Move in day Cg! Phil and Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy moves into a new place and realizes how much this really is.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wilby, Wil

Tommy: Toms


Relationship: Platonic family nothing more nothing less


Tw: None?

Prompt/Message: Diamondqueen88 (ao3)

I love this and I know you probably have a bunch or requests but can I please request a CG! Phil and CG! Wilbur take care of Little! Tommy? After they help him move in to his own place and then It twigs he's gonna be alone now and he slips please? Thank you.

Note for ao3: Thank you for all the love on everything!

Note for wattpad: Thank you for all the love on everything!

Note for everyone: People in my discord decided that they would like to see me do a plot agere book! That also means that it will take over one of the oneshot days! So on Sundays I will update the one shot book, Wednesday I will do 'Home is not a house' and on Fridays I will do the new plot book, which currently is in the works but does not have a name yet

If you want to be apart of the decision making process join the discord!


"Ugh Wil this box is too heavy can you take it?" Phil asks, trying to grab the box from the back of the car but failing.

"What is Philza Minecraft too weak? Can the old man not carry a box?" Tommy taunts, grabbing another box himself.

"Tommy this is the box with your computer, something you couldn't even put in the car but had your dad do it for you." Wilbur tells Tommy, grabbing the box. Tommy rolls his eyes and mumbles something along the lines of

"You don't need to show off" Which made Phil and Wilbur laugh.

"Come on mate, two more boxes and then we're done completely." Phil smiles and Tommy nods, grabbing another box under his other arm. Phil grabs the remaining box, closes the truck and leads the boys inside to Tommy's new apartment.

The freshly 18 year old boy was excited to live on his own. He had gotten an apartment near Wilbur and his friends were helping him move in. They were finishing up the last of boxes because Tommy really didn't own too much, after this they were going to unpack the things. It shouldn't take too long since he had already bought things and unpacked those before getting the rest of his things.

"Can we order food for lunch before we start unpacking?" Tommy questions and Phil thinks for a moment.

"How about we order, start unpacking, take a break when food gets here and then continue to unpack?" Phil offers and Tommy nods.

"What are you thinking Toms?" Wilbur asks as he puts the computer box on Tommy's desk, Tommy following into the office with his box of camera stuff.

"Maybe pizza?" Tommy smiled, trying not to think too much about the nickname Wilbur had said. Tommy had already woken up feeling fuzzy in the head but knew there was so much he had to get done today.

"Alright that sounds good with me. What about you Phil?" Wilbur smiles and Phil nods. So while Wilbur ordered Tommy and Phil began to unpack boxes. Phil was unpacking clothes and hanging them up while Tommy was putting things in his room on shelves and in bins that slid under his bed.

"How does this look?" Phil asks, stepping back from the closet. Tommy looked over and smiled, it looked lovely.

"It looks great Phil." Tommy said trying to think clearly. His head felt so heavy and fuzzy. He wanted to forget all the stuff he needed to do and just regress at this point. But he pushed through and continued with boxes.

"Alright, I'm going to do the kitchen now and by the time you are done with that last box pizza should be here." Phil tells Tommy and he nods. Phil walks out of the room and Tommy pulls the last box towards him.

Opening it up he saw it was all of his little stuff. Sippy cups, bottles, onesies, stuffies, pacifiers, teethers, toys, blankets and coloring books with crayons.

This did not help with Tommy wanting to regress. He shook his head and pulled over the bin just for his little stuff. He began to unpack it and organize it, though when he was little it would probably become unorganized.

When he was finished he smiled, he was proud of the work he had done. He was staring down at the pacifiers, it couldn't hurt to just put it in his mouth right? He didn't have to regress but it would be nice just to have something there so he wasn't biting his lip.

He put the pacifier in his mouth and smiled, it was nice. He began to suck on it lightly and looked back down at the box, there was one of his favorite stuffies that Wilbur got him, a small cow plush.

"Hi Benry!" Tommy smiled at Henry the cow, picking him up and hugging him tightly. He then saw that Henry's friend, a sheep named Friend, was also there. "Frwend!" Tommy smiled grabbing him too. "Look at da new house! We liva hewe now!" Tommy said, moving the plushies around so they could see the new room.

"Tommy! Pizza is here!" Wilbur calls and he brings the pizza boxes to the dining table but there was no response.

"I'll get him, you grab some paper plates yeah?" Phil said and Wilbur nodded. Phil walked over to Tommy's room and pushed open the door. Tommy was there playing with toys and sucking on a pacifier. "Tommy." Phil said softly and Tommy shot up to look at him. He then began to cry.

"I sowwy, I no mean little but Benry and Frwend needa see the house!" Tommy said, crying and dropping his pacifier.

"Oh Toms, I'm not mad that you went little." Phil says quickly, walking over to Tommy and sitting on the floor next to him. He grabs Tommy and pulls him into a hug. "I told you that any time you wanted to go little you could. I'd never be mad at you for that." Phil says and Tommy nods as he cries.

"Just so much do and it lot!" Tommy sobs more and Phil feels his heart break slightly. He knew it would be hard for Tommy to move out on his own, it was very hard to go anywhere alone but moving to a new city by himself had to be hard.

"It's okay Toms, Wilby is here for you. He's just down the road." Phil reminds him, telling him that one of his caregivers legit was right down the road almost 24/7. Tommy nodded again and held onto Phil. "Here let's go get some food in your tummy and then we can continue unpacking later okay?" Phil says and Tommy nods.

"Are you guys alright?" Wilbur had come into the room and saw Tommy trying to calm down while Phil just held him softly.

"Yeah he was scared of being on his own and ended up slipping." Phil says and Wilbur nods.

"Toms isn't on his own, I'm just down the road!" Wilbur smiles and Phil laughs, because that was the point he had just made moments ago. Tommy nods and pulls away from Phil, reaching for his fallen pacifier.

"Uh no Toms, that fell on the floor, you can pick a clean one or we can wash that one." Phil says grabbing it from him. Tommy huffs but stands up, grabbing Henry and Friend.

"Oh are they joining us for lunch?" Wilbur asks, reaching out to grab Tommy's hand. Tommy nods and Wilbur leads them both to the table. While Wilbur cut up Tommy's pizza, Phil washed the pacifier, also grabbing juice and filling up a sippy cup he had grabbed from the box.

"Here you go Toms." Phil smiles, putting the sippy cup down in front of the little. Tommy just smiles as he grabbed at the pizza chunks with his hands, making a huge mess on his hands and on his face. It was fine for now, but after he was yelling at Wilbur tried to wipe him down.

No matter what Tommy was very happy with his caregivers, even more so that one was now just down the road.

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