Storms coming. Cg! Eret Little! Ranboo 3/3

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Summery: Tubbo is facing a sentencing for his mistakes and is trying to talk to Ranboo. Ranboo gets upset and runs out of the meeting. Eret then has to find the little and help calm him down, wondering if when Tubbo gets out, should Ranboo even go back to him?



Cg! Eret

Little! Ranboo



Eret: Mama

Ranboo: Boo, baby, little one


Relationship: Platonic husbands with Ranboo and Tubbo but that's it. Ranboo and Eret are platonic


Tw: Mention of disappearance and a distressed little

Note: like the other two one shots in this series, I will continue to use she/her pronouns for Eret since if you did not know CC! Eret uses all pronouns! As stated in the past in other oneshots I will use he/they more for Eret but I wanted to keep this series all the same!

Also thank you for 1.6k and please give me prompts!


Ranboo sat at the table, and he felt all the eyes on him. He was still holding the plushie Eret had given him and he was bouncing his feet. He wasn't even going to look in the direction of his husband. Instead he focused on the stuffie in his hands.

"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked softly but Ranboo still didn't look up.

"I don't think Ranboo wants to talk right now." Eret says, feeling her protective side coming out. Tubbo looked at her and glared slightly.

"He's my husband." Tubbo shot at Eret and she couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Who you left behind. I've been making sure he's alright since you left him." She shot back and Tubbo looked at Ranboo. "Don't look at him, he's not going to talk to you, look at me." She snapped and Tubbo looked back at her.

"Aren't we here to talk about what happens to him?" Phil interjects before going any further. There was a mumble of agreement.

"What happened to Micheal?" Tubbo asks, looking around the table. They all knew the answer but no one spoke. "What happened to my child." He spat out, still looking for an answer.

"He's been staying with Phil, right now with Puffy." Quackity answered when no one else did. Tubbo glared at Quackity.

"Why? Has Ranboo just been ignoring his duties as a father while I've been gone? Has he just been acting like a stupid child?" Tubbo snaps, turning back to Ranboo. Ranboo felt his heart pang a bit, why was Tubbo being so mean?

"Tubbo you better watch yourself, there are multiple littles sitting at this table." Niki interjects, speaking before anyone got the chance. Out of everyone at that table, Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, Bad, Fundy, Quackity, Karl, Techno, Sam, Eret and Phil, there was a total of four littles. Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, and Karl. Each was also sitting with their caregivers, Phil, Techno, Eret, Quackity and Niki.

"I don't care about people acting little I care about the actual child here." Tubbo snaps back at her. Niki went to stand up but Techno who was on her side put a hand on her shoulder, standing up himself.

"Tubbo behave or we will put you in prison for a long time." Techno snarled, pulling out his sword and holding it towards Tubbo. Ranboo felt his heart race, no Tubbo for a long time? His trembled his lip and the pacifier fell out, still clipped to his shirt but it hit the table on the way down. It made a noise and caught everyone's attention.

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