Potentially on the Mend

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 The_Avacodo came up with the idea, I had this fic in my brain ever since

Virginia watched Kentucky light up his cigarette and rolled his eyes.

"I thought you quit that." Virginia muttered watching Kentucky blow smoke out.

"Oh, now you care." Kentucky muttered, turning away from his cousin, making Virginia sigh. He ran a hand through his hair and side-eyed Maryland and Georgia still sitting in the house, pretending they weren't listening to their conversation.

"I've always cared Ken..." Kentucky snorted and put the cigarette back in his mouth. Virginia groaned, this was going nowhere.

"So that yelling when I became a state that was 'caring'?" Kentucky asked.

"I was scared for you! It was right after the revolution and things were tender, I didn't want to lose you too!" Virginia argued.

"Yeah right. That's why you kicked me out." Kentucky muttered, blowing out more smoke. Virginia sighed and leaned on the railing of the front porch.

"I regret that y'know." Virginia muttered. He didn't even glance over to see if Kentucky looked back over at him. "I regret doing that everyday." Silence. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional animal call or a bug fluttering by.

"That hurt." Kentucky whispered and Virginia was shocked at how hard his cousin's voice was breaking. "That hurt so much when....I was young Virginia. I was young and I just wanted to be a state..."

"I shouldn't have said it, but in the heat of the moment I...." Virginia sighed, still thinking of a young Kenucky, how his eyes screamed hurt when he ordered him to leave, how he had to turn around not to face him as he slammed the door. Hearing the stories of his roughtshot cousin, spending all day and night running with a wild crowd, praying every night he'd be safe. How he couldn't just swallow his pride and go get him.

"I would never do that to my kids." Kentucky whispered, playing with the cigarette, rolling it around in his fingers. Virginia sighed and looked at his cousin; in some ways he was still that young boy who fought for the cause against the British, who he taught how to ride and farm, who always greeted him with a smile after school and wanted to help.

"You deserved better." Virginia pointed out. "I let the pain get to me. Maybe we would have still been a family, and I would've met...." Kentucky closed his eyes and Virginia knew he had to stop. It wasn't good to bring up Vania.

"I would tell Vania stories of you, you know." Kentucky whispered and that made Virginia's eyes go wide. "I'd tell him that....his cousin Nia was...the best at everything and...could tell the best stories...and was this brave fighter."

"Ken." Virginia's heart thundered in his chest. He bit his lip. "Y'know....y'know that....blanket someone sent you? Right after Vania...." He dared not say the word. Kentucky nodded, cigarette dangerously burning low. "I....West and I made it. We'd watch you in the meetings and...you and Georgia looked so sad."

"The babies use it now...it's the most comfortable blanket they have." Kentucky announced. Virginia smiled.

"I know. They look so happy, Ken." Virginia pointed out and finally, finally, Kentucky smiled. He shook his head and looked out at the front yard.

"We're such idiots." Kentucky whispered, tossing his burnt cigarette out.

"I raised you, so that makes me your idiot." Virginia pointed out making Kentucky snort. Kentucky swallowed hard and looked back at the house. It was amusing how Maryland and Georgia continued to pretend like they weren't listening but the pair could tell they were. Kentucky turned back to his cousin and sighed.

"You....you wanna meet them proper?" Kentucky asked.

"The tw--oh no, no I couldn't..." Virginia stammered as Kentucky grabbed his arm.

"Oh c'mon they're one, they won't notice." Kentucky joked, pulling Virginia inside. He noted as they stepped into the house how Georgia and Maryland went back to their needlework at the dining room table, pretending they weren't making sure the cousins made up. Kentucky dragged Virginia over to the babies, who were playing on the floor with their toys, making them glance up.

"IDC, DC." Kentucky announced crouching down to their level. "This is your big cousin Virginia." Virginia felt his chest swell with pride, he never thought he'd see the day when he could meet Kentucky's family. IDC scooted back a little nervous, but DC looked at the southern man up and down and made grabby hands at him. Virginia turned to his cousin confused.

"That means pick me up." Kentucky said amused.

"Oh....OH." Virginia whispered, reaching down nervously and picking up DC. He had never held a baby before, and was nervously holding him close, but DC giggled and clapped his hands making Virginia smile.

"That means he likes you." Kentucky announced, smiling at his daughter who was making grumpy noises, picking her up, and putting her in Virginia's arms too. Virginia smiled wild, he felt a joy in his chest swell up as both babies cooed and clapped.

"That's right! I'm your big cousin Nia!" Virginia explained. "And guess what? I'll teach you how to ride a horse, and how to do your school work, so much better than your papa could...."

"Oh as if!" Kentucky laughed, shoving his cousin playfully.

"And why don't my favorite little cousins have a swing yet?" Virginia continued.

"Oh you wanna make one?" Kentucky teased making Virginia, and the twins, laugh.

"Looks like those two idiots are finally on the mend." Georgia muttered pretending he wasn't watching the scene in front of them. Kentucky took DC from Virginia and began tossing him up in the air as Virginia tickled IDC.

"It's a good thing this plan worked, my next idea was the closet." Maryland announced. Georgia smiled before turning back to the middle state, leaning in close so the cousins couldn't hear.

"You think they'll put this feud behind them?" Georgia asked.

"Well hun, I don't think it'll happen overnight." Maryland pointed out. He smiled as Virginia made IDC wave, and waved back, before turning back to the southern state. "But we made some ground."

"And next....West Virginia." Georgia said proudly. Maryland sighed and put down his needlework.

"I'm going to need some alcohol before we attempt that." 

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