Don't Wanna. Little!Wilbur CG!Philza 1/3

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Summery: After a long day out Wilbur feels himself begin to slip. He tries to push it back but at some point he can't anymore. Phil begins to try and make sure he's okay, taking care of him. Then Wilbur slips fully.



Little! Wilbur

Cg! Philza



This is purely platonic!



Wilbur: Bubs, little one, Wil

Phil: Dada


"Wil come on." Phil smiles and turns around so he can look at Wilbur. Wilbur was staring at a shop they were passing by, looking at the stuff animals in the display case.

"Hm?" Wilbur says turning back to look at Phil and he shakes his head to try and clear his thoughts. "Right." And he catches up. Wilbur felt the warm feeling in his head and he knew what it meant. But he couldn't regress, not now anyway.

"So after we go shopping for a bit, want to grab lunch and then head back to my place?" Phil asks Wilbur, looking back at the display case he had been staring at. Wilbur nods, feeling his head start to pound. His head always hurt when he pushed away his regression but he couldn't now. Nobody else knew about it and he didn't tell anyone out of fear of rejection.

"Sounds good." Wilbur mumbles, head still pounding. He went quiet for the rest of the shopping trip, only buying a few new shirts and a new phone case. They went to a sit down place for lunch where they ordered and sat there for a moment.

"So for our stream later what did you want to do? We could figure out some lore, we could just play around or we can try to find something else?" Phil asks Wilbur. Wilbur himself sat there playing with the little paper that came around his straw. He was tearing it to shreds and then piled it up. "Are you feeling alright mate?"

"Fine." Wilbur says, still mumbling. His head was pounding now, that fuzzy feeling wanting to take over completely. "Head hurts."

"Oh. Well let's eat quickly than and get home, do you want to do the stream later?" Phil asks him and Wilbur nods. "We don't have to if you aren't feeling good." He reminds the taller man but Wilbur just shrugs.

"And here is your food." The waitress had come back with their food so the conversation ended. After they had finished eating they grabbed their shopping bags and went back to Phil's car. Phil climbed in first and then Wilbur did. Phil buckled himself in and looked at Wilbur who was just still sitting there, unbuckled.

"Wil?" Phil questioned but Wilbur stared forward, still trying to tell himself not to regress. He had pushed it off for so long he could pushed it off for longer. He couldn't regress around Phil, he would be seen as weird and not normal. Phil would make fun of him and leave him. He couldn't loose his friends because of it.

Phil just watched for a moment before reaching over Wil, grabbing his seat belt and buckling him in. Wilbur blushed at the small action, it was something so simple but it did so much. He felt the fuzziness completely take over, and he couldn't stop it. He felt his head go from heavy and pounding to light and carefree.

"You alright mate?" Phil asked, noticing the change in Wilbur's demeaner. He wasn't stiff and staring forward anymore, he was swaying his head slightly and tapping his toes.

"Yep!" Wilbur said and Phil couldn't help but be surprised. Moments ago he was so odd and stiff but now his voice was higher than normal and he was doing little movements. What changed in those few moments?

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