What the? Babysitter! Quackity Little! Ranboo and Karl 2/3

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Summery: After the first 'playdate' Ranboo and Karl find a liking towards each other and want to play more when they're little. So when Tubbo has to go on an adventure (being gone for a few days) Quackity says he can come stay at their place. Ranboo tries his best to stay big so he won't be a burden but eventually gives in.



Babysitter! Quackity

Cg! Quackity

Cg! Tubbo

Little! Ranboo

Little! Karl



Quackity: Quack, Dada

Tubbo: Tubs, Papa

Ranboo: Boo, Bubs, Little one

Karl: Little Duck, Sweetie



Platonic husbands, Ranboo and Tubbo

Fiancés Quackity, Karl and Sapnap (he's only mentioned for a hot second here)


Ranboo's perspective

"Tubbo I think I'll be okay by myself. It's only a few days and I can stay big." I tell my husband as we walk towards Las Nevdas. I see Tubbo roll his eyes at me.

"I know you can stay big doesn't mean you should. Plus when you're little you have lots of fun with Karl don't you? And this trip is important and I can't come back if something happens. So Karl and you are staying with Quackity while Sapnap and I go out." He retorts as we enter the city.

"Boo!" We both turn to see Karl running towards us, clearly in little space. He was wearing a skirt, a t-shirt, knee high socks and had a paci clipped to his shirt. "Boo! Boo! You here!" He yells when he reaches us.

"Yeah I am here." I say, fidgeting with my sleeve slightly. His face drops when he sees I'm not in little space.

"Little Boo?" Karl questions and I just shrug, not looking at him. I feel my face flush slightly. I was letting him down.

"Ranboo isn't feeling little right now, but he might in a bit." Tubbo tells him and Karl nods.

"Karl I told you to stay near me." Sapnap had appeared, clearly winded after chasing the little.

"Sorry Papa." Karl mumbles and Sapnap pulls him close in a hug. Quackity appears behind them, carrying a back pack which he hands over to Sapnap.

"Little Duck, say bye bye to Papa for now okay? He'll be back soon." Quackity says and Karl gives Sapnap a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Papa! Be safe!" Karl cheers and I turn to my own husband. Sapnap kisses Karl's forehead and smiles.

"Be safe." I tell him and Tubbo rolls his eyes but smiles. He pulls me into a hug which we linger in for a moment. If we stayed in this any longer I would go into little space right here and right now.

"I'll be okay. Love you Bubs." He says softly to me. I smile but frown slightly as we pull away. I now didn't want him to go at all.

"Bye Tubs. Love you too." And he hands me my backpack. Why he carried both of our backpacks on the way over I had no idea. Sapnap and Tubbo begin to walk off and the three of us just watch for a moment.

"Alright you two, let's go get a snack shall we?" Quackity asks. Karl cheers and starts to run ahead. Quackity looks at me and then to Karl, as if asking 'aren't you gonna go with him'

"I'm not feeling little right now." I say to Quackity as we walk slower than Karl. Quackity nods. Once we get inside Quackity gives us a snack, Karl also getting juice in a sippy cup while I got soda in a can. Then we sit and watch Karl play with trucks, Quackity not saying much to me. Once Karl was put down for a nap we talk lightly.

"So how come you aren't little? You usually go little at the drop of a hat, especially with Karl." Quackity asks me. I shrug like I didn't know the answer. I do know the answer. I didn't want to be little the whole time I was here because I didn't want to force that on Quackity.

"I dunno." I lie and Quackity looks at me, kinda glaring like.

"Is it because you're embarrassed? There's no reason to be." Quackity tells me and I shake my head no. "You usually aren't shy, so that can't be it. Are you pushing back your regression?" He asks and I shake my head no again, which was a lie.

"Just not feeling little I guess." I lie and he looks at me before looking away. Once Karl was awake he played a bit before we were fed dinner, Quackity gave me a sippy cup but I took the lid off and drank out of it like a normal cup. After dinner we got in our pjs and Karl and I sat on a bed, Quackity putting on a movie for us. Of course it was a kid's movie.

"I'm going to get some work done. I'll be just down the hall." Quackity tells us and I nod, Karl only half paying attention due to the movie catching most of his attention. I sit there while the movie plays, not actually watching but just staring at the screen and zoning out.

"Boo?" Karl asks about half way through, he tugged on my sleeve to get my attention. "When you be small?" He asks me. I bite my lip and shrug. "Ranboo, are you pushing back your regression?" The sudden change in Karl from small to big scared me.

"I'm not." I state and he gave me the same look that Quackity gave me earlier. "I promise I'm not."

"Then why aren't you being little?" Karl asks me and I shrug. "Don't lie."

"I don't want to force Quackity to take care of me the whole time Tubs is gonna. Don't wanna be problem." The last sentence I spoke started to be slurred as I felt the warm fuzziness take over my brain.

"Aww little one you won't be an issue." We both turn to see Quackity standing in the door way. I feel my heart sink and I start to cry.

"No me be little no issue." I say sobbing. Quackity walks over to us and sits next to me, pulling me into a side hug.

"Boo you can be as little as you want. I promise you, you aren't an issue." Quackity tells me.

"Really?" I ask him, still crying and he nods, that makes me cry harder.

"Does Tubbo tell you little you is an issue?" He questions and I shake my head no. Well now I want Tubbo, I want my Papa.

"I miss Papa!" I sob and moments later I hear Karl start to cry. He obvious was in little space too.

"I wanna Papa!" He cries and Quackity pulls him into a hug on his other side. We both began to cry and cry until we couldn't anymore.

"It's okay boys I promise. Both of your papas will be home in a few days and give you all the cuddles and love you boys want. For now how about I make you both some angel milk, we can pick a new movie, and then you boys can get all cuddly! You guys can even sleep in the same bed like a sleepover? How does that sound?" Quackity asks us and we both nod, drying our tears and smiling.

"Yes!" Karl cheers and I nod.

"Alright do you guys want sippy cups or babas?" Quackity asks.

"Sippy!" Karl says smiling and Quackity turns to me.

"Sippy or baba Boo?" And I stick up two fingers. "Baba?" He asks and I nod. "Alright Boo, one more question okay? How old are you feeling?" And I stick up one finger. "Awww such a small boy. Karl baby how are you feeling?" And Karl sticks up five fingers. "Wow such a big little man. Well sweetie can you keep an eye on little boy while I go get your drinks?" And Karl nods.

"Yes dada! I keep Boo safe!" And with that Quackity leaves the room. Karl scoots next to me and half pulls me into his lap. It felt nice to be held. Quackity returned, put on a new movie and gave Karl his sippy cup. He then climbed onto the bed with us and pulled me from Karl's lap to his where he fed me the bottle. As the movie went on I felt my eyes grow heavier and heavier.

When I woke up the next morning I was in the bed with Karl, a pacifier clipped to my shirt and in my mouth. I felt calm and still small.

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