Prank call Cg! Wilbur and Techno Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: On George's "hot tub stream" (6/2/21) he prank called Tommy, saying he needed to do better on lore and that Dream doesn't like it. Tommy then sounded kinda sad and George just left the call. Tommy ends up getting really upset and regresses, when he doesn't answer George's call again it is passed down the grapevine to Wilbur and Techno and they call him, finding him little.



Cg! Wilbur

Cg! Techno

Little! Tommy



Wilbur: None used

Techno: None used

Tommy: Prince, Little one, Bubs



All platonic, chosen family your honor o7


Tommy's perspective

I ended the call with George feeling slightly upset. Does my lore really suck? Were people not good with it? I thought I was doing okay at it. I was putting a lot of effort into it.

"Actually mom, can we watch this later? My head starting to hurt." I ask my mom, she looks at me. We were going to watch the new Bo Burnham special. Technically it wasn't a lie, my head was starting to hurt but that was for another reason.

"Oh alright dear. There's medicine in the bathroom cabinet if you need it." She tells me with a smile. I nod and stand up, I manage to make it up to my room before I start crying. Why was this upsetting me so much?

It could just be my regression, I've been pushing it off lately due to streaming and working on videos almost none stop.

I feel my phone buzz and see it's George again. Why was he calling? To tell me I've done more things wrong? I throw my phone on my bed and it hits my cow plush Henry.

"Oh no Henry." I say running over to him. I grab him off my bed, ignoring the buzzing phone and I give him a big hug. "Sorry!" I say holding him close to me. I hold him out and kiss his head where the phone hit him. "All batta" I smile hugging him again. I feel my regression creep over me so I just let it happen. I reach down under my bed and pull out my box of little gear, pulling out a paci and clip. I then grab Henry and a blanket and crawl into my desk chair, putting on a movie.

Wilbur's perspective

"Alright so if you win this round you win the game?" Techno asks me and I nod.

"That's right. And don't worry Techno I'm a master at Geo guesser. Right chat?" I ask, looking away from the game to look at the chat. There was loads of yes but there was also a few messages all along the same lines.

You need to check on Tommy. George prank called him on stream and he sounded upset

"Wait what happened with Tommy?" I ask, playing my turns in Geo Guesser before looking back at the chat.

"What's happening with Tommy?" Techno asks me.

"I don't know, something popped up in my chat a bunch." I explain reading over the chat.

George was streaming and called him as part of a prank call on stream. He told Tommy he wasn't doing enough for lore and that Dream didn't like it. Tommy headed off sounding pretty upset and when George tried to call him again he didn't answer.

"I'm sure he's alright." I say brushing it off. After I saw I won the round of the game I sent a quick message to Techno.

5 more minutes then I'm ending stream to check on him. He might have gone little.

Tommy being little was only known to a few in our friend group. Techno, Phil, and I all acted as caregivers to Tommy, as well as Tubbo and Ranboo. The three of them could get into a lot of trouble if they were all regressed at the same time.

Sounds good

Was the reply I got back from Techno. After a few moments and a few topic changes I start to yawn a bunch.

"Wilbur you sound tired. Why don't you go off to sleep?" Techno says, understanding why I was yawning a lot. It was only 9pm but he understood the idea I had.

"Yeah I think I might. I am so tired from doing stuff with the band today." I lie and I quickly deafen myself on our discord call. "Alright chat. I love you all very much but I'm going to head off. I'll send you over toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Hannah she's live now. So I'll send you over to her and I will be back with another stream later on. Bye! Bye bye! See you later!" I say and I raid Hannah. I then undeafen from the discord call. "Hello I'm back."

"Do you want to ring our group chat or just ring Tommy separately?" Techno asks me. We had a group chat with the 6 of us.

"Let's do a small group with you, me and him." I say creating the group. We give it a call and he doesn't pick up. "I'm calling again."

"Alright." Techno says. Techno wasn't the best when it came to taking care of the littles so he always preferred someone else to be there.

Tommy's perspective

I was in the middle of watching The Lion King when my discord began to ring. I ignored it but the second time it rang I realized I should probably pick up. I picked it up without looking at who it was, thinking it was probably George. When I thought about the fact that it could be George I panicked for a moment, I have Henry and a paci in.

"Hello Tommy." It wasn't George it was Wilbur. I looked at the call and saw Techno was also there.

"Are you live?" I ask, pulling out my paci and trying my best to sound as big as possible. If he was live I would have to be big. I didn't wanna be big.

"No I'm not. Tommy are you alright?" Wilbur asks me and I nod even though he couldn't see me. When he doesn't ask anything else I a hum a yes. "Are you little bubs?" he asks me and I turn on my camera as a response.

"Aww Wilbur look at the little guy." Techno coos and I hide my face in my blanket.

"We heard what happened on George's stream." Wilbur says and I feel tears start to well up in my eyes. I wasn't good enough, I wasn't doing enough, they hated what I did. I need to do better. I can't be doing better if I'm little. I take out the pacifier and turn my camera off. I put Henry and my blanket on my bed and close out The Lion King.

"What about it?" I ask him, I had been ripped out of my head space and I feel like they could both tell.

"Prince, it was a joke." Techno tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Techno I'm not little anymore." I tell him and he goes quiet. I pull up my project that I had started editing and went back to work.

"What are you doing Tommy?" Wilbur asks me.

"I'm getting back to work. Joke or not I need to do better." I mumble and I go back to editing.

"Tommy, stop it. George was just pulling a prank on you. He didn't actually mean it. All the work you have already done is amazing." Wilbur tells me and I roll my eyes.

"No it can be better. I need to be big and do work." I tell them. There's silence for a moment.

"Alright, well Wilbur he doesn't want to be little. Well, we better get back to our plans then. You said you were gonna get your guitar and sing?" Techno says and I know what he was doing. I loved listening to Wilbur sing when I was little.

"Yep, I was gonna sing and we were going to get into pjs and watch movies." Wilbur said confidently. I want to watch movies and get into pjs.

"And we we're gonna read stories too weren't we." Stories?

"Well we better leave big man Tommy to his editing shouldn't we?" Wilbur says.

"No! Wanna do sing and movie and story!" I exclaim feeling myself begin to slip again.

"But I thought you wanted to edit?" Techno asks me confused.

"I no wanna edit now." I say crossing my arms.

"Well how about you get into pjs and get a sippy cup with some juice and you can join us." Wilbur offers and I smile.

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