Rainy day. Cg! Philza and Wilbur Little! Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo 1/2

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Summery: It's a rainy day and both Tubbo and Ranboo are little. The whole day while they're playing with blocks and just having a fun time Tommy watches. He watches as Philza and Wilbur take care of them. Tommy knows he's a little, but no one else does. He knows he can tell the others but is too scared to, he ends up lashing out. So after a while he slips away but Wilbur notices something is off and goes to check on him.



Cg! Philza

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy (age 1-5)

Little! Ranboo (age 1-3)

Little! Tubbo (age 3-5)



None! Just family!



Philza: Phil, Dada, Dadza

Wilbur: Wil, Wilby, Buba

Tommy: Toms, bubs, Tom-Tom

Ranboo: Boo

Tubbo: Tubs, Tuby


TW: Talk of past abuse! Panic attack!


Tommy's perspective

I watch as Wilbur picks up little Ranboo and brings him to the dining table. I was sat there, slouched in my seat looking at the food that was already in front of me. Phil walked in holding Tubbo's hand and helped him get into his chair. As we began to eat Phil and Wilbur each helped one of the littles eat, I just pushed my food around the plate.

It wasn't fair how when they were little they got all the attention. I go little but no one ever notices. They don't notice and I never tell them. I don't know why I don't tell them, I know they see nothing wrong with it. I guess I just wish they already knew.

"So little ones I was thinking after lunch you could pick out a movie." Phil said and I looked up. Both Tubbo and Ranboo cheered and smiled. Oh, he wasn't talking to me. I look back down at my plate of untouched food.

"Tommy are you alright?" Wilbur asks me and I look up again. He was staring at me, not even feeding Ranboo at this point, just staring at me. I nod and he squints his eyes. "Be honest." He tells me.

"What the fuck I am being honest!" I say, well more half yelled. Phil looks up at me and glares.

"Tommy do not use that language in front of the littles!" He snaps at me. I stand up and slam my fists on the table.

"Fuck you old man!" I yell and I walk away from the table. I ignore the calls of my name and even Tubbo's little

"Tom-Tom?" I walk up to my room and slam the door. Why can't the care about me like that? Why am I not loved like that? Why are they the favorites? Why can't I be treated like that? This isn't fair.

Wilbur's perspective

"What was that?" Phil turns to me, asking. I shrug.

"Fuck!" Little Ranboo yells and we both turn to him.

"No, no Ranboo that is a big boy word. You don't get to say big boy words." I tell him quickly and he pouts.

"Can I fuck?" Tubbo asks, forgetting a very important word in the middle of his sentence.

"No Tubbo you can't say it either. It's a big, big boy word." I tell him and he pouts too. "Okay how about we finish eating and then you two can pick a movie and we'll make you some popcorn." I offer them and they both start smiling again. I finish feeding Ranboo, wipe down his messy face while Phil does the same with Tubbo.

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