Watch yourself. Cg! Philza Techno and Wilbur Little! Bench Trio 1/1

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Summery: Tommy is being a bad influence, cursing in front of the littles and such. Phil threatens timeout if he continues, even though Tommy isn't little in that moment. So Tommy finds another way to corrupt the littles.



Cg! Philza

Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Techno

Little! Tommy

Little! Tubbo

Little! Ranboo



Philza: Phil, Dadza

Wilbur: Wilby

Techno: Techie

Tommy: Toms, Bubs

Tubbo: Tubs, Tuby

Ranboo: Boo



Philza adopted all the children, so family.


Tw: Cursing, naming off drugs, talking of smoking and drinking. Talking of past abuse

Note: YIKES for that tw. But like all my other chapters everything will be okay I promise! Also thank you for over 500 reads! Sorry I was gone for a bit I didn't have any wifi!


Tommy watched as Tubbo and Ranboo played with blocks, he felt like he wanted to join but something had been bugging him in the back of his mind. Whenever he felt himself slip he felt panicked, like his biological father and mother would hurt him like they did when he was a kid.

Even though Phil had adopted Tommy years ago, Tommy still felt scared of them. He felt like they would come and try to take him away from his new family. Tommy never shared these fears with the rest of the family because he was scared they wouldn't understand. Tubbo and Ranboo both were both in orphanages their whole lives. Wilbur and Techno, who were twins, had come from Phil's sister who passed away years ago. Tommy was the only one who didn't know at least one other person his whole life.

And he understood that Tubbo and Ranboo both needed each other like Wilbur and Techno needed each other. They all needed someone and their other half was there for them. Tommy just wish he had someone like that.

"Alright kiddos, time for lunch." Techno announced walking into the living room. Tommy looked up and nodded, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Wilbur had been staring at him. Tommy shrugged it off and walked to the dining room table. He sat down where he usually sat and noticed there was a sippy cup full of juice there. Techno and Wilbur brought in Tubbo and Ranboo who both also had sippy cups in front of them.

"Can I have an actual cup please?" Tommy asked Techno who nodded and grabbed the cup from the boy. Wilbur looked Tommy in the eyes as he sat down.

"Tommy when was the last time you went little?" Wilbur asks and Tommy shrugs, but Tommy knew the answer. The last time he went little without having a panic attack and pulling himself out of it was four months ago. At first his family didn't notice, but it had been so long that Wilbur had caught on and talked to Phil and Techno about it. They both agreed with Wilbur that it was worrying and came up with the idea of trying to get him to slip.

"Here you are." Techno had returned with a cup of soda and handed it to Tommy. Tommy nodded his thanks and Phil walked into the dining room.

"Wow it smells good." Phil smiled at Techno. Tubbo and Ranboo began to dig in, Tubbo being the age of 5 and Ranboo being 6 so they could feed themselves.

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