Feelin' small piglet? Cg! Phil Little! Techno Bros! Wilbur and Tommy

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Summery: Techno starts to feel small, and Phil notices and decides to take care of him, because he's just awesome like that.



Cg! Phil

Little! Techno

Big Brother! Tommy

Big Brother! Wilbur



Phil: Dada, Papa

Techno: Baba, Little one, Piglet, Tech

Tommy: Toms

Wilbur: Wil


Relationship: Friends, like father and sons, besties for life, however you want to name the platonic relationship between these four


Tw: None I think?

Prompt/Message: from Vampy (Vampire_Writer) on ao3:

Cc!Techno is v sleepy and teetering on the edge of slipping while in call with the SBI and Phil notices. He takes Techno out of the call and goes into his room cuz streamer house POGGIES (but they havent announced it yet so they all still vibe in vcs together in their own offices) and he asks if Technos feeling small. Techno shows him that he feels between 1-2 and Phil is more than happy to take care of his baby Piglet

From ctechnos on ao3:

CG!Philza Little!Techno?

Completely platonic, like they're father and son.

Techno's ages: 2-3

Gear: Bottle, Pacifier, Stuffed animals/Teddies, (if you're comfortable with it obviously) diapers

Nicknames: (Techno) Baba, Little one, Piglet (Philza) Dada, Papa

Note for everyone: I mixed a request that had no prompt with a prompt from my beloved Vampy <3 Also this mentions diapers, but like everything else in this book it's not in a weird/sexual way.


Techno blinked a couple of times as he stared at his screen. He had received a message from someone on discord and he was trying to read it, but just felt like he couldn't. Well, he could read the words but they didn't process in his brain and he was unsure of what it meant.

The dm in question was just a message from Phil, a simple 'Are you feeling little' because Phil knew that sometimes Techno would start to slip, and just not say anything.

And by this point Phil knew. Techno had gone pretty quiet in the call, and he wasn't making the smartest moves within Minecraft at the moment. Several times he stopped to look at animals, or made dump trades with villages

"Really Techno? Two emeralds for some seeds?" Tommy had asked at one point. That's what made Phil realize Techno was probably going small, and sent over the dm. Phil knew that if Techno didn't respond soon he would have to come up with something to get them out of the discord call.

It wasn't like Phil could just go into Techno's space and be like 'ayo, end the call' because the fans didn't know where they all were right now. They were in a house all together, each in their own office space (finding a place that had at least 10 rooms so they each could have an office, bedroom and two guest rooms was not cheep) They decided they were going to wait to tell the fans, and they were surprised that the fans had yet to figure it out yet.

Wilbur was able to just have his set up stay the same, just claiming that they painted the walls in his office. Tommy was able to say that he finally moved into a nice place (which was true) Phil somehow made his entire set up look exactly the same, even the background of where the door was the same. Techno didn't have to worry since he never streamed with his camera on.

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