Tired Little Travel Cg! Techno and Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy is meeting Techno for the first time, but he's so excited that he ends up slipping. Wilbur and Techno don't mind one bit



Cg! Techno

Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Techno: Tech, Techie

Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Tommy: Toms, Little One


Relationship: BROTHERS OFC


Prompt/Message: This came from my brain with a bit of help from Nug and Mew <3

Note for everyone: This has Techno in it, and of course if you are choosing to skip it that is perfectly fine. Take care of yourself.

Also apologies for not being around all too much lately, first I took a break after Techno's passing and now my life is going insane lol


Tommy was bouncing back and forth as they stood at baggage claim. Wilbur rolled his eyes playfully as he watched Tommy do so, but since he was causing no harm there was no reason to stop him. Tommy was just so excited to meet Techno for the first time.

The three of them had sat down in a discord call a while ago and Techno had brought up the idea of the two of them coming to the US for a little while, and of course Tommy loved the idea. Wilbur and Techno were both his caregivers and what's better than two caregivers in one place with him! Phil was also technically his caregiver, but he had a wedding to go to with Kristin.

So after some planning and making sure Wilbur and Tommy would be traveling together, they bought the tickets and were off to the US a month later. Since that day Tommy has been counting down the days, texting the group chat many times with screenshots of the countdown all the way until the night before the flight.

He spent the night at Wilbur's that night, so excited that he almost didn't get any sleep at all. Then Wilbur got him ready for the airport and then helped him all the way till they were on the plane. Tommy tried

Tommy began to slip a little bit on the flight and took a small nap, but then woke up again to drink sugary soda and color in a coloring book. Wilbur hoped he would have slept more on the flight but there was no use now.

After they landed they made their way to baggage claim where they now were, Wilbur looking for their bags and texting Techno. Techno was parked outside waiting for the two while they grabbed their bags. Tommy saw his bag and almost tripped running forward to get it, but Wilbur grabbed it for him and then grabbed his bag shortly after.

"Alright Toms, Tech says he's outside." Wilbur smiled as he put his phone into recording mode, pointing it at Tommy. Tommy was so excited he almost began to fully shake where they stood.

"Let's go!" Tommy said as he turned towards the door and began to speed walk over there. Wilbur followed him outside and into the California heat. Wilbur looked around for a moment, looking for the grey car Techno said he was driving. Techno had said he would be standing next to it wearing a blue sweatshirt, but Tommy must have spotted him first because he let go of his suitcase and went dashing in another direction.

Wilbur was glad he was recording because there was now video evidence of Tommy full on body slamming Techno, smiling and laughing. Techno, after the initial shock of being jumped on by a 6'3 blonde teenager, hugged Tommy and chuckled.

"You're not all that tall." Techno joked but Tommy didn't even laugh, just kept hugging Techno. "You okay?" Techno asked after a moment and Tommy nodded quickly.

"'Cited! It Techie and Wilby and Toms here." Tommy said rather muffled while still holding Techno. Techno made eye contact with Wilbur and looked like he was gonna melt from how cute Tommy was being.

"Well that's good to hear you're excited little one. How about we go back to my house and we can play?" Techno offers and Tommy nods, letting go to grab his bag.

While he did Wilbur went over and gave Techno a hug as well. It wasn't the first time those two were meeting, so Wilbur wasn't as nervous as Tommy was, but it was still a good thing. A few weeks with all of them together would be a good thing.

Soon they were all in the car and Tommy was in the back seat basically vibrating where he was. Techno was driving and Wilbur was sitting in passenger seat.

"Toms? Why don't you try to take a nap. We have a few hours to go." Wilbur said but Tommy shook his head. "I feel like you should, you didn't sleep a lot last night or on the plane."

"But 'cited cuz Techie here." Tommy pouted and Techno chuckled softly.

"And I'll still be here when you wake up little one. You need some sleep. How about you grab the comfy hoodie I keep in here and grab a paci from your bag and you can take a nice nap?" Techno offered. Tommy sighed but nodded. "The hoodie is in the back."

After Tommy grabbed the hoodie from the back seat and grabbed a pacifier from his bag he leaned against the window and fell asleep. Wilbur managed to grab a picture or two to send to Phil.

When Tommy woke up it was to Techno carrying Tommy inside the house and setting him on a bed somewhere. Tommy whined at the loss of contact but Techno chuckled.

"Does a bottle sound good little one?" Techno asked and Tommy nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back. Wil is coming in too." And then Techno left the room. There was footsteps coming back soon enough and it was Wilbur carrying some clothes in his hand. Glancing at them with tired eyes made Tommy realize how uncomfy his clothes were.

"Wilbyyyyy clothes bad." Tommy complained and Wilbur nodded.

"I know Toms. I got you some nice comfy pjs, some shorts and one of Tech's hoodies so you can change into a bigger one." Wilbur smiled, knowing Tommy loved big clothes. The bigger the clothes the better.

So Wilbur changed Tommy into the better clothes just in time for Techno to come back with a bottle of Angel milk for Tommy. Tommy made grabby hands for Techno and Techno sat down on the bed, bringing Tommy into his lap. Wilbur sat next to them and laid his head down on Techno's shoulder.

"I'm glad you guys are here." Techno said softly as he gave the bottle to Tommy who began drinking softly.

"I'm glad too." Wilbur said just as softly, watching as not even half way through the bottle Tommy's eyes began to close.

"You can sleep some more little one, we're right here when you wake up." Techno encouraged and Tommy did fall asleep, Wilbur soon after. And after getting a photo of the three of them together so did Techno.

When Phil checked his phone and saw the photo of the three of them together from Techno he made his it home screen right away. He loved his boys.


Okay time for the "Wattpad author crazy end note on why there's no updates"

Here's the recap since the start of June (it's barely august rn)

I graduated, I met my online best friend irl, I shaved my head, I quit college, I got hired then fired from a job, I got another job, I moved into a new place then moved out, I had a relationship then got broken up with, I called the cops twice and called cps, I had a friend move in and then hide a stowaway in the house so he had to move out, I went to the ER twice, I dislocated my knee twice, I adopted a cat, I ran away in the middle of the night and got cops called on me, I got a new tattoo and I got into a fist fight and got knocked out.


Anyway shout out to editors and beta readers who didn't get to see this because I didn't feel like waiting to post

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