Super Surprise (FumiShio)

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(Published June 22, 2021)

No One's POV

"What do you want us to do Fumi-san?" Junna calls upon the attention of the called girl who seemed to have spaced out in the meeting she called for.

Fumi clears her throat with her cat ears flickering.

"I want to surprise her so much that she turns into a cat." Fumi says with an unwavering grin on her face.

"She's already a cat though." Claudine stifles a laugh with her fist.

"Her cat form! She still seems to have a hard time getting the hang of it, so I want to help her in a way." Fumi does her best to not get angry at the french cat who somehow found her way in Japan.

"You really are soft to your sister." Tsukasa rubs on her face with her hand and slides her hair to the back of her ear.

"Shut up!"

"Calm down, Fumi-san. I want to sleep." Yuyuko shifts her head to the other side while cradling it in her arms.

"So what's the plan? I'm sure you got it all laid out." Junna is the only one really eager to get a move on and finish on this meet-up that can't really be called a proper meeting.

"We definitely need those poppers thingy. What was those called again?" Fumi is snapping her fingers, hoping for the word to come into mind while squinting her eyes.

"Party poppers. I know them, yes. I had myself treated as such. You will get the desired outcome Fumi-san. I was so surprised, I was wide awake the whole event." Yuyuko comments and receives sorry glances from everyone.

"We're sorry to hear that." Claudine bites back the guilt as it was their fault that happened anyway.

"...That's reassuring to hear Yuyuko. Anyways, a present from me is a must. Of course there's cake and the food. I'll take care of that. So all that's left is the decorations. That's for Junna-san, Claudine-san, and Tsukasa-san to do. For Yuyuko, I'll let you have the job of distracting Shiori." Fumi is thinking of tasks as she puts another finger down that presents each of them.

"What?" Yuyuko stands from her seat in surprise. "There's no way I can handle that, Fumi-san!"

"Of course you can, Shiori is a good kid." Fumi says with such an assurance that Yuyuko is left no choice but to agree with her request. "With that said, let's get to work everyone!"

The girls stand from their seats with flickering ears and tails lying low just above the ground. Only Yuyuko had her ears down, showing her unpleased self out, not really conscious of letting the others know, since they already know.

Now off to finding the birthday girl.

"I should've asked." Yuyuko grumbles, dragging her feet forward. Then she remembers she has her nose to help with finding the younger cat.

And it all went smoothly from there, not.

With sleepy eyes, it was a strain enough to keep them wide open, she kept on bumping on walls and then getting angry at the walls for being where they are. It is a silly sight for the onlookers, and Yuyuko never notices it and moves on to the next place.

"Where are you, Shiori?" She mumbles to herself as she finally got herself to be fully awake with all the wall bumping. Another sigh leaves her mouth.

"Yuyuko-san?" The voice that she's been looking for finally makes an appearance. Yuyuko is greatly relieved and falls forward into the arms of the younger cat, who reluctantly gets her to stand back up.

"Where have you been Shiori..." Yuyuko asks and looks up to confirm the face of the birthday girl. "I had to go through some difficulties finding you..."

"I was at the tea ceremony club. Why were you looking for me?" Shiori resorts to just helping Yuyuko keep standing with an arm.

"Because Fumi-san told me. Anyway I'm sure they're already finished, let's go to our classroom. I want my sleep back." Yuyuko suddenly gets a surge of energy and pulls on Shiori's arm to where their classroom was.

When they arrived, all they heard are sounds of ruckus from the kind of nagging that Fumi would give the rest. Normally, it would've been Junna scolding them, but that's not the case in this particular day. Junna had to suppress the need to rebut everything that Fumi had said.

"Hey, everyone. Shiori is here." Yuyuko says in a loud enough voice that the rest of the cat class immediately stops in their tracks and looks at the door entrance.

"Hello..." Shiori waves a hand shyly, slowly taking in everything that was happening in the room. That everything was still being prepared for her birthday. Her insides were already starting to get warm from the thought alone.

"Ah, the plan is ruined. Sorry about this Fumi-san!" Yuyuko says in a hurry paired with a low bow towards the older Yumeoji.


Yuyuko faces Shiori and sticks out her tongue teasingly to the younger Yumeoji.

The birthday surprise was a big fail, but they all helped in making the food and had a feast together. They made too much that they had to call the other girls from other classes who gladly joined in on the fun.

Well, the girl of the day was full of smiles, so Yuyuko's mishap was immediately forgiven. Except she had to get the full nagging from both Fumi and Junna.


That was Shun-chan!

It's a day late because I was busy with other things. Needing a special mention is that research I had to edit again and again.

I somehow finished that and proceeded to finish writing this in a flash.

Happy birthday to Shiori!

It's not fully on Shiori though, so sorry about that.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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