Text and hide Cg! Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy decides it's time to tell one of his bestest friends (Wilbur) about his age regression. Wilbur takes this better than he expected.



Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Wilbur: Wilby

Tommy: Toms


Relationship: Brothers o7


Tw: none?

Prompt/Message: I told my friends I was little the other night so here ya go

Note for everyone: F in the chat for my beta readers I'm not giving this to them >:))))


Tommy sat at his desk, phone in his hand. He had a prewritten out text that he was about to send, he just had to get the courage to actually send it. He was terrified to send it because it held one of his deepest secrets that he had never shared with anyone.

He used age regression as a way to cope. He had for a while, even before he began streaming. It had been about 5 or so years since he began to use this coping strategy. He hadn't told anyone before because he was too scared of judgement.

He decided he was going to tell Wilbur because he felt like he wouldn't be upset with Tommy about it. Not that any of his other friends would be upset with him about but Wilbur was the most likely the one who understood the best, and not hate him even if didn't understand.

The text was simple, even though Tommy had written it, deleted it, and rewritten it about a million times already.

"Hey I just wanted to tell you something and kinda just rip off the bandaid (I am also asking you don't share this with anyone else please) I wanted to share I use age regression as a coping mechanism. I don't know if you do know what it is or if you don't, and I can explain if you want me to, but I felt like you should know because you are one of my best friends and I want to be able to share things like this."

Tommy read over the message one more time before he closed his eyes and hit the send button. He quickly shut his phone off and looked over at his computer. He took a deep breath before reaching over and putting Bluey on his computer screen. He curled into his chair and purposefully put his phone face down on his desk on silent mode.

Tommy didn't know how long he was watching Bluey, but the more he watched it the more he began to regress. The more he began to regress the more he wanted apple juice and goldfish crackers.

Luckily part of living on your own is being able to keep whatever food you wanted in the house, so Tommy was able to go and get himself the snacks he was wanting.

He filled a sippy cup with apple juice and got a bowl full of goldfish, making his way back to his room carefully not to spill his snacks.

Of course he was mentally a toddler so he was basically tip toeing all the way back to his room while he stared at the snacks like they were about to just jump out of the bowl.

He finally made it back to his room and sat on his bed this time, turning the volume of Bluey up slightly so he could hear it from his bed a bit better. He was content to just sit there, blankets and stuffies around him with snacks.

After he finished his goldfish he got up to change into comfy pjs and he refilled his sippy cup. As he was putting the sippy cup back down and about to screw on the lid the sound of his door opening alerted him. He was terrified of intruders so normally he locked the door, but he seemed to have forgotten.

Right as he was about to do what any child did when danger was happening (hide in a corner) the door opened and in walked an out of breath Wilbur. He looked around and when he spotted Tommy he walked over swiftly and gave him a hug.

"You scared me Toms." Wilbur admitted while he was hugging him. Tommy, still little, was very confused. Why did he scare Wilby?

"Wha?" Tommy asked and Wilbur pulled away. He looked Tommy up and down and spotted the sippy cup on the counter.

"Oh. Are you little right now?" Wilbur asked and even though Tommy knew that he had just told Wilbur about it, he was confused how Wilbur knew the term little. Tommy just nodded and Wilbur let out a big breath. "Okay, I'm sorry for just walking in here."

"Why scare Wilby?" Tommy asked and Wilbur had to not melt at what Tommy said.

"You sent me that message and I texted you back but you didn't answer. So I called you and you didn't answer. I was worried you were panicking or something so I ran over here." Wilbur admitted and while small Tommy didn't understand all of what he was saying, big Tommy would later.

"Sorry." Tommy said softly looking down at the ground. Wilbur gave a soft smile and ruffled Tommy's hair.

"It's okay Tommy. Now I have an important question for you okay?" Wilbur asked and Tommy looked back up at him, nodding a bit. "I know you're little right now, is it okay if I take care of you?"

"Really?" Tommy asked, his heart started to race and his hands starting to shake as part of a stim. Wilbur nodded.

"We can talk more about it when you're big, but I wanna be your caregiver if you let me." Wilbur said and Tommy began to nod as he flapped his hands really fast.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!" Tommy exclaimed and that made Wilbur laugh and smile.

"Amazing! Again we'll talk more when you're big okay?" Wilbur asked and Tommy nodded again. "Okay, well what were you doing before I got here Toms?"

"I got apple juice and pjs and watchin Bluey!" Tommy explained. Wilbur nodded and smiled as he turned and put the cap back on the sippy cup. Tommy then lead Wilbur back to his room, where he had to introduce him to all of his stuffies.

"What's this one's name?" Wilbur asked as held up a giraffe plush.

"Geoffrey!" Tommy exclaimed yet again.

After a while Tommy got bored of just watching Bluey so he asked Wilbur if they could color, to which of course he agreed.

Tommy dug out crayons, paper and coloring books. He made Wilbur sit on the floor with him and gave a coloring book to him with some crayons.

"Color." Tommy said in a slightly demanding tone. Of course Wilbur couldn't say no so he began to color with Tommy. Tommy flipped through a coloring book before picking something and laying on his stomach to color.

"What did you pick Toms?" Wilbur asked, peaking over at the coloring book. Tommy snatched the coloring book up before Wilbur could see.

"No look! Surprise!" Tommy explained and Wilbur went

"Ah okay." And turned back to his own coloring page of a cupcake.

After a while Tommy began to carefully take the page out of the book. Wilbur watched with a small smile as Tommy stuck his tongue out of his mouth in concentration. He then looked up at Wilbur, handing over the coloring page carefully.

It was a coloring page of a whale, and while it was messy (and the whale was bright green) Wilbur loved it.

"Oh my gosh Toms I love it. When I get home I'm sticking it on my fridge." Wilbur said and Tommy's smile grew.

"Really?" He asked shyly and Wilbur nodded.


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