Computer break Cg! Phil and Wilbur Little! Ranboo

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Summery: Ranboo is editing on call with Wilbur and Phil, both are his caregivers. It's nice until Ranboo's brain starts to get fuzzy and the words don't make sense. Phil and Wilbur have to convince a small Boo to relax, only to have him sneak back to finish



Cg! Phil

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Ranboo



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wilby

Ranboo: Boo, buddy


Relationship: Platonic friends :)


Tw: Crying and anxiety

Note for everyone: This book ain't dead but my brain is /j


Ranboo sat at his computer, editing something for Tubbo. On his other monitor sat Wilbur and Phil, Wilbur messing around with his guitar while Phil planned out for what he wants to do in his hardcore world soon.

It was peaceful, a bit quiet but nice. Ranboo wished there was music or something playing, not that he didn't like Wilbur's guitar, it's just he wasn't playing full songs. But he also didn't want to ruin the vibe they had going, they seemed happy so he should be too. Maybe if they turned on music his brain wouldn't start to feel like mush.

It was the longer the peaceful evening went on the more Ranboo felt tired. He wasn't sure why his brain was starting to lag, but he didn't want to go to bed until he finished this for Tubbo. He was trying not to yawn because then he would be forced to stop by Wilbur and Phil. Screw them for caring so much.

"How's it going Ranboo?" Phil asked after a bit. Ranboo just hummed, pretending to be caught up too much to talk. But in all reality words felt heavy on Ranboo's tongue and he knew that they wouldn't come out the way he wanted them too.

"Getting tired Boo?" Wilbur asked, catching on already to what was happening. Both of them older men had been taking care of Ranboo long enough to know when he was tired, more importantly when he was starting to slip. Ranboo always seemed to slip when he was super tired.

"I'm fine." Ranboo mumbled, trying to get his words out clearly as he rubbed at his face with a sweater paw. This did not help his case.

"I feel like our little buddy might be getting tired, what do you think Phil?" Wilbur asked, a slight teasing tone to his voice. Ranboo wanted to argue, but he knew his little voice would speak more than his big voice.

"I think our Boo is tired." Phil agreed to which Ranboo whined.

"Not tired, I'm editin' for Tubs." Ranboo said, but he ended up yawning before he could finish his sentence. The tone of voice and the yawn did not convince them like Ranboo hoped it would.

"Uh huh, not tired at all." Phil said to which Ranboo huffed. "Bed time Boo, it's getting late for all of us." Phil stated.

"I'm almost done." Ranboo said, trying his best to finish what he was doing, but his brain truly couldn't make out the words. Curse his brain for slipping so fast.

"It'll be there tomorrow Boo." Wilbur reminded him, but Ranboo whined again. "Bed time."

"Nooooooo." Ranboo whined even more. Wilbur and Phil both gave him a look and he knew that he had no choice.

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