Don't wanna. Cg! Phil Little! Wilbur 3/3

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Summery: Wilbur had been at Phil's house for a bit now, only a few days but to Wilbur it felt like years and it was making him happy! He was more than happy to have his caregiver taking care of him and Phil loved it just as much as he did! Then they get the news Kristin is coming back! Wil is scared he'll have to go back home because she won't like it, but we all know that Mumza loves everyone no matter what.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Kristin

Little! Wilbur



Phil: Dada, my love (Kristin calls him the last one I promise it's not Wil)

Kristin: Mama

Wilbur: Wil, Little one, bubs, hun



Platonic Father and Son


Tw: Panicked little

Note: I need more ideas please! I love writing and I love doing this for you guys but I need ideas because with no ideas comes no motivation! Please anything! And thank you for 2k readers! Please just some ideas!

And I would like to state, I am aware how to spell Kristin's name in past fan fics where she has been mentioned my phone autocorrected her name consistently and I never noticed, I will be doing typing on laptop only from here on out



Phil was sitting at his desk, careful not to scoot too far back to hit little Wilbur who was doing a mix of coloring and playing with blocks. Phil glanced at him to make sure he was still happy, and Wilbur was. He was so happy these past few days and Phil was happy too, seeing his little be happy was making him content.

Wilbur had been little for three days of his so far four day stay. It was the second day that he was big before he fell right back into little space. Phil of course didn't mind at all.

"Little one do you need anything?" Phil asked, causing Wilbur to look up from his coloring. He nodded and handed Phil his empty sippy cup, asking for more juice but not taking the pacifier out of his mouth. "Apple or grape?"

"Ple!" Wilbur said around the pacifier and he went back to coloring. Phil nodded, moved his chair so he wouldn't hit Wilbur and went to the kitchen. He also decided he would make Wilbur a little snack since it would be a while till they had dinner.

Phil got a little kiddy bowl and filled it with some goldfish. He then also got some orange slices and put them nicely on a little kiddy plate, both of them having cartoon characters on them. He then washed the sippy cup real quick since the last juice Wilbur had was grape and he didn't want to mix the flavors. He then filled it up with apple and walked back upstairs with the items.

"Here you go bubs." Phil smiles handing Wilbur the snacks and drink. Wilbur smiled, took out his pacifier and started eating.

"Tank you!" Wilbur cheered and Phil smiled.

"Good manners buddy, and you're welcome." Phil praises and turns to his computer where he was now getting a call. He saw it was Kristin and turned to Wilbur. "Kristin is calling, can I answer it?" He asked and Wilbur nodded, ducking back down so he wasn't able to be seen.

"Hello my love!" Kristin smiles and Phil smiles back at her. "I booked my flighttttttt." Kristin cheers and Phil felt his heart soar, he was ready for her to come back to the UK already!

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