No talk. Cg! BeeDuo Little! Tommy 1/2

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Summery: Tommy when little, no matter what age, goes nonverbal. It was never really an issue for his caregivers, they made little flashcards for Tommy to identify feelings and wants. But Tommy comes up with an idea, that may or may not help (or cause chaos)



Cg! Tubbo

Cg! Ranboo

Little! Tommy



Tubbo: Tubs

Ranboo: Boo

Tommy: Toms, little one.



Platonic husbands with Ranboo and Tubbo. With Tommy, friends


Tw: None that I can think of? This is fluff

Note: This is no way making fun of those who are nonverbal. I actually go nonverbal when I am little, and there is nothing wrong with it. In this story Tommy is also Neurodivergent. I am also Neurodivergent and I am only writing from my experience. Also this is a bit out of what I would normally do, so let me know if you like it.


Ranboo and Tubbo never used the phrase "Use your words." Tommy couldn't be more thankful for this. When Tommy went little he became nonverbal, a struggle at first but with Tubbo's mind they were able to come up with a solution.

Tubbo got colorful pieces of paper and labeled them with different feelings and wants. Red was angry, Blue was sad, Yellow was happy, Green was hungry or thirsty, Purple was hurt, Orange was overwhelmed and White was tired.

Tommy used these cards when little, since he usually only regressed to ages 3-5, but also used them while big to help when he was overstimulated. It helped people understand how he was feeling and most respected it.

And while this system worked very well, Tommy wanted to try something new. He had been thinking about it for a while so he brought up the idea with Tubbo and Ranboo while he was big. They were sitting in Snowchester, eating dinner. Tommy liked eating dinner with them both, it made him feel safe.

"I want to learn Sign Language and use that instead of the cards." Tubbo and Ranboo looked up at him. Tommy couldn't tell what either of them were feeling, he was not good at identifying other's emotions, only his own.

"Alright, we'll need to learn too." Ranboo said, and Tubbo nodded in agreement. Tommy felt his heart sore, they didn't hate the idea of it.

"Really?" Tommy smiled and they both looked at him again.

"Of course big man, if you want to do what will make you happy than that's fine. We're here to support you through everything." Tubbo smiled and Tommy couldn't help but do his happy stim, hitting his heels of his hands together. Tubbo and Ranboo smiled, they knew that was a happy stim and they were glad Tommy was happy.

So for three weeks straight Tommy would come over to Snowchester, and using books he taught himself, Tubbo and Ranboo how to sign. It took a lot of trial and error but they were able to find a system to make it work.

"Alright here's a test round. I'm going to sign something and you both have to figure out what I signed alright?" Tommy said and Ranboo and Tubbo nodded.

Home Tommy signed and watched at they stared where his hands were.

"Home." Tubbo said and Tommy nodded, happy that he understood.

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