Don't be angy Cg! Phil Little! Wilbur 1/1

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Summery: Phil has to lecture chat, Wilbur is watching and sees Phil get angry, which he hates to see. He slips and Phil calls him after stream to talk about a project but finds and upset lil Wil



Cg! Phil

Little! Wilbur



Phil: Dada

Wilbur: Wil, Bud


Relationship: Friends but like father and son


Tw: Lecturing, crying

Prompt/Message: This came from my brain

Note for ao3: I'm semi alive

Note for wattpad: I'm semi alive

Note for everyone: This was based off of Phil's stream today (12/29/21)


Wilbur sat in his bed, his laptop plugged in and open in front of him. He was holding his orca plush in his hands and he had a bright baby blue pacifier in his mouth.

He felt small, probably around 2-3, which isn't the youngest he has gone but not the biggest ever. It was a healthy middle ground.

Open on his laptop what Phil's stream, he was currently on his hardcore world doing some building and talking to chat like he normally did. Wilbur did this when he felt small because it felt like Phil was just talking to him and he liked company when he was small. The only difference about this stream was when an unofficial Ranboo raid came through.

The chat began to fill up with messages from those who came over. Some of them were just listing that it was an unofficial raid, but others were spamming some reference from the stream.

"Raiders, we don't know what that means, we weren't there." Phil tells them but there was still many messages about it. "Raiders, we don't get what that means we weren't there." Phil repeats but his words were still ignored. The chat was then put on Sub Only mode.

Wilbur felt like he was too small for reading the messages or attempting to say anything in chat to maybe help. But he didn't entirely like the way Phil sounded annoyed or maybe slightly angry.

"Chat what you need to understand is that you can't just come over and do this kinda stuff. Like I'm upset for Ranboo, it's disrespectful if a creator says something and you guys ignore it. I can deal with it, it's fine, but you are being very rude to Ranboo." Phil says in a way that made Wilbur feel upset.

Because Wilbur felt like these streams were just him and Phil, to Wilbur's small brain it felt like Phil was lecturing him and Phil was mad at him. But why was Phil mad at him? Wilbur hadn't done anything!

Wilbur began to feel tears leak out of his eyes and his lip began to wobble, causing him to drop his pacifier down onto his blankets.

Phil finished lecturing chat and it went back to everyone was able to talk, but Wilbur still felt very upset. Phil was upset with him, or that's at least what his brain was telling him.

So Wilbur sat there crying for a long time, not knowing how to make things better despite doing nothing wrong.

When Phil did eventually end stream he sighed and stood up for a moment. He had been sitting at his desk for a long amount of time and he did still have to call Wilbur. They were planning a video with Tommy and Phil was supposed to review some ideas with Wilbur.

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