Having His Acceptance

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Genderfluid Georgia from Ohiosimp

Xe/Xim from Kathyc94 which is still a brilliant idea

As for Kentucky and Virginia calling each other 'brothers'.....that's a whole other thing 

For as long as Georgia could remember, gender was always confusing for him.

Being the youngest colony, and always attached to England, he never felt the coldness or abuse from his home country like the others had. The other's would complain he was simply the favored child but England never treated him unkindly and showered extra gifts and attention on him. He also followed most of the trends for children back in England which meant he wore dresses long after the other colonies had and was shocked when one day Virginia, who was slowly having enough of the English rule, forced him to dress 'like a normal colony'.

After the Revolution, then meeting Kentucky and raising the twins, Georgia didn't have much time to think about his gender idenity until it came up years later when DC came out as non-binary. Suddenly as he learned about DC's identity, the different pronouns, and expressions he felt the old urges coming back up again. He remembered how comfortable and happy he felt when England let him dress as he wished, be it in pants or the dresses of young children at the time. And as he watched his son start to explore xir gender and xir expression, Georgia decided to do some digging on himself as well.

Georgia didn't know how to label himself, but he was most definitely not a male. He had some pulling to be feminie but a lot of his pulling was to look genderless. The best days were when his windbreaker gave him an unreadable shape, his hat brim was big enough to hide his features, and he could slip by without being perceived as any gender. Sometimes Kentucky's shirts did the trick, the big things able to keep his gender a mystery and paired with sweatpants made him feel more comfortable then he would in a strictly male outfit.

But sometimes, when he was alone and his husband was off on a car build he'd sneak into DC's room and steal xir more feminine clothes, trying them on and almost feeling euphoria bubble in his stomach. Georgia suspected DC knew what Georgia was doing because they were never hidden very well and if there were some missing pieces from xir closet or desk, DC didn't ask around for them.

As time went on Georgia felt more comfortable using 'he/they' pronouns to describe himself, preferring they but was fine with he except on bad gender days. And the bad gender days would come hard and fast; Georgia was thankful for Kentucky because, even though he hadn't told Kentucky what was going on, he'd always sit with him and let him cuddle, let him borrow any shirt he'd like and just be a rock of comfort. It helped that Kentucky was used to it when DC had xir bad gender days, but at least DC knew why. Georgia hadn't even come out to Kentucky yet.

But he had to, right? They'd been married decades, Kentucky would understand.

Part of Georgia feared Kentucky never would; Kentucky was a picture-perfect example of an alpha male with his scary looks, tough exterior, and big build. No one of course knew that the southern man was actually a gigantic teddy bear, and Georgia secretly wondered if Kentucky liked that reputation. Would Kentucky understand having a genderfluid, Georgia overheard California use the word and looked into it, turns out, that's exactly what he was feeling, spouse? Would Kentucky throw away years of marriage because his spouse couldn't pick a gender? Georgia knew he had to risk it, he had to tell Kentucky, the potential of losing him be damned.

Georgia stood behind his husband as he fixed a new car build he acquired, not knowing his spouse was behind him. The southerner was in his windbreaker today, but stole some of DC's make-up, only using a little because the last time he experimented he looked like a clown. He wanted Kentucky to notice it and ask questions, maybe easing into the discussion easier. Georgia cleared his throat making Kentucky glance up, smiling at his spouse.

"Geo, you stealin' some of DC's face stuff now?" Kentucky teased.

"Ya like it? South says it looked uneven." Georgia said, heart thundering in his chest.

"It looks good baby." Kentucky said smiling, approaching his spouse and kissing him softly on the lips. Georgia savored the taste of tobacco and bourbon on his tongue, he was really going to miss this if Kentucky left him. Kentucky broke the kiss and looked at Georgia, scanning his face.

"Something's wrong ain't it?" Kentucky asked softly. Georgia took a deep breath.

"Tucky I....I think I'm genderfluid." Georgia announced insides collapsing in a heap. Kentucky raised an eyebrow and all Georgia could think about how his marriage was over, how the twins would be devastated, and how he could bounce back being the age he was.

"Isn't that what DC is?" Kentucky asked.

"Oh....oh no baby no...." Georgia said snickering, heart still thundering. "I feel like I belong to any gender identity while DC feels like xe can be different."

"And that's what you feel like you are?" Georgia gulped but allowed himself to nod. If Kentucky was going to leave him, this was going to be it. Kentucky nodded and pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket.

"What are your words?" Kentucky asked, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

"My what?"

"Ya know, he, she, they...."

"OH. Pronouns Tucky." Georgia said with a laugh as Kentucky lit up. "I'm settlin' on he/they for now but of course I'll tell you." Kentucky nodded and blew out smoke, giving his famous half-smirk that made Georgia fall in love all those decades ago.

"Well alright." Kentucky said softly.

"Tucky you don't....I.....you don't mind that I'm like this?" Georgia asked.

"Geo, if this is who you are then what kind of husband would I be if I left you? I need to support you." Kentucky pointed out. Georgia felt his heart clench.

"You're not...leaving me?" Georgia whimpered. Kentucky blew out more smoke and smirked again.

"You're stuck with me for life Geo, I thought you knew that." Kentucky said with a wink. Georgia couldn't hold back anymore, he rushed into Kentucky's arms capturing his lips in a rough kiss. The two stood kissing for a while, running their hands up each other's bodies, when the backdoor opened.

"OH GOD KEN." The two split apart and looked at a horrified Virginia who was standing on the back deck with a tool box.

"I leave to get my tool box for one minute and you're makin' out with Georgia?" Virginia yelled. The two states chuckled and Georgia put his forehead on Kentucky's.

"Thanks Tucky." Georgia whispered.

"Anything for you baby." Kentucky whispered, kissing Georgia one last time before Virginia re-joined him down in the yard. Georgia walked off back towards the house, turning back around once as Virginia began ribbing Kentucky for making out with his spouse and Kentucky playfully shoving his brother back. Georgia smiled clutched the dog tags under his shirt. He was so lucky. 

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