his bed.

"Do you have juice?" Phil questions and Wilbur nods, and they walk to the kitchen. Phil filled the sippy cup with juice and got Wilbur a snack of crackers and cheese. Wilbur ate rather quickly, Phil making a note to feed Wilbur a nice big meal later.

"Bed bed?" Wilbur questioned once his finished and Phil nodded, picking him up and taking him back to the room a second time. Phil tucked him in and was about to leave. "dada stay!" Wilbur said and Phil of course couldn't say no.

"Alright Little one, but you do need to nap. I'll stay for a bit until you're asleep and then I have to clean up around here. I'll be here when you wake up though I promise." Phil tells Wilbur, climbing into bed next to Wilbur. Wilbur nodded and began cuddling with his dad.

No matter how Wilbur felt in the past he was glad he was being taken care of now. This is all he wanted but was too afraid to ask for.

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