Always meet your heros Cg! Techno Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Techno has been Ranboo's caregiver for a few months now, and even though they live in the same state, it's been hard to meet up together. But now they're finally able to, and Ranboo is very excited. 



Cg! Techno

Little! Ranboo



Techno: Techie

Ranboo: Boo


Relationship: Idk, not quite brothers but not quite just friends? More like mom and her child


Tw: None? 

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain, and again this one is for Vampy

Note for everyone: This will have no mention of anything bad at all this world everything is perfect o7


Ranboo sat at his computer, practically vibrating on the spot. He was so excited for tomorrow, he was going to be taking the train to go and visit with Techno for two weeks. He was excited to meet him for a couple different reasons. 

The first was Techno had always been a hero of his, and while they had known each other for quite some time it was still so exciting to meet one of his heros. 

The second was Techno was his caregiver, and this would be the first time ever that Techno would be able to take care of Ranboo in person. Ranboo had never been taken care of in person before, so it was new for both of them. 

Ranboo right now was waiting for Techno to call him, they'd be doing one last sleep call before Ranboo left the next day. Ranboo had been counting down the days since he booked the ticket and Techno had been helping him by doing sleep calls until they were in person together. 

Right then Ranboo's discord rang and he immediately answered it. 

"Hi!" Ranboo answered. 

"Hellooo." Techno said in his usual tone. 

"How are you?" Ranboo asked as he turned on his camera, Techno doing the same. Techno liked being able to see Ranboo when taking care of him but never forced him to turn on his camera. 

"I'm doing well, how are you doing Boo?" Techno asked. 

"I'm so excited for tomorrow." Ranboo said and Techno chuckled softly. 

"Really? I could have never known. It's not like you've texted every day about it, texted the discord server about it, made a count down until the exact moment we're together, and talked about it everyday." Techno said teasingly and Ranboo blushed. 

"I'm just excited okay?" Ranboo said, and he knew Techno was just joking. 

"I know Boo, I'm excited too. We'll be able to do a lot of stuff together once you're here, and it's only one more sleep okay?" Techno asked and Ranboo nodded. "Now, how about you get ready for bedtime so that when it is bed time you're all ready to go?" Techno suggested. 

"Okay Techie." Ranboo said, already starting to regress. Techno just had the effect that as soon as he began to take care of Ranboo, Ranboo would regress. It was really nice and Techno loved taking care of Ranboo when he was small. 

Ranboo soon changed into pjs, crawled into his bed with his pacifier and stuffed animals, and switched Techno over to his phone. Techno turned on a show for them to watch together like they always did before Ranboo went to sleep. It was a few episodes in, around 9pm, when Ranboo began to grow tired. Techno suggested he should go to bed and Techno agreed, he fell asleep soon after. 

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