Ramen and Techie is pure comfort Cg! Techno Little! Wilbur

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Summery: Wilbur has horrible insomnia and makes food in the middle of the night, Techno finds him and helps him get to sleep
Cg! Techno
Little! Wilbur


Techno: Techie

Wilbur: Wilby, Bud
Relationship: brothers
Prompt: my brain
TW: insomnia
Note for everyone: this isn't going to be the best. Like many I am trying to deal with the loss of Techno. This is just some small comfort, please take care of yourself and if you can't read this right now then that's fine. Do what's good for you.

Wilbur sat at the kitchen counter while resting his head against it. He was sat in his desk chair that he hadn't bothered to get out of, instead he rolled himself to the kitchen for a snack.

He knew it was late and he knew he should have been asleep hours ago, his brain just wasn't shutting off. So instead he was making himself some ramen, a good late night snack. He was waiting for the kettle to finish heating up when he heard footsteps.

He should of known who it was before he even heard the person clear their throat, but for some reason it still scared Wilbur slightly when he heard Techno speak.

"Whatcha doin' up this late?" Techno asked softly. Wilbur peeled his forehead off the counter and looked over at Techno. He smiled a weak smile before yawning. 

"Making some ramen." Wilbur answered and Techno nodded, walking into the kitchen a bit more. 

"Why are you up though?" Techno questioned and Wilbur shrugged. "Okay, do you think maybe you should head to bed?" Techno asked, caregiver mode already becoming apparent. Wilbur shook his head. 

"I want ramen then I'll go to bed." Wilbur compromised and Techno nodded. The kettle began to whistle and Wilbur stood up so he could pour the water. Before he even could however Techno pushed him back down onto the chair. 

"Knowing you when you're tired you go little, and little boys don't need to be around hot hot water." Techno teased, causing Wilbur to blush. 

"Techieeeee." Wilbur whined, his brain already turned to mush from lack of sleep. It was so easy for him to slip around Techno on discord call, but now that he was here it was even better. 

"Wilbyyyyyy." Techno whined back in the same tone. He wasn't mocking Wilbur, just doing something he knew would make the little smile. And sure enough Wilbur was smiling a tired smile as Techno grabbed the bowl and poured the hot water over the ramen. 

"Juice please?" Wilbur asked as Techno set the kettle back down. 

"Sure bud, good manners." Techno praised, going over to the cupboard. "Sippy cup or bottle?" Techno asked and Wilbur thought for a minute. 

"Sippy, I 6." Wilbur announced and Techno nodded. 

"Thanks for letting me know." Techno praised again and Wilbur nodded quickly. Techno poured Wilbur some apple juice and saw that the ramen was cooked pretty quickly. He brought the bowl over to the table with the sippy cup and then went back to wheel Wilbur over on his desk chair. 

"Techie help?" Wilbur asked, because while he was big enough to feed himself he sure didn't feel like feeding himself right now. Techno nodded wordlessly and began to help Wilbur. He feed him the ramen spoonful by spoonful until he was finished. 

"Good job bud. Do you wanna get into some pjs and watch some cartoons?" Techno asked and Wilbur nodded, smiling at the thought of that. Techno put the dishes in the sink before grabbing Wilbur's hand and leading him back to his room. 

After a change into pjs, Techno set up mickey mouse on the tv for Wilbur. Wilbur didn't feel like sitting on the bed and falling asleep right now so he sat on the floor, pulling out his coloring books wordlessly. 

Techno didn't mind too much about him coloring for a bit. But once it hit 1am he was going to have to convince Wilbur to come to bed. He knew the boy hadn't been sleeping too well and Techno was well aware of that. 

Wilbur began to color his ocean themed coloring book, smiling as he colored whales purple, starfish bright green, and tiny fish red. It wasn't exactly what it should be but Wilbur was having fun. Mickey mouse was a good show to watch because it was always the show that made Wilbur slip smaller and smaller. 

By the end of the second episode Wilbur had gone from age 6 to age 2, and he was yawning quite a bit. Techno smiled as his plan had worked the way he hoped. 

"Hey bud, wanna come up here on the bed? It's super comfy." Techno offered and Wilbur nodded tiredly. He crawled up onto the bed next to Techno and cuddled into his side. Techno smiled and reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a pacifier with a clip. "Want your paci bud?" 

"Yes pleas'" Wilbur said softly and Techno smiled, clipping the clip onto the front of Wilbur's onesie (that of course was whale themed) and kissed his forehead lightly. 

"How about one more episode of mickey and then we can go to bed, how about that?" Techno offered and Wilbur nodded again, his eyes blinking slow enough that Techno knew that he wouldn't even make it through this episode. So while it played for a moment Techno slipped out from under Wilbur, which made him whine. "I know, I'll be right back bud." Techno promised, leaving the room quickly. 

He made his way to Wilbur's room and opened up the door. He went to the computer to make sure that Wilbur's project was saved before turning off his computer and then turning to his bed. He quickly spotted Wilbur's favorite blanket and stuffed animal, grabbing them both before making his way back to his own room. 

Wilbur spotted the items in Techno's hands and made grabby hands, but when Techno tried to hand them over Wilbur shook his head. 

"What? Don't you want these?" Techno asked confused, but Wilbur just shook his head, blinking slowly still. It was only moments until Wilbur passed out and Techno knew it. Wilbur again made grabby hands towards Techno. 

"You." Wilbur said from behind his pacifier and Techno understood what he wanted. 

"You want me?" Techno asked and Wilbur nodded. Techno smiled softly as he climbed back into the bed with Wilbur. Wilbur again cuddled into Techno's side and he smiled behind his pacifier. "Okay bud, I'm not going anywhere." 

Wilbur was out in seconds. 

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