Rainy day Cg! Phil and Wilbur Little! Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo 2/2

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Summery: After finding out that Tommy had been through trauma and that he was also a little they want to spoil him. So when Ranboo and Tubbo are big they spoil little Tommy, but that ends up making Tubbo and Ranboo a bit jealous. Now they have to deal with three littles who don't know how to handle jealousy.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy

Little! Ranboo

Little! Tubbo



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wil, Wilby, Buba

Tommy: Toms, Tom-Tom

Ranboo: Boo

Tubbo: Tubs, Tuby





Tw: Mention of past abuse and jealousy

Note: I'm sorry that I went off the grid for a bit and sorry if this sucks, I have a cold and it's no fun! I am trying my best but I would still like some prompts if you have some! Even if it's just a relationship and general idea of what happens!

Also I do not proof read.


Wilbur was the first to wake up on the rainy day, and of course it was still storming. It had been for the past week and he was tired of it, but what could he do? He slips out of bed, pulling a shirt on and walks out into the hallway.

He checks Tommy's room to see him not there, along with Ranboo's room. He had a suspicion and sure enough checking Tubbo's room he saw all three of them in bed asleep. It wasn't uncommon for them to have 'sleepovers', especially when they went to sleep little.

Both Wilbur and Phil didn't mind, happy that they were happy. So Wilbur shuts the door and walks downstairs. He looks outside and frowns at the weather before starting to make breakfast for them all. He loved to make breakfast for the family so he tried to do it as much as he could.

He got out the ingredients for waffles, along with some berries so they could have berry waffles. Wilbur knew that topped with Nutella that the littles would be in love with it. Shortly after he began to make it Phil came downstairs, freshly showered and mostly awake.

"Good morning Wil, how'd you sleep?" The father greeted his son. Wilbur nods for a moment, processing what was said before turning to look at Phil.

"Fine, I couldn't sleep because of the storm for a bit. Speaking of sleeping they're all in Tubbo's bed." Wilbur says and Phil nods, again understanding that it wasn't uncommon. Phil helps get out other things for breakfast, not getting any cups ready because he understood that the kids could wake up in or out of little space.

"So Wil, I had a small idea." Phil says as he began to set the table. Wilbur hummed in response to let Phil know he was listening. "I know that Tommy never really came to us about being little before a month ago but I want to have a day where we spoil him when he's little. I feel bad for not doing it before, and I know it wasn't our fault, but I still want to. I know that his childhood was hard for him and he never got to be a kid fully."

Wilbur nodded, understanding what Phil was saying. Tommy had come into Phil's care when he was 11, before that he was in a horrible household. He was mistreated and forced to grow up way too fast. That aided in the fact that he was a little, they all understood that. Even Tommy was one to acknowledge it when he was big.

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