You need a break. Cg! Quackity and Sapnap Little! Karl 2/2

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Summery: Karl was enjoying his time with his caregivers. After they leave Karl now is left with the task of taking care of himself, and he tries to do his best so they won't be disappointed. Now over worked in many different ways he's stressed out.



Cg! Quackity

Cg! Sapnap

Little! Karl



Quackity: Quack, Dada

Sapnap: Sap, Papa

Karl: Little one, hun, baby



This is all platonic!


Tw: Over working oneself

Note: Sorry for dipping but thank you for almost 2k! Please give me some prompts!!!!!!!


Karl spent a good chunk of time during their visit little. Sapnap and Quackity of course didn't mind, Karl wanted to do nothing but be good and not disappoint his caregivers.

"Karl, you want to make your bed with me baby?" Quackity asked Karl, and Karl nodded. It was the last day of their visit and Karl was still small. Quackity was trying to keep Karl busy while Sapnap was making sure things were clean and that Karl had enough good food in the house.

"Dada?" Karl asked as they walked hand in hand to Karl's room.

"Yes hun?" Quackity asked, opening up the door. Karl looked at his messy bed and then to Quackity.

"You leave today?" He asked softly and Quackity nodded, making Karl frown. "I no want go." Karl said, pouting and crossing his arms.

"How about this baby, if you can keep the house clean and do what Papa and I ask, then we'll come visit soon." Quackity offered and Karl nodded. So Karl helped make the bed, which they just ended up laying on top of.

"What are you guys doing?" Sapnap asked, coming into the room.

"Mhm, cuddling." Quackity smiled as they were in fact, cuddling.

"Without me?" Sapnap asks, fake hurt. Karl looked up at Sapnap.

"Papa come here!" Karl smiled, reaching his hands out for his caregiver that was across the room.

"Yeah Sap, come here." Quackity smiled, also reaching out his arms to mimic Karl.

"I dunnooooooooo Quack, should I?" Sapnap fake asks, making the little pout. "Alright I guess I will." Sapnap smiles before crossing the room and joining in on the cuddle party. They cuddled for about an hour, Sapnap and Quackity spinning tales of love and hope, while Karl just listened in. He was content.

Until the moment came where Quackity and Sapnap had to leave. There was lots of tears and long hugs, Karl already missing his caregivers and being taken care of. Sure they could do it online still but it wasn't the same. It wouldn't be the same until they came back.

"I promise Baby, we will be back soon." Quackity said, kissing the top of Karl's head.

"Dada's right little one, back soon we promise." Sapnap said, doing the same. Karl gave one last moment of hugs before they had to leave, the Uber waiting for them. When the door shut Karl just went back up to his room, finding surprises on his bed.

The first was a sweatshirt from Quackity, the other being an oversized shirt from Sapnap. That with a new stuffie that Karl hadn't seen before. He scooped up all three things and held them close to him, feeling tears prickle at his eyes. He just wanted them to return already, it hadn't been more than a minute but he was feeling homesick, not for the actual place, no he felt homesick for the feeling of being home that he only felt in Sapnap and Quackity's arms.

Karl soon fell asleep as Sapnap and Quackity got to the airport. They made it threw TSA before they both had to split ways, each taking their own flights home. They hugged and made promises to talk soon, knowing that they weren't the only ones who would miss each other.

Karl later woke up to texts from the both of them, letting him know that they had made it home safe and hoping that he was well. Since Karl was now big he realized that he should probably get food in his stomach since it was around 8am.

He made his way downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast while thinking about what Quackity had promised, if he took care of himself and listened to what they said, they would come back sooner. So he did what the first thing came to mind when thinking about self care, food.

He got himself some cereal and some juice before sitting in front of his tv. He put on a show and ate, then he showered and worked out a tiny bit. He then streamed, ate lunch and went for a walk. He came back, cleaned and ate dinner. He did some work, watched some tv and then went to bed.

He continued to do this for days on end, each day becoming more tireding then the last.

"Karl? You alright?" Karl snapped his head up and realized he had been falling asleep during a meeting with Dream and George about a video they were planning. "Karl?" Dream repeated softly.

"Huh, what?" Karl asked, not realizing how bad he felt in that moment. Sure he had been taking care of himself physically but not mentally.

"Karl you need a break." Dream says but Karl shakes his head.

"No I'm fine, I'm eating, showering, going for walks and relaxing. I'm getting work done and doing fine." Karl dismisses, straitening up and looking at the screen share.

"When was the last time you went little?" George asked, knowing both him and Dream were aware of the other one's little space.

"Not too long ago." Karl lies, the last time he did was when the others were here, three weeks ago.

"When was the last time you checked in with Quackity and Sapnap?" Dream asks, knowing that if they saw Karl right now they would know something was off.

"Not too long ago." Karl dismisses, again lying. Dream was already messaging Sapnap and Quackity. Karl didn't realize till he was getting a call from their group chat.

"Answer the call Karl, we'll work on this later." Dream reassures and Karl nods, accepting his fate. He answers and both Quackity and Sapnap had their cameras on, slightly disappointed looks on their face. Karl turned his on and felt his heart and mental age drop, why did they look disappointed? He was good.

"Hi baby." Quackity greets and Karl takes one hand and sticks his thumb in his mouth, waving with the other.

"Why was Dream texting us worried about you hun?" Sapnap asks and neither of them sounded upset, faces showing more disappointment then their voices said.

"I dunno." Karl said, not looking at either of them.

"I thought we talked about taking care of yourself little one." Quackity says and Karl looks up at them, feeling the tears well up in his eyes as he felt himself go younger.

"I did! I shower and eat and drink water and go outside and work and go to bed!" Karl said after taking his thumb out of his mouth.

"Okay that's your body, what about your brain baby?" Quackity asks and Karl sticks his thumb back into his mouth and shrugs.

"Alright little one, we'll talk more about it when you're big. For now go get into jammies and then crawl into bed." Sapnap asks and Karl nods, grabbing pjs before going to change in the bathroom.

"He's got the physical self care down." Quackity notes to Sapnap who nods.

"Not the mental though. He needs a balance of both." Sapnap agrees and it was Quackity's turn to nod.

When Karl got back he was put to bed with his caregivers reading a story to him. He may not understand it but they cared so much for him and wanted him to be healthy, physically and mentally. All he knew was they loved him so much and he felt the same love for them in return.

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