Nightmares and coloring Cg! Tommy Little! Ranboo 1/1

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Summery: Tommy wasn't the biggest fan of Ranboo. But one night Ranboo gets a nightmare that he enderwalked and hurt family, he woke up thinking that it felt a bit too real. So Tommy tries to comfort him.



Cg! Tommy

Little! Ranboo



Tommy: Toms

Ranboo: Boo, Ran-Ran


Relationship: Just friends ofc! No shipping minors here (I repeat that a bit because I keep seeing problematic people on twt and it's annoying)


Tw: Nightmare (in nightmare mention of blood)

Prompt/Message: Anxiety_mom (ao3)

Can you please make a little!ranboo chapter with hurt/comfort? I dont really want a specific age range but maybe he sees a nightmare about hurting his family in his enderwalking stage and slips cause of it? And despite how tommy usually acts like he hates ranboo he shows his softer side for him while he's regressed (ranboo acts nervous and quiet around him at first cuz he'd think he will make fun of him) tubbo just leaves them to spend time together and bond? Maybe they'd do coloring/crafting then ranboo would watch tommy make a sweater and sleep by his side. Sorry if this is too detailed.

Note for ao3: Is anyone else having the issue where they can't upload things on a desk top? I'm having that issue and have to upload things via phone

Note for wattpad: Thank you for those who follow me hehe

Note for everyone: Don't forget I write different books that can be found on my profile. Also for requests I try to go in order but I do the ones where I have ideas for and feel like I can write so I'm not getting stuck

p.s if you're reading this you lost the game.


Ranboo most of the time was fine with everything, well except when it came to someone hurting someone he cared about. Then he was not fine with it. But every other time he was fine with things.

Tommy was not always fine with things. No half the time he wasn't okay with how certain things worked out. He hated how everyone did things but just didn't care about how it ended. He wasn't fine with anything, except Tubbo.

Tubbo was someone who while in the past he felt like he couldn't count on, now he felt like he could. He would go over to Tubbo's place and they would eat dinners together, make plans for builds, Tubbo taught Tommy how to knit, and just all around had a fun time like they were brothers. But that also meant that Tommy had to be around Ranboo.

Of course he knew Tubbo and Ranboo were married, and that they adopted Micheal. He knew all of this but it didn't mean he liked it. It was yet another thing he wasn't fine about. That and storms.

And of course this happened to be the day that when he went over to Tubbo's place a storm hit after he got there. He hated it but because of the flooding he was stuck there until the storm lifted. Tubbo however had to take Micheal to Phil's house after a bad cut on his head (It totally wasn't because Micheal decided to go sledding down the stairs and nearly cracked his head open.)

So Tubbo had gone before the storm had totally set in, promising to come back before it did. However when Tubbo was still gone an hour later, it was known that he wouldn't be coming back that night. Tubbo's message only confirmed it.

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