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« Time skip »

Y/n pov

Minho and I finished our noodles and washed out bowls, we both sat on the sofa in silence. "How did you get out of school?" I ask Minho since it was the first thing that came to my mind. He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Like how did you get out of class to get me?" I explain to him and he makes an 'o' with his mouth.

"I told the teacher I had to get home because my parents were going to take me somewhere." He told me.

"Ohh I see," I respond. After a little silence, Minho asks me something.

"What happened in the bathroom at school? Your clothes were drenched." Minho asks me and I look at him.

"Uhh well, When I said bye to you and Hyunjin. I ran to class and dropped off my stuff then ran to the bathroom, after I used the toilet I went to wash my hands and 3 girls came out of nowhere and cornered me and saying stuff like 'StAy AwAy FrOm MinHo blah blah blah' and threatening me then they threw water balloons at me which I don't know where they get that from, then Ryujin came and helped me out." I explain to Minho and he looks at me chuckling a little after I finished.

"What" I ask him wondering why he's laughing.

"They want you to stay away from me?" He said while laughing and I look at him confused.

"I don't even know how they thought if all of this, they even have pictures of us together, weird.." I say to him with a disgusted face as he laughs.

"They'll eventually get over their jealousy about us being together," He smiles while looking at me so I smile back.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

I walked to school the next day, the lesson of the week was: don't go to the bathroom alone.

I went to my first period and everyone kept staring at me besides Felix, "why is everyone staring at me?" I ask Felix but he just shrugs his shoulders not knowing the answer, class started.

Class ended and I went to the second period and sat with Hyunjin again like yesterday, I saw Minho sitting with a girl and the girl was all up in his personal space and he looked uncomfortable but I couldn't do anything about it. Other students were still staring at me. They were giving me dirty looks. What is with everyone? I thought to myself as I look at the people looking at me. I ask Hyunjin if he knows why people are staring at me, "I don't know, people are weird at this school," Hyunjin tells me as I continue to look around.

2nd period ended, I walked through the halls getting to 3rd period as some people watched me. Did I do something? Is my uniform okay? Why are they staring at me? I thought to myself while putting my head down trying to avoid eye contact with others.

I arrived at my next class and sat next to Yeji who saved a spot for me. I put down my stuff and look at Yeji, when I looked at her she had a worried face, "What's wrong" I ask her and she makes a confused face.

"Are you clueless or something?" Yeji asks me and I look at her confused. Clueless?

I look away from her to see what's going on around class to see if there's anything but there are only other students looking at me. "The only thing I know is people keep looking at me weirdly. I don't know what I did but yeah that's all I know." I tell Yeji while slowly turning my head towards her but still looking at others.

"Aish you- whatever just look." Yeji was about to say something about me until she takes out her phone telling me to look at it. I take the phone from her hands and look at whats on it.


Y/ns a cheating slut
Written anonymously

How do you know?
Written anonymously

Yeah how would you know that?
Written anonymously

I saw her at the party and every hour she's with a different boy coming out of a room.
Written anonymously

What's your proof?
Written anonymously

I don't have proof but, I saw her kiss Hyunjin, she was with 2 other boys in the living room, and I saw her kissing Minho at the party and yesterday home early yesterday before lunch even started
Written anonymously

And so did Minho
Written anonymously

You think they snook out together?
Written anonymously

Y/n was with multiple boys? Never knew such a smart girl would do that. What a big liar.
Written anonymously

I kept reading the messages from other students on Yeji's phone. I was being filled with anger from these lies being said about me and how people believe them. I gave the phone back to Yeji and rubbed my hands in my face, "you stupid b-" I muffled while covering my face.

"So what are we gonna do about this?" Yeji asks me while placing her elbow on her desk with her head resting on it.

"I'm gonna beat the b!tch," I whisper to her and she smiles.

"As you should," she tells me as a mischievous smile forms on her face.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

I was in line in the cafeteria with Yeji, Ryujin, Felix, and Jeongin. We were all talking until I heard people from behind me say something.

"Isn't that the girl who slept with the boys?"

"Yeah, it is. how terrible of her."

"I can't believe she's top 5 at this school," I heard people talking to each other from behind me so I turned around. When I turned I saw a few girls huddled up talking about me.

I gave them dirty looks and rolled my eyes, then turning back around to my friends. "What an attitude." I heard one of them say but I decided to ignore it, no matter how mad I would get. This place is filled with tiny brained students.

My friends and I got our food and went to an empty table next to the other boys' tables. We sat down and started to eat our food talking about whatever came to our minds to distract ourselves from the obvious whispering in the background.

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