Figuring it out Babysitters! Cricket Crew Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy is having a sleepover with cricket crew at Tubbo's place, but he slips on accident due to him burning his hand and none of them know he's a little



Babysitter! Tubbo

Babysitter! Ranboo

Babysitter! Aimsey 

Babysitter! Bill

Babysitter! Freddie

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Tubbo: Tubs

Ranboo: Boo

Aimsey: Z (said like you would say the back half of aimsey) 

Bill: Zo

Freddie: Dee

Wilbur: Wilby

Tommy: Toms, Little one, little guy


Relationship: friends ofc, Wilbur is Tommy's official caregiver


Tw: Light cursing, small burn (due to cooking food) 

Prompt/Message: 16 of you asked for this on the last chapter because it was vaguely mentioned in one line- the line being "Most of the cricket crew found out all at once during a sleepover gone a bit wrong" 

Note for everyone: So many of you asked for this and for what /j Also I am using she/they pronouns for Aimsey in this


Tommy was excited, he was going to Tubbo's house for a sleepover with his friends. They had all hung out for a bit before and everyone got along great, so this was another get together. This time there would be no cameras, streaming or vlogging really. They just wanted to relax and have fun. 

Tommy's dad pulled up to Tubbo's house and let Tommy get out. He waved his goodbyes and ran over to the extension where he didn't even bother knocking, he just let himself into the house. 

Tubbo, Ranboo, Aimsey and Bill were already inside on the couch, Stranger Things on the tv. 

"What's up bitches!" Tommy said loudly as he walked in and dropped his bag on the ground, drawing the attention of the others in the room. 

"Hey Tommy." Ranboo greeted. Tommy sat next to him on the couch and reached over to ruffle Ranboo's hair. 

"How was the drive bossman?" Tubbo asked and Tommy just shrugged. 

"I dunno man, I slept through most of the drive." Tommy said honestly. 

"Like a little baby." Bill teased, Tommy responded by flipping him off. 

"We're just waiting for Freddie and then I think the plan was to make pizzas." Aimsey fills him in, and Tommy nods. 

"Sounds great." Tommy agreed, and they all turned their attention back to the tv. They watched for a while as they waited for Freddie to arrive, and once he did they all moved their stuff to the side and went to the kitchen. 

"Alright, Ranboo and Billzo are both kinda hopeless at cooking, we've seen your cooking videos Ranboo don't make that face." Tubbo says and Ranboo just rolls his eyes as he sits at one of the bar stools next to Billzo. "So I was thinking Aimsey and Freddie could cut up stuff, I could roll out the dough, and Tommy could you cook the meat and onions on the stove?" Tubbo asked. 

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