Oh no. Cg! Sbi + Beeduo Little! Tommy 3/3

2.7K 81 78

Summery: Tommy was at Phil's house for about a week now. Everyone still was, all content at being there with each other. They also felt like something bad was just around the corner, and that began to come true.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Kristin

Cg! Techno

Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Ranboo

Flip! Tubbo

Little! Tommy


Phil: Dada, Dadza

Kristin: Mama, Momza

Techno: Techie

Wilbur: Wilby

Tubbo: Tubs

Ranboo: Boo

Tommy: Toms, Bubs, Buba



One big family with Momza and Dadza being married of course


Tw: Talk of abuse, stalking, threats, cursing


Sorry this chapter is shorter, this story line had to come to an end eventually. But thank you for 2.7k! That's so crazy I can't believe it! Please give me some prompts!


Tommy was happy in this moment. He had been at Phil's for a week already and he felt so safe there. Tubbo and Ranboo, who were only supposed to stay for a week ended up extending their trip for two more weeks, with Phil's permission of course. Both Phil and Kristin of course agreed, it was easier to make sure everyone was safe while in the same house.

Tommy and Tubbo were both in little space at the moment. They were playing with blocks and trucks on the floor of the living room, happy as can be. Tommy was feeling around the age of two while Tubbo was feeling around the age of four. Wilbur and Ranboo were watching over them, while Techno, Phil and Kristin were coming back from a walk.

When they were coming back Phil did stop by to check the mail before retreating inside. It was mostly normal mail, bills, coupons, and something marked for Tommy? No one except those inside the house knew Tommy was here. Half of Phil told him not to check it, but the other half of him did tell him to.

He looked over the envelope again, it had no address, it didn't even have Phil's address on it. It was just marked with "Tom Simons" Phil walked past the others in the living room to the kitchen, where he found Kristin starting to make tea.

"Kristin there's this letter for Tommy, but it has no return address or even this address. I feel like I should open it but should I?" Phil asks his wife.

"I would, if it's something bad Tommy shouldn't see it." Kristin said, ignoring the parts of her telling her it was wrong. Phil listened to his wife and opened up the letter, seeing it was a huge page full.


You fucking disgrace, thinking you can run away to your friends house. You are so fucking stupid aren't you. I should have beaten you to the point where you couldn't walk. I should have beaten you until you were dead

They can't fucking save you, I know where you are Tom.

Come back home and face me like the man you aren't. If you don't I'll call the police on those creeps you're staying with, telling them that you were kidnapped. They'll believe me. They won't believe you.

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