You need a break. Cg! Quackity and Sapnap Little! Karl 1/2

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Summery: Quackity and Sapnap come to visit Karl. And in preparation of their visit Karl is all over the place, not sleeping, drinking too many monsters, not eating and not regressing. "Too busy planning streams and things to do" So when they arrive he is a complete mess. So they take care of him.



Little! Karl

Cg! Sapnap

Cg! Quackity



Karl: Little one, bubs, prince, sweetie

Sapnap: Sap, papa

Quackity: Quack, dada



All platonic but still loving


Karl was running around his house, he was excited and he felt like he couldn't sit still. He wasn't really doing things that he should be doing, like cleaning or even showering, which he hadn't done in the past week. No he was just running around, basically running laps waiting for Sapnap and Quackity to arrive.

Sapnap and Quackity were currently in an uber on their way to Karl's place. They both were excited, probably not as much as Karl but still over the moon about it. They arrived, grabbed their suitcases and walked up to the door. They knocked and not even 30 seconds later it swung open. Karl launched himself at them, hugging them close to him.

"You're here!" He shouted and they laughed, hugging him back. When they pull away they get a full look at him, he didn't seem like his normal self. His hair was greasy, his clothes were stained and dirty, and his usually colorful nails were chipped away with dirt stuck underneath them. If this was a cartoon he probably would have had stink marks coming off of him.

"Yeah we're here Karl." Sapnap smiled softly, not wanting to comment on the other's appearance right away. Karl lead them inside where he gave them a tour, showing them every room in the house, including their rooms. Quackity and Sapnap made eye contact constantly, both seeing all the littered monster cans, take out containers, and random trash spread around. They saw his bed was unmade and his desk was a mess.

"And this is the kitchen." Karl said, ending the tour. There was dirty dishes in the sink and foods were on the counter. Karl watched as they looked around, he was waiting for their response.

"Karl, are you doing alright?" Sapnap asks and Karl nods, he was confused. "When was the last time you took a shower?"

"Uh few days ago?" Karl said and they knew he was lying. "I've just been super busy planning the streams and the things we're gonna do. I know it's a bit messy but I've just been all over the place." Karl explains.

"When was the last time you went little?" Quackity asks him. Karl bit his lip. He was grateful for his caregivers, they had found out about his regression and became his caregivers about a year ago, this was the first time they all met in person since he had told them. He didn't know what to expect from that.

"Uh when I was last little with you?" Karl says trying to think. Quackity and Sapnap were in shock, that was over a month ago, maybe two.

"Karl, you can't be pushing that back. It helps you, and you haven't been taking care of yourself either. We love you so much but you are covered in filth and your house is a mess." Quackity tells him and Karl feels his heart pang. He didn't mean to disappoint them, he was just go excited for them to come that he forgot all of his normal routines. He didn't want to burden them with being little before the trip either.

"M sorry" Karl said, immediately starting to cry. They both felt bad but they knew it was the truth. "Didn't mean to be bad" He mumbled as Sapnap and Quackity pull him into a hug.

"Aww bubs we're not mad at you, we just want you to be happy and healthy." Quackity explains. Karl nods, trying to not cry.

"Here how about this, we get you in the tub and then after that we can watch a movie and cuddle. How's that sound?" Sapnap says, playing into the things he knew little Karl like. Karl pulled away from the hug and nodded, sticking his thumb in his mouth to suck on.

"Prince you know you aren't supposed to be sucking on your thumb. Let's get you a paci and in the tub." Quackity says, leading Karl by his hand up the stairs and to his room. He helped get Karl a paci, picked out a little outfit for when Karl was done in the tub, and got the bath ready. He let Karl get in the tub, respectfully closing his eyes until he was under bubbles. He washed Karl's hair and let Karl play with bath toys.

Quackity left him in there for a moment to check on Sapnap, who had been going around the house with a trash bag cleaning all the trash he saw. Quackity joined him until all the trash was gone. Then Quackity ran a vacuum while Sapnap wiped down flat surfaces with wipes. Once the house was looking better Quackity went back to the bathroom where Karl was still playing.

"Hey Prince, are you done?" Quackity asked and Karl nodded. He helped Karl hop out, again closing his eyes until he had his underwear on. He then helped Karl get his footie pjs on, clipped his pacifier on and dry his hair. They then walked hand in hand down to the living room.

"Aww look at our little one Quackity! He's so pretty" Sapnap said making Karl blush and be happy. They settled into the couch and Karl noticed that Sapnap had gotten snacks including goldfish, apple slices, chips and m&ms out. He also noticed a sippy cup with something in it. When Karl reached for it and took a sip he realized it was just water.

"Icky." Karl said, not used to pure water since all he had been drinking for a while was monster or soda.

"Bubs you need to have water. Water and real food is good for you, you can't just have monster and junk food." Sapnap tells him and Karl nods, not wanting to disappoint his caregivers anymore than he already had.

"sorry." Karl mumbled around the sippy cup. He was looking down at the ground, trying not to cry.

"Sorry for what bubs?" Quackity questions, confused on why he would be saying sorry.

"dissapond" Karl mumbles and Quackity and Sapnap look at each other, trying to think for a moment what he said. Then it clicked in Sapnap's head.

"We aren't disappointed little one." He tells, Karl looks up and they saw the tears in his eyes, making their hearts melt.

"Weally?" Karl questions and he looks at them both. He looked back and forth between them since they were on each side of him.

"Of course, like we said we just want you to be happy and healthy. We love you." Quackity says and Sapnap nods.

"Love too." Karl says, hugging each of them. Sapnap then hits play on the movie and that's how they spent their evening, cuddling, eating snacks, and just enjoying each other's company.

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