What the? Babysitter! Quackity Little! Ranboo and Karl 3/3

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Summery: It's the day of Tubbo and Sapnap's return and both littles are very excited to see their papas. Quackity tries to get them to stay calm but both are just too excited!



Babysitter! Quackity

Cg! Quackity

Cg! Tubbo

Cg! Sapnap

Little! Ranboo

Little! Karl



Quackity: Quack Quack, Dada

Tubbo: Papa

Sapnap: Papa

Ranboo: Boo, Little one

Karl: Baby



Platonic husbands, Ranboo and Tubbo

Fiancés Quackity, Karl and Sapnap


Tw: None I don't think

Note: Thank you for 4.3k! PROMPTS PLEASE


Quackity woke up to Karl on top of him, poking his face.

"Good morning Baby." Quackity mumbles and that makes Karl smile around his pacifier. Karl was wearing a shirt and skirt, thigh highs on as well. Whatever made Karl happy made Quackity happy so he never limited Karl's choices in clothing. That and he looks cute.

"Papa come home day!" Karl cheers as he slides off of Quackity so Quackity could sit up. Quackity nods while wiping sleep from his eyes.

"That's right sweetie. Where's Boo?" He asked looking around. The previous night both littles had fallen asleep in one bed, with Quackity asleep in a bed across the room. But now Ranboo was no where to be seen.

"He gots to pouty." Karl tells him and Quackity nods, throwing the blankets off of himself. He pulls Karl into a hug which Karl gladfully returns.

"Quack Quack." Ranboo had come back into the room and saw Quackity was finally awake. He was obviously still little, pacifier still in his mouth as well. He was wearing an oversized hoodie with shorts and Quackity smiled at the little.

"Morning Boo, are you excited to see you Papa today?" Quackity asks and Ranboo nods excitedly. "Good, let's go get both of you some breakfast. Do you want cereal or pancakes?" Quackity asks but he knew their obvious choice.

"Pancakes!" Karl cheers and Ranboo nods again. Quackity stood up and picked up Ranboo, Karl more than happy to run ahead of them.

Quackity could tell from the lack of major words that Ranboo was in a smaller headspace that Karl, which wasn't too uncommon at most times. The one time Ranboo was in a bigger headspace he tried to get both of them candy from on top of the fridge and ended up falling, on top of Karl. Both littles got a time out and bandages.

They got to the kitchen where Quackity sat both boys at the table with some legos before starting to make pancakes. He was excited to see Sapnap today, and he knew that they should be back within the hour, hopefully in time for breakfast so the five of them could eat together.

Sapnap, Karl, Tubbo and Ranboo were all surprised how Quackity dropped almost all of his anger towards Ranboo, Tubbo and the cookie outpost. Sapnap and Karl both believe that it's because of how he watches over Ranboo sometimes, and that's a bit true.

Quackity dropped it because Ranboo was Karl's best friend at this point. The littles getting along in or out of little space. Even when big Ranboo and Karl could be spotted talking, brewing potions or going for walks. When little they could be found in a flower field, playing with toys or watching cartoons, with Tubbo, Sapnap or Quackity near by of course.

The three of them have pushed away any anger or annoyance towards each other in favor of the littles. Tubbo didn't want anything to ruin Ranboo's happiness, and both Quackity and Sapnap felt the same way.

Speaking of Tubbo and Sapnap there was the sound of a door opening that made both Littles turn their heads. Soon enough Sapnap and Tubbo walked into the kitchen, both littles jumping off their chairs to run to their papas. Both of them opened their arms to their littles and brought them in tightly for hugs. Sapnap brought Karl over to Quackity and pulled him into a hug too.

"Hey Little one! How are you? Were you good for Quackity?" Tubbo asks, embracing Ranboo. Ranboo nods, still nonverbal as he was deep in little space. "Aw that's good, I'm so proud of you!" Tubbo praised and he turns to Quackity. "What do I owe you?"

"Tubbo are you kidding? Nothing. Karl loves him and you kept Sapnap alive, all that you owe me is for you to sit at the table and eat breakfast with us." Quackity says, breaking away from the hug to point at the table. Tubbo not wanting to fight with the man nodded and sat down at the table.

"Do you need help?" Sapnap offers and Quackity nods. Sapnap quickly puts Karl down at the table where he continues to play legos with Ranboo and now Tubbo. They finish up making pancakes and bring them to the table, along with sippy cups of juice for the mentally younger boys.

"So how was the trip?" Quackity asks and they dig in, both Karl and Ranboo using their hands but no one minding.

"It was good, Tubbo saved my butt about 20 times." Sapnap nods and Tubbo rolls his eyes. "You did! You kept me alive, Ranboo your papa is a smart man!" Sapnap tells the little and Ranboo nods, smiling up at his papa.

"Smart papa!" Ranboo cheers and Tubbo ruffles his hair.

"I've just spent too much time with Tommy so I know how to keep people alive." Tubbo jokes as they continue to eat. "So Ranboo was good?"

"Of course, they both got a little sad missing both of you a couple of times but nothing cuddles and cartoons couldn't fix. There was an incident with a bag of candy, the top of a fridge and a fall. Both are mostly okay but Ranboo's elbows are a bit scrapped up though. He's got bandaids on them so it should be fine. Other than that just perfect." Quackity explains and Tubbo nods.

After they finish eating they grab Ranboo's bag and they say their goodbyes.

"Thank you Quack Quack, bye bye Karl." Ranboo says goodbye, hugging Quackity's arm and turning to hug Karl.

"Aw you'll see Karl soon I promise, I'll bring him over for a playdate." Sapnap promises and both littles smile.

"Come on little one, let's go." Tubbo smiles and he holds onto Ranboos hand as they walk off, both waving goodbye to the other three.

"Alright I need cuddles from both you of you, I missed both of you." Sapnap says and of course, they agree.

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