(28) Hangout pt3

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Y/n pov

Minho was carrying me on his back while walking, having my arms wrapped around his collar as he was holding on to my legs, "Why are you so light?" Minho asks me.

I make a confused face from his comment, "Uh- I don't know I haven't checked my weight" I tell Minho, still confused as before, well I am underweight ,I think, by like 10 pounds or something but idk.

"I don't know, but you feel light." Minho responds while readjusting me on his back, "Um- okay" I say to him not knowing what I'm supposed to say or do.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


Minho has carried me on his back the whole way to the park, when we got to the park we saw that everyone was already gathered around a bench, either sitting or standing.

"Finally the couple is here." Ryujin yells out sarcastically. I look at Ryujin and roll my eyes as Minho laughs quietly. "Took you two long enough." Yeji points out, "It's 1:59, you said to meet here at 2:00. You never said 2 sharp." I tell them with a sarcastic smile.

"Whatever, let's go to the bus stop now." Ryujin tells us while getting up from her spot. Everyone else starts to get up and follow eachother down the sidewalk. As we entered the bus, which was heading downtown, everyone was having their own conversations with each other. All seats were getting taken, leaving one last empty spot, coincidentally Minho was the last one standing with me so we ended up sitting with each other.

Minho sits next to window, sighing. I'm guessing he's tired, I chuckle silently as I sit next to him. Only a few minutes in the ride, I notice Minho bobbing his head, asleep. I smile softly watching him slowly lean his head on my shoulder, I felt flustered from how close he is to me but I didn't do anything. Soon after, my eyes was getting heavier, drifting off to sleep myself.

I was woken up from a constant camera clicking sound, my eyes had a hard time adjusting due to the sun flashing my face but I was able to see a phone camera taking a picture. I followed the arm that was holding the phone and it leaded to Yeji behind us giggling with Ryujin, I look at them with a disgusted face, sarcastically. I turn next to me and realize, Minho was still sleeping on my shoulder. That's why they were taking photos, I thought.

I notice the sunlight was bothering him, so I decided to do him a favor and use my hand to block the sunlight from his eyes. I held my hand like that until the bus turned and the sun wasn't pointing at us anymore.

The bus soon stopped at our destination and everyone was getting ready to leave, I poke on Minho's cheeks to wake him up and it worked. He slowly lifts his head, groaning as he was slowly waking up and getting back to reality, "We're here." I stated while getting up from my seat followed by Minho who was getting up too.

Minho's pov

I exited the bus with y/n in front me, I quickly glance at our seat to see if we forgot anything, but we didn't so I continued following y/n out the bus. The rest were already outside waiting, "Soo, what are we doing?" Felix asks us, no one answered as everyone was also clueless on where to go.

"Food, I am starving." Y/n answered, exaggerating a little bit. Everyone agrees, forgetting they haven't ate lunch yet, "Yeah, I am a bit hungry too." Jeongin says to us.
"Oh yeah, I know a nearby restaurant near us." Hyunjin speaks, looking at the map on his phone.
"Then, let's go. What ya'll waiting for?" Ryujin hurries us as we follow her direction.

Y/n's pov

We enter the restaurant all together and a waitress leads us to our table, I was between Yeji and Ryujin. She gives us our menus and water, we started to order the food we wanted and the waitress leaves with our orders listed.

We chatted with each other while waiting for our orders, I was swinging my feet under the table when I accidentally swing my feet to Minho's legs in front of me. Whoops, that probably left a bruise, I thought as I was avoiding his glare.

I ignore him until I felt a less aggressive kick on my leg, I let out a quiet scream from the sudden pain. I glare back at him, kicking him again as sign for him to stop. He kicks back, clearly not getting the sign. We continued kicking each other aggeresively, not moving our glare on each other. One of his kicks were more painful leaving me to flinch from it, "Tch." I click my tongue at him, rolling my eyes. I slightly slouched in my chair going under the table a little and I kicked his private, Then I sat back up in my spot acting like nothing happened.

Minho's pov

"Ah-" I yell from the pain, I realized I yelled too loud as everyone on the table was facing me. I chuckle embarrassingly, scratching the back of my neck.

Our food soon came after causing everyone to forget what just happened, we all digged in the food as if we haven't ate for 3 weeks. I spot Jeongin doing his happy food dance which made me giggle at his actions.
"This Tteok-bokki is- mmhm." Y/n stated, stuffing her mouth and wiggling her arms excitedly. I feel like watching a toddler, I chuckle, cute. I cut myself off before I get my thoughts ahead of me, eating more off my food.

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