(2) First Day Of School

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Y/n pov

Me and Felix walked in to the classroom and found an empty table by the window with 2 seats unoccupied, we hurried to the table before anyone else took it and settled down before class started.

I recognized some faces from my last years classes but we didnt really talk.

The teacher walked in the room as the bell rang and stood in front of the class. "Ahem everyone sit down please." the teacher said getting everyones attention. "Hello class I am Mr.Park and I will be your Language Arts teacher for this year at this school, Im gonna take attendance so stand up when I call your name." Then he looks at a paper and starts calling names.

After a little, me and felix's names were called but right after Felixs name was called the teacher took a sigh."Lee Minho?" The teacher calls, nobody responds. When the teacher was going to move on to the next name, a boy walks in the class. "Here" he says. The teacher look at him. "And you're late, On the first day of school, Go sit down at the empty chair back there." The teacher says, then continuing attendance.

When he entered the room he made eye contact with me, we stared then looked away when the teacher told him to sit down.

When I saw that boy walk in, I recognized him from earlier, he was the one who bumped in to me at the snack bar, That jerk didnt even apologize. When he came in like all of the girls eyes went to him, they watched him as he sat down while whispering to each other's friends about how good looking he was.

On the other hand the boys were either shocked or annoyed by him.

Before the lesson started, me and Felix turned and looked at eachother with an annoyed face because of how that boy walked in and got all the attention. We didnt really want attention but we were just annoyed by him. Lee Minho.

« Time skip »

The period ended and we had a 5 minute passing period. Me and Felix were just going to talk to eachother for a little until some girls from the class got up from their seats and went to LeE MiNhO.

3rd person

The girls were being kind of loud and y/n just zoned out staring at the desk. But with Felix he turned himself around to look at group of people behind him while still sitting in his chair, he looked at Minho. Minho was just responding to all these things he was getting asked until his gaze went on y/n.

Minho just stared at y/n but y/n didnt know since she wasnt looking his direction, on the other hand Felix saw that Minho was looking at y/n. Felix waved his hand behind y/n which was where Minho was staring, Felix had a confused mixed with a serious face. Minho saw the hand and focused back to where he was, He then looked at Felix and smirked while looking away.

Felix pov

After Minho took his eyes of y/n, I tapped y/n who was still staring at the desk. "We gotta go to 2nd period" I said to her, She got up with me and we walked out the room entering the hallway. Our next class was in the same hall so we walked together on our way. "Bye Felix, see you at lunch" y/n said to me, I waved her a bye then she went in to her class and I went to mine.

When I walked in to the room I saw a friend of mine sitting at a desk. "Jeongin!" I said to him while going towards him. He gave me a smile and told me to sit next to him and so I did.

Y/n pov

I said bye to Felix and walked in to my history class, there was this boy near the back with like 4 girls talking to him but I just ignored it. Since none of my friends had 2nd period with me I just sat at an empty desk that was at the back of the room in the middle lane. There was 2 minutes before class started and I was bored and alone so I rested my head in my arms on the desk closing my eyes.

Literally like 10 seconds later I heard the sounds of chairs moving around and a bunch of "sit with me" "I have a free spot" stuff like that, the students were telling someone to sit with them. I was wondering who everyone was talking too but I didn't want to lift my head up so I stayed down listening to my surroundings.

Then I heard someone sit in the chair next to me and thats when I looked up.

Minho pov

*End of 1st period*

I saw the girl I bumped in to and the boy next to her get up to leave so I decided to leave to. "Im gonna get going to my next class now." I said to the girls who were surrounding me.

A little after, I walked in to my second period classroom and I saw my friend
Sitting at a desk, I was gonna sit with him but there was already a girl next to him and a few girls around him. Then I saw the girl I bumped in to earlier, her head was on the table. I saw that the seat next to her was empty so I decided to sit with her.

She didnt notice I was here since her head was down, Even tho the other girls were begging and telling me to sit with them I still proceeded to walk to the girl and sit next to her. Then she raised her head.

Y/n pov

I raised my head to look at who was next to me and you wouldve guessed it...I know you know LEE KNOW YEAH.

A/N - Im joking thats not apart of the story I just had to put it their

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