Time to rest Cg! Techno Little! Phil 1/1

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Summery: Techno knew that Phil hadnt gone into little space in a while so he offers to watch over him. Phil, now excited for this plan gets all ready for a sleepover Of course when he comes over and slips its all about tea parties, fort building and movies with bed time stories.



Cg! Techno

Little! Phil



Techno: Tech, Techie

Phil: Baby, Little one, Bub


Relationship: Father and son


Prompt/Request: @melt1nqpupilz babyspace philza with cg technoblade

a mini sleepover with a tea party, movie night, and bedtime stories

Tw: None I dont think

Note: Two updates one night? Y'all are special

Thank you for the prompt! And as always you can always request if you want to! Also thank you for 7.4K

Also this is another story where I am writing it on a google doc to copy and paste onto wattpad and for some reason that removes the quotation marks, I go back and fix it but sorry if I miss something!


Techno was a bit tired, he had a long adventure and was ready to go to bed despite it being 4pm in the afternoon. Techno was walking back to his house, passing Phils place. Phil was actually outside, collecting crops and replanting.

"Afternoon Mate!" Phil called, as he saw Techno passing by. Techno knew it would be rude to ignore his father so he turned a bit and stood by the fence, leaning on it and yawning.

"Afternoon Phil." Techno says in return and Phil knew that Techno was tired almost at once.

"Coming back home then? How was your trip?" Phil asks, standing up and walking over to the fence to be nearer. Techno nodded, not noticing the second question but instead looking over Phil.

He could tell that Phil himself was also tired. When he was fine and functioning Phil was clean, he wouldnt let his clothes get dirty even when gardening and he would have a smile on his face. When he was tired his clothes and hair would be a mess, along with having a forced smile and making himself talk to others. Techno knew that was what he was doing now.

"Phil are you doing alright?" Techno asks and Phil is slightly taken aback before he glanced down at himself and his clothing. He knew why Techno was asking but nodded anyway. Techno not buying it glanced at him. "When was the last time you went little?" He asked.

"Uh little while." Phil admits and Techno nods, knowing a little bit would be along the lines of months. "But it's fine, don't worry." Phil adds.

Phil had no caregiver, he would occasionally be babysat by others on the server, all of them more than willing to return the favor to the father of the server. Phil however did not want to bother people so he didn't usually ask for that. He would try to be an independent little, taking care of himself but other times when he knew he would slip to a younger age he tried to push it back.

"How about you can come over tomorrow and I'll take care of you. You can even spend the night." Techno offers, knowing that was exactly what Phil would need. Phil nods his head in agreement, excited to come over but just all around tired right now.

So the next day Phil was knocking on Techno's door. He had a bag full of some of his little gear and he was excited. The last time he was taken care of was months ago so he was now overjoyed. Techno opened the door and Phil walked in smiling.

"Alright little one, we go over rules again and then we can have fun." Techno tells him, Phil knew the drill. He never wanted to be bad so he memorized the rules.

"No scream or hitting, do what is asked, pull ups on if under 4 and diaper if under 2. Don't be afraid to ask for anything but listen if you say no. No weapons or dangerous objects." Phil lists off before Techno can even attempt to say the rules. Techno smiles and nods, watching as Phil hands over his weapons. Techno put them in the closet and walked back to Phil.

"Alright then. Come on let's go get you changed." Techno tells him and Phil nods, they walk to Techno's room. When they got in there Phil couldn't help but gasp and smile, making Techno smile.

Techno had turned half the room into a huge fort, filling it with pillows and stuffies, blankets and fairy lights. He watched as Phil dashed into it and began giggling. Techno still sat at the entrance to it after he grabbed the box of little gear that he kept at his house and dragged it over.

"How old are you feeling bub?" Techno asks flipping open the tub. Phil looked over and stuck up one finger. "Aww little one, you're feeling really small aren't you?" And Phil nodded.

"Techie!" Phil shouted smiling. Techno nodded, knowing that the random yelling of his name was something that little Phil did quiet a lot.

"Yep that's right Baby I'm Techie. Can you come pick out an outfit?" Techno smiles and Phil crawls over to him, reaching into the box for a onesie. He also pulls out some kneehigh socks and an oversized sweatshirt. Since it was nearing winter Techno was not worried about Phil overheating at all. Techno also pulled out a diaper, moving the box so he could change Phil.

After he was all changed Techno helped him get nice and cozy in the fort. He stuck on a show before going to get Phil a warm bottle. When he got back he crawled into the fort with him.

"Here little one, I got you a bottle. Let me feed you." Techno says as Phil goes to reach for the bottle. Phil blushed at how much he was being taken care of, still not used to it. Techno was very good at making little Phil happy.

Techno turned on one of Phil's favorite movies and pulled Phil onto his lap. He began to feed Phil and Phil couldn't help but feel happy. Near the end of the bottle Phil began to drift off so Techno replaced the bottle with a pacifier.

He sat there holding Phil, who was wrapped up in a blanket at this point having nothing on his legs other than socks, and he watched the movie. When it was nearing dinner time he woke up Phil and fed him some mac and cheese.

He then changed Phil's diaper, got him some ice cream since he was being so good. After another bottle and some more cuddles Phil was out for the night.

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