Trying to Re-Connect

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IDC pouted and popped back up in bed.

"But I'm not tired." IDC whined before she got pushed back down gently.

"You need to take a nap baby, you've had a long day." Kentucky whispered, voice heavy with exhaustion. IDC pouted again but nuzzled into the pillow she shared with her twin, who was already asleep. Kentucky draped a blanket over the twins and rubbed IDC's back, lulling her off to sleep. Once he was satisfied that IDC was asleep, Kentucky left the room, leaving the door open a crack and made his way downstairs. He was so tired, but he had to finish some farm chores before he could even nap, and even then by the time he was done the twins would be up and he'd have to start supper.

But he was so tired.

Kentucky made it downstairs and looked around his living room, the couch welcoming him and looking more comfortable then it usually did. He was so tired, maybe....maybe a small nap before he looked after his animals.

Before he could lay on his couch, and try to sleep, a knock came at the door making him groan. He hoped it was Rebecca who had been mending IDC's skirts, and went to answer the door. His breath caught.


Kentucky tensed immediately, ready to disarm the southern man and dash off to protect his babies. Virginia held up his hands.

"I'm not here with anyone." Virginia announced.

"How do I know you're not lying." Kentucky hissed. Virginia sighed and put his hands in his pockets, pulling them inside out revealing nothing inside. Kentucky peeked out the front door, looking to make sure his cousin wasn't lying before pulling him inside, slamming the door. Virginia looked around Kentucky's simple lodging; plainly decorated, and very country. The only signs that there were children living there was a pile of small clothes that needed folding on the love seat, and some toys on the floor near the fireplace.

"What do you want?" Kentucky asked, crossing his arms.

"I...I wanted to make sure you were alright." Virginia explained. "I....I heard what happened in Atlanta." Virginia watched Kentucky swallow hard. Kentucky glanced back at the kitchen, hands twitching.

"I don't have much, but I've got some coffee if you want some." Kentucky whispered. Virginia nodded and the two cousins made their way to the kitchen; the southern state sitting at the kitchen table and the border state putting on a pot to boil.

"How are the kids holding up?" Virginia asked.

"They still think daddy's coming home." Kentucky whispered, adding the coffee. He grabbed two cups off the counter and put one of them in front of Virginia, while filling the one he kept then turned and poured his cousin some coffee. Virginia stared at the black liquid as Kentucky rejoined him at the table, the two sitting quietly.

"You're so domesticated Tucky." Virginia teased. He watched his cousin pull a cigarette out of his pocket, and light it. "I remember when you were a roughshod, cocky asshole."

"Maybe I just hide it better." Kentucky joked, blowing smoke out. Virginia fingered the rim of his mug, emotions getting the better of him.

"When Alabama told me, Atlanta burned." Virginia continued. "I....I was so scared. I thought you were dead for so long." Kentucky stayed quiet, watching the cigarette smoke and the coffee steam combine together and rise to the ceiling.

"Why didn't you let us leave?" Kentucky whispered, not looking at his cousin. " children lost their father....we....we all could've been safe."

"I thought if you took Georgia, you were going to run and tell the Confederacies secrets." Virginia admitted. "Plus, we had to stick together, and couldn't let the Union know we're weak." Kentucky shook his head and took another drag.

"Doesn't matter." Kentucky muttered, blowing the smoke out. "Geo would've stayed, he wanted to look after his state, no matter how much they didn't listen."

"When I heard you three made it out, I was so happy." Virginia explained. "I know we've had a rough time but we're still family. The...the twins are my family." Kentucky snuffed his cigarette and sat back in his chair, contemplating his next words.

"You want to meet them?" Kentucky asked softly, making Virginia look up in shock.

Kentucky fully expected that IDC would sit up as soon as he opened the door, declaring that she was still not tired, but the twins were still sleeping on his bed when he brought Virginia upstairs.

"Jennifer on the left, George on the right." Kentucky whispered pointing at each baby. "IDC and DC."

"They're so little." Virginia whispered. "How old?"

"Three. IDC's older by two minutes." Kentucky explained. Virginia's attention went back to the bed, when DC let out a tiny whimper. He stepped back nervously, worried about what Kentucky had told his children about him, but Kentucky was undeterred, taking the blanket off his son and picking him up, resting him gently against his shoulder.

"He usually starts whimpering before his sister." Kentucky whispered. DC nuzzled his head into Kentucky's neck, and one of his little hands clutched his shirt tightly, feeling secure.

"I can't believe he's going to be our government someday." Virginia whispered.

"Both of them are." Kentucky said, voice hard, and Virginia decided not to push his luck with it. The border state turned his back to Virginia, rocking DC back to sleep, the toddler's breathing becoming steady again.

"There we go, my sweet boy." Kentucky whispered, putting DC back on the bed. He put the blanket back on the twins and sighed turning back to Virginia.

"I wish I had met them before the war." Virginia whispered, as Kentucky put a hand on IDC's back.

"I wish you could have too, you and Westie." Kentucky whispered and Virginia spotted some wetness in his eyes. He made sure both twins were settled, and turned back to his cousin. "I wish they met their real family, not some....Ohio bastard...." Virginia bit back his anger, and grabbed Kentucky's wrist before he could break down.

"Let's them sleep, Tucky." Virginia whispered, leading his cousin out of his bedroom.

Virginia walked into the living room and dug into his pocket as his cousin lit up a cigarette. He pulled out a small bag and held it out to Kentucky.

"Here. For your family." Virginia announced. Kentucky looked at the bag then back at his cousin.

"I don't want the money." Kentucky muttered.

"I know you're proud...."

"I don't want your money." Kentucky said his voice hard.


"Your shitty Confederate money isn't good." Kentucky pointed out.

"It's Union money, leftover from when we left." Virginia explained, taking Kentucky's hand and putting the bag in his palm. "Take it, you need to feed your children." Kentucky looked at his cousin then back at the bag, then tightened his hold on the bag, mumbling a thanks. Virginia grabbed his coat and slung it back on, a heavy silence falling between the two.

"We're going to still win this, I hope you know." Virginia pointed out. Kentucky snorted.

"I'm glad dreamworld is nice." Kentucky announced. "But I need to live in reality." Virginia sighed and finally left the house, closing the door behind him and leaning against the large wooden door. He felt tears stinging his eyes, thinking about how strained his relationship was with his cousin. This wasn't becoming worth it anymore, not with how it's torn the nation, and families, appart.

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